Releases: rht-labs/labs-sre-automation
Releases · rht-labs/labs-sre-automation
> git log v1.0.15...v1.0.16 --pretty=format:"- %h %s by %an" --no-merges
- 84298f5 Fix callbacks and destroy (#72) by MAHDTech
- 316a292 Update manage-participants playbook (#71) by MAHDTech
- 7e69d5d Add user reset ability (#66) by MAHDTech
- 952a6cc Feature/do500 schedules generation (#68) by makirill
- da1a7e0 DO500 notifications generation (#67) by makirill
- a6dcaa0 EL and Tech Lead emails included into CC list (#65) by makirill
> git log v1.0.14...v1.0.15 --pretty=format:"- %h %s by %an" --no-merges
- e1538d9 If inventory project exists, update project and sync sources (#64) by Paul Barfuss
- 537edb5 Fix indentfirst to be compatible with jinja 3.0.x (#63) by Paul Barfuss
- 314dcde set allow_simultaneous to false on job template (#62) by Paul Barfuss
- 28d879e Fix inventory paths (#61) by Paul Barfuss
- 447c8d8 Update rrule in tower_jobs_scheduled template to use better defaults and include timezone info. (#53) by Paul Barfuss
- 9c1e90d Change description of project and add defaults to user lists (#60) by Paul Barfuss
- b509544 Adding required 'cloud_tags' for engagements (#58) by Øystein Bedin
- f5b5643 Fixed renaming error for governor type (#57) by Jakub Filipczak
- 4c61747 Fix left behind governor_name (#56) by Tyler Auerbeck
- f35f47f Cleanup governor config (#55) by Tyler Auerbeck
- ee3c0e4 Fix credential with ssh_key_data under inputs (#52) by Paul Barfuss
- e079465 Change to use infra-ansible automation (#51) by Paul Barfuss
> git log v1.0.13...v1.0.14 --pretty=format:"- %h %s by %an" --no-merges
- b69edcc Remove ansible-2.10 inputs dict in favor of 2.9 ssh_key_data (#50) by Paul Barfuss
- 8ae8416 Reverting back to ansible-2.9 'kind' (#49) by Paul Barfuss
- 1afbea8 Add launch conditions based on end_date (#48) by Paul Barfuss
- 7757b11 Fix enagement_type conditional (#47) by Paul Barfuss
- a6a33e4 Adding a default Tower Admin username (#46) by Øystein Bedin
- 54535a8 Add playbooks to generate inventories for scheduled notifications (#45) by Paul Barfuss