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Provides endpoints to query data from messages database

Setting up therr_dev_messages database

Make sure you have installed postgres. Follow below steps with provided commands to configure database locally

  1. Login to postgres service. psql postgres

  2. Create new user with password. Make your user a supeuser to avoid privilege issues. In .env file update the username and password. CREATE ROLE newUser WITH LOGIN PASSWORD ‘password’; ALTER USER newUser WITH SUPERUSER;

  3. Now Create Database named therr_dev_messages. CREATE DATABASE therr_dev_messages;

  4. Access the created therr_dev_messages database and create schema named main. \c therr_dev_messages CREATE SCHEMA main;

  5. Grant privilege for database usage and schema to your created user. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE therr_dev_messages TO newUser; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA main TO newUser;

  6. Now Run the migration script found in package.json. npm run migrations:run
