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Watchtower Wallet and Operational Environment Simulator

In a Revault deployment a watchtower (WT) is relied upon to enforce restrictive policies on funds which have been delegated to managers by stakeholders. To compute the operational costs and identify risks we have constructed a model of the WT wallet and its operating environment, and we simulate this for various types of Revault user.

The WT wallet model is a statemachine with a few atomic state transitions. Readers are referred to the research paper for a detailed discussion.

The WT achieves its goal to enforce policies by broadcasting a cancel transaction when an unvault attempt breaks the policy. The WT must pay the transaction fee for the cancel transaction at the time of broadcast. The cancel transaction is prepared by stakeholders with ANYONECANPAY|ALL signatures to enable the WT to add inputs to bump the transaction fee. The WT must maintain a pool of confirmed coins in order to accurately supplement cancel transaction fees, and it manages its pool of coins with self-paying consolidate-fanout transactions. The operational costs for a WT thus consist of cancel transaction fees, consolidate-fanout transaction fees, and refill transaction fees (paid by the operator).

Note that although the cancel transaction is in practice pre-signed with a 88sat/vb feerate the simulation assumes it needs to pay for the whole fee, as a worst case scenario.

Running the simulator


The simulator can be configured by setting the following environment variables.

ENV VAR Meaning Value type Default value
PLOT_FILENAME Name of graphical plot of results str None
REPORT_FILENAME Name of text-based results report str None
N_STK Number of stakeholders int in (1,10) 7
N_MAN Number of managers int in (1,10) 3
LOCKTIME Relative locktime length for unvault int > 0 24
RESERVE_STRAT Strategy for defining feerate reserve per vault CUMMAX95Q90 or CUMMAX95Q1 CUMMAX95Q90
FALLBACK_EST_STRAT Fall-back strategy for fee-rate estimation if estimateSmartFee fails ME30 or 85Q1H 85Q1H
CF_COIN_SELECTION Coin selection version for consolidate-fanout transaction 0, 1, 2 or 3 3
CANCEL_COIN_SELECTION Coin selection version for cancel transaction 0 or 1 1
HIST_CSV Path to fee history data str block_fees/historical_fees.csv
NUMBER_VAULTS Number of vaults to initialize simulation with int in (1,500) 20
REFILL_EXCESS Excess number of vaults to prepare for with each refill int 2
REFILL_PERIOD Interval between refill attempts int > 144 1008
DELEGATE_RATE Probability per day to trigger new vault registration float in (0,1) None
UNVAULT_RATE Probability per day to trigger an unvault float in (0,1) 1
INVALID_SPEND_RATE Probability per unvault to trigger a cancel instead of a spend float in (0,1) 0.01
CATASTROPHE_RATE Probability per block to trigger a catastrophe float in (0,1) 0.001

If DELEGATE_RATE is not set, the simulation will run at a fixed scale where there is a new vault registration for each unvault. If DELEGATE_RATE is set the simulation will register new vaults stochastically, simulating a more dynamic and realistic operation.

To control which results to plot, you can set the following environment variables:

ENV VAR Plot content Value type Default value
PLOT_BALANCE total balance, un-allocated balance, required reserve against time 0 or 1 1
PLOT_DIVERGENCE minimum, maximum and mean divergence of vault reserves from requirement 0 or 1 0
PLOT_CUM_OP_COST cumulative operation cost for cancel, consolidate-fanout and refill transactions 0 or 1 1
PLOT_RISK_TIME highlights cumulative operations cost plot with time-at-risk 0 or 1 0
PLOT_OP_COST cost per operation for cancel, consolidate-fanout and refill transactions 0 or 1 0
PLOT_OVERPAYMENTS cumulative and individual cancel transaction fee overpayments compared to current fee-rate estimate 0 or 1 0
PLOT_RISK_STATUS risk coefficient against time 0 or 1
PLOT_FB_COINS_DIST coin pool distribution (sampled every 10,000 blocks) 0 or 1 0

Note that at least two plot types are required to run the simulation.


We use pandas for data analysis and matplotlib for plotting the results. Before running the simulation, you need to install these dependencies.

cd model/
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


You can run the script with the defaults (by not specifying a configuration) or try one of the available examples. For instance the script simulates the usage of Revault for a typical bitcoin retailer:

# From the `model` directory

From there explore by tweaking the config as detailed above and report bugs/inconsistencies to our bug tracker!

Monte Carlo simulations

To get make a real comparison between factors that effect risk and operational costs, running a single simulation can be mis-leading as the variance between results can be quite large. To get the precision on comparative results, you can use the monte-carlo method. By varying the pseudo-random number generator seed, you can simulate "alternative histories" where the operational sequencing (which are triggered stochastically) is different. With you can run NUM_CORES independent simulations in parallel with each on a separate CPU. You can also specify a number of repeats of the parallel simulations to run with REPEATS_PER_CORE. You must specify STUDY_TYPE as one of:


You must also set a range of values VAL_RANGE for the chosen study type. These environment variables are necessary in addition to a subset of those required to run The environment variables that correspond to valid study types must all be set (or else a default value is used). The plot environment variables aren't configurable with because the intention is not to generate plots, but instead to aggregate results per value (in VAL_RANGE) and output the results into a file at results/report_{STUDY_TYPE}_{value}-PRNG_{prng_seed}.csv. These aggregate results can then be interpreted or plotted for interpretation. The data that is generated consists of the mean and standard deviation (std dev) of aggregate data over all simulations at a given value in VAL_RANGE.

Data name Meaning
mean_balance_mean mean of mean balances across the span of a simulation
mean_balance_std_dev std dev of mean balances across the span of a simulation
cum_ops_cost_mean mean cumulative operational costs
cum_ops_cost_std_dev std dev of cumulative operational costs
cum_cancel_fee_mean mean cumulative cancel transaction fees
cum_cancel_fee_std_dev std dev of cumulative cancel transaction fees
cum_cf_fee_mean mean cumulative consolidate-fanout transaction fees
cum_cf_fee_std_dev std dev of cumulative consolidate-fanout transaction fees
cum_refill_fee_mean mean cumulative refill transaction fees
cum_refill_fee_std_dev std dev of cumulative refill transaction fees
time_at_risk_mean mean of total time at risk during a simulation
time_at_risk_std_dev std dev of total time at risk during a simulation
mean_recovery_time_mean mean time to recover from an at-risk state
mean_recovery_time_std_dev std dev of time to recover from an at-risk state
median_recovery_time_mean mean of median of time to recover from an at-risk state
median_recovery_time_std_dev std_dev of median time to recover from an at-risk state
max_recovery_time_mean mean of max time to recover during a simulation
max_recovery_time_std_dev std dev of max time to recover during a simulation
delegation_failure_count_mean mean of total number of delegation failures during a simulation
delegation_failure_count_std_dev std dev of total number of delegation failures during a simulation
delegation_failure_rate_mean mean of rate of delegation failures during a simulation (percentage)
delegation_failure_rate_std_dev std dev of rate of delegation failures during a simulation (percentage)
max_cancel_conf_time_mean mean of maximum confirmation time for a cancel transaction during a simulation
max_cancel_conf_time_std_dev std dev of maximum confirmation time for a cancel transaction during a simulation
max_cf_conf_time_mean mean of maximum confirmation time for a consolidate-fanout transaction during a simulation
max_cf_conf_time_std_dev std dev of maximum confirmation time for a consolidate-fanout transaction during a simulation
max_risk_coef_mean mean of the maximum of the risk coefficient during a simulation
max_risk_coef_std_dev std dev of the maximum of the risk coefficient during a simulation

An example of how to use this is given with the script in the examples.

# From the `model` directory

Note that this could take a long time if REPEATS_PER_CORE is high.