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215 lines (174 loc) · 14 KB

User Authentication API Boilerplate

This project is a boilerplate for an API that handles user creation and authentication. It provides a basic set of functionalities and endpoints to manage users and authentication tokens, built with Node.js and TypeScript.


  • User Registration: Register new users with basic information.
  • Email Confirmation: Verify user registration via a confirmation code.
  • User Login: Authenticate users and issue JWT tokens.
  • Token Refresh: Refresh JWT tokens using a refresh token.
  • User Logout: Invalidate JWT tokens and log out users.
  • Google Authentication: Log in using Google OAuth2.

Tools and Technologies

This project utilizes a variety of tools and technologies to handle user authentication, data management, and infrastructure deployment:


  • Node.js: JavaScript runtime environment for building scalable network applications.
  • TypeScript: Superset of JavaScript that adds static typing.
  • Fastify: Web framework for building fast and low-overhead APIs.
  • AWS SDK:
    • @aws-sdk/client-dynamodb: Client for interacting with DynamoDB.
    • @aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb: Helper library for DynamoDB operations.
    • @aws-sdk/util-dynamodb: Utilities for working with DynamoDB data types.
  • Fastify Plugins:
    • @fastify/aws-lambda: Integration of Fastify with AWS Lambda.
    • @fastify/cors: CORS support for Fastify applications.
    • @fastify/oauth2: OAuth2 support for Fastify, used for SSO.
    • @fastify/rate-limit: Rate limiting middleware for Fastify.
  • JWT:
    • jsonwebtoken: Library for generating and verifying JSON Web Tokens.
  • Validation:
    • zod: TypeScript-first schema declaration and validation library.
    • zod-to-json-schema: Converts Zod schemas to JSON Schema format for use with Fastify.
  • Dependency Injection:
    • tsyringe: Lightweight dependency injection container for TypeScript/JavaScript.
  • Utilities:
    • axios: HTTP client for making API requests.
    • env-var: Library for parsing and validating environment variables.
    • uuid: Library for generating unique identifiers.
    • reflect-metadata: Library used for decorators and metadata reflection.
  • Logging:
    • winston: Versatile logging library.


  • Terraform: Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool used to define and provision infrastructure using a high-level configuration language.

Project Structure

The project is organized into several folders within the src/ directory:

# Root files in `src/`
├── constants.ts                       # Defines application-wide constants, such as fixed values or configuration settings.
├── container.ts                       # Configures and manages dependency injection using `tsyringe`.
├── lambda.ts                          # Entry point for serverless deployment, configuring the app to run as an AWS Lambda function.
├── main.ts                            # Main entry point of the application, responsible for bootstrapping the app.
├── server.ts                          # Contains the setup for the Fastify HTTP server.

# Custom type definitions
└── ...                                # Custom TypeScript type definitions and interfaces used throughout the application.

# External service integrations
├── email/                             # Handles email-related functionalities like sending verification codes.
├── logger/                            # Logging service for tracking errors and activities.
└── unique-id/                         # Utility for generating unique identifiers.

# Configuration files for different parts of the application
├── dynamo.config.ts                   # Configuration for DynamoDB.
├── env.config.ts                      # Environment variables configuration.
├── jwt.config.ts                      # Configuration for generating and verifying JWT tokens.
├── rate-limit.config.ts               # Rate limiting configuration.
├── sso-google.config.ts               # Google SSO (Single Sign-On) configuration.
└── sso.config.ts                      # Centralized configuration for integrating multiple SSO providers.

# API request handlers and business logic
├── auth.controller.ts                 # Handles authentication-related requests.
└── registration.controller.ts         # Handles user registration and confirmation.

# Custom error classes and handling
└── app.error.ts                       # Application-specific error classes.

# Reusable helper functions and utilities
└── auth.helper.ts                     # Helper functions related to authentication.

# TypeScript interfaces for defining data structures
└── ...                                # Interfaces for data models and service responses.

# Middleware functions for request processing and validation
├── ensure-authenticated.middleware.ts # Ensures that a request is authenticated.
├── error-handling.middleware.ts       # Handles errors across the application.
└── request-audit.middleware.ts        # Logs and audits incoming requests.

# Data access logic and abstractions
├── email-template.repository.ts       # Manages storage and retrieval of email templates.
├── session.repository.ts              # Handles data related to user sessions.
├── user-auth-provider.repository.ts   # Manages user authentication providers.
├── user.repository.ts                 # Handles operations related to user data.
└── verification-code.repository.ts    # Manages verification codes for email confirmation.

# Route definitions and endpoint configurations for the API
├── app.router.ts                      # Registers all routes, including general and module-specific routes like /health.
├── auth.router.ts                     # Routes related to authentication (login, logout, etc.).
└── registration.router.ts             # Routes for user registration and email confirmation.

# Validation schemas for request payloads using Zod
├── login.schema.ts                    # Validates the payload for the login request.
├── login-confirm.schema.ts            # Validates the payload for confirming a login.
├── login-refresh.schema.ts            # Validates the payload for refreshing JWT tokens.
├── registration.schema.ts             # Validates the payload for user registration.
└── registration-confirm.schema.ts     # Validates the payload for confirming user registration.

# Core business logic and reusable services
├── login.service.ts                   # Validates user and sends a verification code to the user's email for login confirmation.
├── login-confirm.service.ts           # Manages the confirmation of user login using the verification code.
├── logout.service.ts                  # Manages user logout operations, including token invalidation.
├── refresh-login.service.ts           # Handles the process of refreshing access tokens using a refresh token.
├── registration.service.ts            # Handles user registration, sends a verification code to the user's email for account confirmation.
├── registration-confirm.service.ts    # Creates the user account in the system after successful verification.
└── single-sign-on.service.ts          # Manages the SSO (Single Sign-On) processes for different providers.


Infrastructure setup using Terraform and deployment scripts.

├── backend/                      # Infrastructure configuration for backend services
│   ├──                   # Main Terraform configuration file for backend resources.
│   └──                # Specifies the outputs for backend resources, exporting useful information.

├── lambda/                       # Infrastructure configuration for AWS Lambda functions
│   ├──                # Terraform configuration for deploying the Lambda function and its resources.
│   ├──                   # Main Terraform configuration file for the Lambda function setup.
│   ├──                # Specifies the outputs for the Lambda function, exporting useful information.
│   ├──              # Variables used in the Lambda configuration.
│   ├── env/                      # Environment-specific configurations for Lambda functions
│   │   ├── dev.s3.tfbackend      # S3 backend configuration for storing the Terraform state file in the dev environment.
│   │   ├── dev.tfvars            # Variables specific to the dev environment.
│   │   ├── prod.s3.tfbackend     # S3 backend configuration for storing the Terraform state file in the prod environment.
│   │   └── prod.tfvars           # Variables specific to the prod environment.
│   └── layers/                   # Contains configurations for Lambda layers
│       └── nodejs/               # Node.js Lambda layer dependencies (e.g., npm packages)
│           ├── package.json      # Node.js package dependencies for the Lambda layer.
│           └── package-lock.json # Lock file for the Node.js dependencies.

└── scripts/                      # Deployment scripts for automating the infrastructure setup
    ├──         # Shell script for deploying backend infrastructure using Terraform.
    └──          # Shell script for deploying Lambda functions and their configurations using Terraform.

Environment Variables

This project relies on a set of environment variables to configure various aspects of the application. Below is a comprehensive list of these variables, their descriptions, and default values (if any).

Variable Name Required Default Value Description
NODE_ENV No production Defines the environment the application is running in (development, production).
STAGE No prod Indicates the stage of deployment (dev, prod).
IS_DEBUG No Derived from NODE_ENV and STAGE Boolean value indicating if debug mode is enabled.
PORT No 8080 Port on which the application will run.
CORS_ORIGIN No * Specifies the allowed origins for CORS requests.
JWT_SECRET Yes - Secret key used for signing JWT tokens.
JWT_SECRET_VERIFICATION_TOKEN Yes - Secret key used specifically for verification tokens.
APPLICATION_BASE_URL Yes - Base URL of the application.
FRONTEND_CONFIRM_SIGN_UP_URL Yes - URL for confirming user sign-up.
FRONTEND_CONFIRM_SIGN_IN_URL Yes - URL for confirming user sign-in.
RATE_LIMIT_MAX No 60 Maximum number of requests allowed within the time window.
RATE_LIMIT_TIME_WINDOW_MS No 60000 (1 minute) Time window for rate limiting in milliseconds.
AWS_REGION No us-east-1 AWS region for DynamoDB and other AWS services.
AWS_DYNAMO_TABLE_NAME Yes - Name of the DynamoDB table used by the application.
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET Yes - Google OAuth client secret for authentication.
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID Yes - Google OAuth client ID for authentication.
GOOGLE_SSO_ENABLED No false Boolean value indicating if Google SSO is enabled.
EMAIL_PROVIDER No resend Specifies the email provider to be used (Resend, etc.).
DEFAULT_SENDER_EMAIL Yes - Default email address used for sending emails.
RESEND_API_KEY Required if EMAIL_PROVIDER is resend - API key for Resend email provider.
UNIQUE_ID_PROVIDER No uuid Unique ID generation provider (Uuid, etc.).
LOGGER_PROVIDER No winston Logger provider used for logging (Winston, etc.).
LOG_LEVEL No info or debug (if IS_DEBUG is true) Log level for application logs (info, debug, etc.).

Setup and Usage



Running the Project



