- dashboard: Maps for Species Richness & Detection Frequency [#314]
- spotlight: Species call spectrogram and audio [#326]
- spotlight: Extinction risk rating [#320]
- spotlight: CSV Export [#146]
- dashboard: Richness by extinction rating [#332]
- species: Add species common name [#330]
- spotlight: Fix species-selector styles & alignment [#146]
- activity: Reconnect filter [#312]
- activity: Improve table UI for multiple datasets [#312]
- activity: Update CSV to support multiple datasets [#370]
- exports: Add export button to charts and maps everywhere consistently [#329]
- filters: Searchable drop-down for site filter [#50]
- filters: Improve date-range picker [#55]
- maps: Center map on project [#351]
- maps: Replace scroll to zoom with +/- buttons (to avoid conflicts with page scrolling) [#350]
- navbar: Remove "analytics" and give more space for project title [#353]
- line-charts: Show hour-of-day, day-of-week, month-of-year (remove by quarter, by year) [#325]
- line-charts: Add axis titles to chart exports [#199]
- line-chart: Increase font size for x/y axis ticks [#327]
- activity: Remove naive occupancy from line chart [#328]
- spotlight: Fix IUCN citation [#321]
- charts: Fix chart downloads on Firefox [#171]
- dx: Verify Safari serve is working [#246]
- project: Support Puerto Rico project id in staging
- dashboard: Project profile panel [#308]
- dashboard: "Top Taxons" bar & badges panel [#315]
- dashboard: Highlighted Species panel [#304]
- dashboard: Endangered species panel [#316]
- dashboard: Line chart for species and detection frequency [#313]
- spotlight: Searchable species selector [#228]
- species: Update species name style [#229]
- export: Legend for bar & line charts [#109]
- dashboard: Project metrics with mock api connecting [#303]
- activity-overview: Export species information match to the table species as csv [#282]
- activity-overview: Species table which display each species detection, detection frequency, occupied sites, and naive occupancy [#281]
- activity-overview: Group detection, detection frequency, and occupancy map [#255][#257]
- activity-overview: Group detection, detection frequency, and occupancy line chart [#259][#260]
- selection: Add taxon in dataset comparison filter [#219]
- selection: Remove taxon toggle from map [#267]
- inclusion: New inclusive color theme (better contrast & color-blindness support) [#300]
- overview: Sitemap on overview page [#277]
- overview: Puerto Rico project information [#278]
- activity-patterns: Puerto Rico "Predicted Occupancy" maps [#285]
- activity-patterns: Species information from IUCN [#165][#294]
- activity-patterns: Group detection, detection frequency, and occupancy map [#261]
- auth: Do not redirect to overview after deep-link [#293]
// TODO: Replace this with logs Sprint Goal:
- [Activity Pattern]
- Map: detection, detection frequency, occupancy by location
- Line chart: detection, detection frequency, occupancy ratio by time
- [Filter]
- Add taxon filter in the Dataset comparison
- Remember Dataset filter across different reports
- [API] Setup API & Species Richness data structure
- [UI] Increase map bubble contrast
- [Export] Add legends on chart and map exports
// TODO: Replace this with logs Sprint Goal:
- [Species Richness]
- Real data from Puerto Rico project (as embed JSON file in the project)
- UI & Usability improvement
- Export menu
- Table sort & pagination
- Line chart bug fixes & UI improvement
- [Activity Pattern]
- Add title & comparison box
- POC on species information with Wikipedia / IUCN Red List
- Add detection frequency & occupancy metrics
- Other improvements
- refactoring code, prepare for the new structure of data
// TODO: Replace this with logs Sprint Goal:
- New elements in Species Richness page
- Line chart that represents dataset by time (hour, day, month, year)
- Map
- Add export feature to map chart
- Pick background style & toggle place names
- Table represents species name data, and export as csv feature
- Other improvements
- Move species group toggle to the top level filter
- Improve png export to be dark foreground
- Support responsive: bar chart, filter box
- Start on Activity Pattern page (if all mentioned above are done)
- fixed: Update SR line-chart to correctly display SR instead of detections (#172)
- refactor: Refactor species richness table display (#112)
// TODO: Replace this with logs Sprint Goal:
- First version of Map chart
- Improve species richness count graph to include the comparison data source
- Export graph as image figure
- [Bonus] Refactor some code: stream => site / env file / pop up component / search sites
// TODO: Replace this with logs
- Sprint Goal:
- Species count per Taxonomic Group (histogram)
- Real data from Puerto Rico project (via export)
- Filter site list
- Filter start/end dates
- setup: CE-1261 Setup biodiversity analytics project (CE-1261)
- setup: CE-1297 Setup biodiversity analytics deployment (CE-1297)
- setup: CE-1335 Setup navigation bar with project selector (CE-1335)
- setup: CE-1262 Set up authentication page (CE-1262)
- setup: CE-1348 Set up biodiversity analytics store data tool(CE-1348)
- setup: Set up api service for calling an api
// TODO: Move to correct version: 0.0.2 - 0.0.6
- feature: CE-1327 User can see the comparison box at the top of report (CE-1327)
- feature: CE-1357 User can change project directly in Analytics website (CE-1357)
- feature: See species by taxonomic group in graph (#12, #27, #42)
- feature: Export graph as image (#31)
- feature: Improve bar chart to support group bar chart (#58)
- feature: Getting the comparison filter box ready for chart data (#59)
- feature: Map of species count by site (#41)
- feature: Map to be export as png (#86)
- feature: Map style toggle (#88)
- feature: Bar chart support responsive (#61)
- feature: Table - list species name in the table (#82)
- feature: Export species richness raw data as csv (#36)
- feature: Activity patterns species selector (#89)
- feature: Detected species by time (#20)
- feature: Export csv support multiple datasets(#106)
- feature: Each species row in table should be clickable and link to ap page (#110)
- feature: Export line chart as PNG (#85)
- feature: Function to compute shortname to describe dataset and update export filename(#107, #108)
- feature: Add comparison box list to Activity patterns page (#129)
- feature: Table pagination (#135)
- feature: Update the table row to be consistent row (#160)
- feature: Table sort by species name or class (#147)
- feature: Add export ellipsis button(#131)
- feature: Research about API to get species information (#163)
- feature: Activity patterns page detection frequency and occupancy rate metrics (#130)
- feature: Species richness page add
column to CSV file (#173) - feature: Activity Patterns Map - Detection Frequency by Location (#193)
- feature: Activity Patterns Map - Detection by location (#90)
- feature: Activity Patterns Map - Occupancy by Location (#194)
- feature: Activity patterns Line chart - Detection and detection frequency by time (#196)
- feature: Activity patterns Line chart - Occupancy ratio by time (#153)
- feature: Activity patterns Metrics - Eliminate the symbol (%) since “frequency”and “ratio” are not percentage (#230)
- feature: API prototype