The Python Tutor website costs significant amounts of money to run. Throughout the years, I've received many offers for custom advertising and sponsor deals. But I've stubbornly held onto the conviction that educational resources like mine should be 100% free and not beholden to advertisers, sponsors, or investors.
In the end, the only funding model I'm comfortable with is one where generous people make donations to keep things free for everyone else. Here are some ways you can help:
- Use Patreon to make a recurring monthly pledge
- Use PayPal or your credit/debit card to give
Thanks for your help in keeping this site up and running!
What will my donation be used for?
Paying web registration and hosting fees to keep running so that millions of people each year can continue to benefit from it.
What will I get for donating?
You'll get the gratitude of millions of current and future visitors to, many of whom come from backgrounds where they cannot afford expensive universities or private tutors.
What will I NOT get for donating?
You will not get preferential treatment in terms of requests for new content, code features, or technical support. Please donate only if you would like to support current and future site visitors.
Will I be put on a spammy mailing list after donating?
Absolutely not. I hate spam more than anything.
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