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Sdext (ISA Extension)

This chapter describes the Sdext ISA extension. It must be implemented to make external debug work, and is only useful in conjunction with external debug.

Modifications to the RISC-V core to support debug are kept to a minimum. There is a special execution mode (Debug Mode) and a few extra CSRs. The DM takes care of the rest.

In order to be compatible with this specification an implementation must implement everything described in this chapter that is not explicitly listed as optional.

If Sdext is implemented and Sdtrig is not implemented, then accessing any of the Sdtrig CSRs must raise an illegal instruction exception.

Debug Mode

Debug Mode is a special processor mode used only when a hart is halted for external debugging. Because the hart is halted, there is no forward progress in the normal instruction stream. How Debug Mode is implemented is not specified here.

When executing code due to an abstract command, the hart stays in Debug Mode and the following apply:

  1. All implemented instructions operate just as they do in M-mode, unless an exception is mentioned in this list.

  2. All operations are executed with machine mode privilege, except that additional Debug Mode CSRs are accessible and mprv in mstatus may be ignored according to {dcsr-mprven}. Full permission checks, or a relaxed set of permission checks, will apply according to {abstractcs-relaxedpriv}.

  3. All interrupts (including NMI) are masked.

  4. Traps don’t take place. Instead, they end execution of the program buffer and the hart remains in Debug Mode. Because they do not trap to M-mode, they do not update registers such as , mepc, mcause, mtval, mtval2, and mtinst. The same is true for the equivalent privileged registers that are updated when trapping to other modes. Registers that may be updated as part of execution before the exception are allowed to be updated. For example, vector load/store instructions which raise exceptions may partially update the destination register and set vstart appropriately.

  5. Triggers don’t match or fire.

  6. If {dcsr-stopcount} is 0 then counters continue. If it is 1 then counters are stopped.

  7. If {dcsr-stoptime} is 0 then time continues to update. If it is 1 then time will not update. It will resynchronize with time after leaving Debug Mode.

  8. Instructions that place the hart into a stalled state act as a nop. This includes wfi, wrs.sto, and wrs.nto.

  9. Almost all instructions that change the privilege mode have UNSPECIFIED behavior. This includes ecall, mret, sret, and uret. (To change the privilege mode, the debugger can write {dcsr-prv} and {dcsr-v} in {csr-dcsr}). The only exception is ebreak, which ends execution of the Program Buffer when executed.

  10. All control transfer instructions may act as illegal instructions if their destination is in the Program Buffer. If one such instruction acts as an illegal instruction, all such instructions must act as illegal instructions.

  11. All control transfer instructions may act as illegal instructions if their destination is outside the Program Buffer. If one such instruction acts as an illegal instruction, all such instructions must act as illegal instructions.

  12. Instructions that depend on the value of the PC (e.g. auipc) may act as illegal instructions.

  13. When the Zicfilp extension is implemented, the ELP state is NO_LP_EXPECTED and is not updated by any instructions. LPAD instruction executes as a no-op.

  14. Effective XLEN is DXLEN.

  15. Forward progress is guaranteed.


When {dcsr-mprven}, the external debugger can set MPRV and MPP appropriately to have hardware perform memory accesses with the appropriate endianness, address translation, permission checks, and PMP/PMA checks (subject to {abstractcs-relaxedpriv}). This is also the only way to access all of physical memory when 34-bit physical addresses are supported on a Sv32 hart. If hardware ties {dcsr-mprven} to 0 then the external debugger is expected to simulate all the effects of MPRV, including any extensions that affect memory accesses. For these reasons it is recommended to tie {dcsr-mprven} to 1.

Load-Reserved/Store-Conditional Instructions

The reservation registered by an lr instruction on a memory address may be lost when entering Debug Mode or while in Debug Mode. This means that there may be no forward progress if Debug Mode is entered between lr and sc pairs.


This is a behavior that debug users must be aware of. If they have a breakpoint set between a lr and sc pair, or are stepping through such code, the sc may never succeed. Fortunately in general use there will be very few instructions in such a sequence, and anybody debugging it will quickly notice that the reservation is not occurring. The solution in that case is to set a breakpoint on the first instruction after the sc and run to it. A higher level debugger may choose to automate this.

Wait for Interrupt Instruction

If halt is requested while wfi is executing, then the hart must leave the stalled state, completing this instruction’s execution, and then enter Debug Mode.

Wait-on-Reservation-Set Instructions

If halt is requested while wrs.sto or wrs.nto is executing, then the hart must leave the stalled state, completing this instruction’s execution, and then enter Debug Mode.

Single Step

Step Bit In Dcsr

This method is only available to external debuggers, and is the preferred way to single step.

An external debugger can cause a halted hart to execute a single instruction or trap and then re-enter Debug Mode by setting {dcsr-step} before resuming. If {dcsr-step} is set when a hart resumes then it will single step, regardless of the reason for resuming.

If control is transferred to a trap handler while executing the instruction, then Debug Mode is re-entered immediately after the PC is changed to the trap handler, and the appropriate tval and cause registers are updated. In this case none of the trap handler is executed, and if the cause was a pending interrupt no instructions might be executed at all.

If executing or fetching the instruction causes a trigger to fire with action=1, Debug Mode is re-entered immediately after that trigger has fired. In that case {dcsr-cause} is set to 2 (trigger) instead of 4 (single step). Whether the instruction is executed or not depends on the specific configuration of the trigger.

If the instruction that is executed causes the PC to change to an address where an instruction fetch causes an exception, that exception does not occur until the next time the hart is resumed. Similarly, a trigger at the new address does not fire until the hart actually attempts to execute that instruction.

If the instruction being stepped over would normally stall the hart, then instead the instruction is treated as a nop. This includes wfi, wrs.sto, and wrs.nto.

Icount Trigger

Native debuggers won’t have access to {csr-dcsr}, but can use the {csr-icount} trigger by setting {icount-count} to 1.

This approach does have some limitations:

  1. Interrupts will fire as usual. Debuggers that want to disable interrupts while stepping must disable them by changing mstatus, and specially handle instructions that read mstatus.

  2. wfi instructions are not treated specially and might take a very long time to complete.

This mechanism cleanly supports a system which supports multiple privilege levels, where the OS or a debug stub runs in M-Mode while the program being debugged runs in a less privileged mode. Systems that only support M-Mode can use {csr-icount} as well, but {icount-count} must be able to count several instructions (depending on the software implementation). See [nativestep].


If the halt signal (driven by the hart’s halt request bit in the Debug Module) or {dmstatus-hasresethaltreq} are asserted when a hart comes out of reset, the hart must enter Debug Mode before executing any instructions, but after performing any initialization that would usually happen before the first instruction is executed.


When a hart halts:

  1. {dcsr-cause} is updated.

  2. {dcsr-prv} and {dcsr-v} are set to reflect current privilege mode and virtualization mode.

  3. If the Zicfilp extension is implemented, {dcsr-pelp} is set to the current ELP state and ELP is set to NO_LP_EXPECTED

  4. {csr-dpc} is set to the next instruction that should be executed.

  5. If the current instruction can be partially executed and should be restarted to complete, then the relevant state for that is updated. E.g. if a halt occurs during a partially executed vector instruction, then vstart is updated, and {csr-dpc} is updated to the address of the partially executed instruction. This is analogous to how vector instructions behave for exceptions.

  6. The hart enters Debug Mode.


When a hart resumes:

  1. pc changes to the value stored in {csr-dpc}.

  2. The current privilege mode and virtualization mode are changed to that specified by {dcsr-prv} and {dcsr-v}.

  3. If the Zicfilp extension is enabled at the new privilege mode, the current ELP state is changed to that specified by {dcsr-pelp} else it is set to NO_LP_EXPECTED. {dcsr-pelp} is set to NO_LP_EXPECTED.

  4. If the new privilege mode is less privileged than M-mode, MPRV in mstatus is cleared.

  5. If the Smdbltrp extension is implemented and the new privilege mode is not M, then the MDT bit is set to 0.

  6. If the Ssdbltrp extension is implemented and the new privilege mode is U, VS, or VU, then sstatus.SDT is set to 0. Additionally, if it is VU, then vsstatus.SDT is also set to 0.

  7. The hart is no longer in debug mode.

Core Debug Registers

The supported Core Debug Registers must be implemented for each hart that can be debugged. They are CSRs, accessible using the RISC-V csr opcodes and optionally also using abstract debug commands.

Attempts to access an unimplemented Core Debug Register raise an illegal instruction exception.

Virtual Debug Registers