All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- add test env=mariadb-10.0 -> 10.4
- upgrade php-mysql-replication v6.2.2
- fixed Dto/TimeMonitorDto.php
- add test env=mariadb-10.2, 10.3
- change env variable -- ADD prefix BINLOG_XXX
- upgrade php-mysql-replication v6.0.1
- add test env=mariadb-10.1
- upgrade php-mysql-replication v5.0.5 -- fixed support to recive more than 16Mbyte + tests
- change mariadb's confs
- upgrade php-mysql-replication v5.0.4 -- configService -> ConfigFactory -- mySQLReplicationFactory() -> MySQLReplicationFactory($config); -- update using BinlogException
- refactoring based on php7.1
- binlogId's type string to int
- fix setting of logger
- pass all test
- add .travis.yml, LICENSE
- upload github
- remove unnecessary gtid converting in
- Change tab to space