Tobii Web Socket Server is a Web Socket Server that wraps the Tobii Interaction SDK and transmits the data through web sockets. It is a fork of the archived and discontinued
Some new features:
- Reporting the state of the tracker
- Supports HeadPose and EyePosition API
- Supports multiple clients, subscribing to different APIs
You can download an executable if you don't want to compile the project by yourself. To do that, simply download a published Release to a location of your choice.
In order to run the server, open the terminal, navigate to the location where the Release folder is located, and run TobiiSocketServer.exe
, which will start the server on the default port (8887). You can optionally pass a custom port number like TobiiSocketServer.exe 8886
. Note that the Tobii EyeX Server must be running before using the Tobii Web Socket Server.
If you wish, you could also build the project by yourself. The project is built using Visual Studio 2019 Community.
From your web application call:
const ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8886", ["Tobii.Interaction"]);
ws.onmessage = (m) => console.log(JSON.parse(;
// yields as message:
msg = {"type":"state","data":{"userPresence":"Present","userProfileName":"rezreal","eyeTrackingDeviceStatus":"Tracking","gazeTracking":"GazeTracked","screenBounds":{"X":0,"Y":0,"Width":1920,"Height":1080},"displaySize":{"Height":286.875,"Width":509.99999999999994}}}
// updates to one of these properties will yield a message of the same structure.
// subscribes to GazePoint events
// unsubscribes to GazePoint events
// ws.send('stopGazePoint');
// subscribes to EyePosition events
// unsubscribes to EyePosition events
// ws.send('stopEyePosition');
// subscribes to HeadPose events
// unsubscribes to HeadPose events
// ws.send('stopHeadPose');
All other events are directly mapped from their C# API equivalent. See for reference (GazePointData, HeadPoseData, EyePositionData).
This project is under the MIT Licence