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A flood fill based terminal game.

The objective of the game is to fill the board with the same colour in the least number of moves as possible by choosing successive colours to flood fill from the top-left cell.

This project also incorporates a graph traversal algorthm that finds the least number of moves to complete a starting configuration (more infomation below).

Example game play:

Game play image


  • g++

Compiling and linking

  • git clone
  • cd flood-it
  • ./


  • ./flood-it to start a game with a randomly generated board of inputted size.
  • Or ./flood-it filename.txt to open a board file. See example_boards/ for examples.

Description of heuristic search solution solver

Algorithm graph

  • Iterative Deepening A* is used to find the theoretical minimum number of steps for completing the game. The algorithm can be found in methods Game::search and Game::ida_star.

  • Each move that can be played at a current game state is represented as a MoveNode. A MoveNode stores the colour move made last, a snapshot of the board at that point and the number of moves it took to get there. The MoveNode can create children MoveNodes to represent later moves. This creates a dynamically generated graph that can be used for iterative deepening a* traversal.

  • The heuristic I have chosen for a* search is the "number of colours left on the board" because this is the theoretical minimum number of moves the user would have to play on the board to make the board a single colour.

  • Optimisations made to this include caching MoveNode children so that those MoveNodes don’t need to be generated every time the algorithm wants to visit them. Another optimization I made was to cache board node combinations along with the least number of moves it took to get there. This was so that I could stop traversing a MoveNode when I know that somewhere else I have gotten to has got there in less moves.