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Mod Creation_Developer Reference_Items and Equipments Data

Quentin edited this page Dec 14, 2023 · 4 revisions

Items and Equipments Data

Last Updated: Survivors of the Void DLC Release

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Index Code Name Real Name Tier Tags DLC
1 AdaptiveArmor ITEM_ADAPTIVEARMOR_NAME No Tier Utility No DLC
2 AlienHead Alien Head Red Utility No DLC
3 ArmorPlate Repulsion Armor Plate White Utility No DLC
4 ArmorReductionOnHit Shattering Justice Red Damage No DLC
5 ArtifactKey Artifact Key Boss WorldUnique No DLC
6 AttackSpeedAndMoveSpeed Mocha White Damage, Utility Survivors of the Void
7 AttackSpeedOnCrit Predatory Instincts Green Damage No DLC
8 AutoCastEquipment Gesture of the Drowned Lunar Utility, EquipmentRelated No DLC
9 Bandolier Bandolier Green Utility, OnKillEffect No DLC
10 BarrierOnKill Topaz Brooch White Utility, Healing, OnKillEffect No DLC
11 BarrierOnOverHeal Aegis Red Utility, Healing No DLC
12 Bear Tougher Times White Utility, BrotherBlacklist No DLC
13 BearVoid Safer Spaces Void White Utility Survivors of the Void
14 BeetleGland Queen's Gland Boss Utility, CannotCopy No DLC
15 Behemoth Brilliant Behemoth Red Damage No DLC
16 BleedOnHit Tri-Tip Dagger White Damage No DLC
17 BleedOnHitAndExplode Shatterspleen Boss Damage No DLC
18 BleedOnHitVoid Needletick Void White Damage Survivors of the Void
19 BonusGoldPackOnKill Ghor's Tome Green Utility, OnKillEffect No DLC
20 BoostAttackSpeed ITEM_BOOSTATTACKSPEED_NAME No Tier Damage No DLC
21 BoostDamage ITEM_BOOSTDAMAGE_NAME No Tier Damage No DLC
22 BoostEquipmentRecharge ITEM_BOOSTEQUIPMENTRECHARGE_NAME No Tier EquipmentRelated No DLC
23 BoostHp ITEM_BOOSTHP_NAME No Tier Utility No DLC
24 BossDamageBonus Armor-Piercing Rounds White Damage, AIBlacklist No DLC
25 BounceNearby Sentient Meat Hook Red Damage No DLC
26 BurnNearby ITEM_BURNNEARBY_NAME No Tier Damage No DLC
27 CaptainDefenseMatrix Defensive Microbots Red Utility, WorldUnique No DLC
28 ChainLightning Ukulele Green Damage No DLC
29 ChainLightningVoid Polylute Void Green Damage Survivors of the Void
30 Clover 57 Leaf Clover Red Utility No DLC
31 CloverVoid Benthic Bloom Void Red Utility, OnStageBeginEffect Survivors of the Void
32 ConvertCritChanceToCritDamage ITEM_CONVERTCRITCHANCETOCRITDAMAGE_NAME No Tier Damage Survivors of the Void
33 CooldownOnCrit Wicked Ring No Tier Utility No DLC
34 CrippleWardOnLevel ITEM_CRIPPLEWARDONLEVEL_NAME No Tier Utility, CannotCopy No DLC
35 CritDamage Laser Scope Red Damage Survivors of the Void
36 CritGlasses Lens-Maker's Glasses White Damage No DLC
37 CritGlassesVoid Lost Seer's Lenses Void White Damage Survivors of the Void
38 CritHeal ITEM_CRITHEAL_NAME No Tier Healing No DLC
39 Crowbar Crowbar White Damage No DLC
40 CutHp ITEM_CUTHP_NAME No Tier No Tag No DLC
41 Dagger Ceremonial Dagger Red Damage, OnKillEffect, AIBlacklist No DLC
42 DeathMark Death Mark Green Damage No DLC
44 DroneWeapons Spare Drone Parts Red Damage Survivors of the Void
45 DroneWeaponsBoost ITEM_DRONEWEAPONSBOOST_NAME No Tier No Tag Survivors of the Void
46 DroneWeaponsDisplay1 ITEM_DRONEWEAPONSDISPLAY1_NAME No Tier No Tag Survivors of the Void
47 DroneWeaponsDisplay2 ITEM_DRONEWEAPONSDISPLAY2_NAME No Tier No Tag Survivors of the Void
48 ElementalRingVoid Singularity Band Void Green Damage, Utility Survivors of the Void
49 EmpowerAlways ITEM_EMPOWERALWAYS_NAME No Tier Utility, BrotherBlacklist Survivors of the Void
50 EnergizedOnEquipmentUse War Horn Green Damage, EquipmentRelated No DLC
51 EquipmentMagazine Fuel Cell Green Utility, EquipmentRelated No DLC
52 EquipmentMagazineVoid Lysate Cell Void Green Utility Survivors of the Void
53 ExecuteLowHealthElite Old Guillotine Green Damage, AIBlacklist No DLC
54 ExplodeOnDeath Will-o'-the-wisp Green Damage, OnKillEffect No DLC
55 ExplodeOnDeathVoid Voidsent Flame Void Green Damage Survivors of the Void
56 ExtraLife Dio's Best Friend Red Utility No DLC
57 ExtraLifeConsumed Dio's Best Friend (Consumed) No Tier Utility No DLC
58 ExtraLifeVoid Pluripotent Larva Void Red Utility Survivors of the Void
59 ExtraLifeVoidConsumed Pluripotent Larva (Consumed) No Tier Utility Survivors of the Void
60 FallBoots H3AD-5T v2 Red Utility, Damage, AIBlacklist No DLC
61 Feather Hopoo Feather Green Utility, AIBlacklist No DLC
62 FireRing Kjaro's Band Green Damage No DLC
63 FireballsOnHit Molten Perforator Boss Damage No DLC
64 Firework Bundle of Fireworks White Damage, AIBlacklist, InteractableRelated No DLC
65 FlatHealth Bison Steak White Healing, OnKillEffect No DLC
66 FocusConvergence Focused Convergence Lunar Utility, AIBlacklist, CannotCopy, HoldoutZoneRelated No DLC
67 FragileDamageBonus Delicate Watch White Damage, LowHealth Survivors of the Void
68 FragileDamageBonusConsumed Delicate Watch (Broken) No Tier No Tag Survivors of the Void
69 FreeChest Shipping Request Form Green Utility, OnStageBeginEffect Survivors of the Void
70 Ghost ITEM_GHOST_NAME No Tier No Tag No DLC
71 GhostOnKill Happiest Mask Red Utility, Damage, OnKillEffect No DLC
72 GoldOnHit Brittle Crown Lunar Utility No DLC
73 GoldOnHurt Roll of Pennies White Utility, AIBlacklist Survivors of the Void
75 HalfAttackSpeedHalfCooldowns Light Flux Pauldron Lunar Utility Survivors of the Void
76 HalfSpeedDoubleHealth Stone Flux Pauldron Lunar Utility Survivors of the Void
77 HeadHunter Wake of Vultures Red Utility, Damage, AIBlacklist, OnKillEffect No DLC
78 HealOnCrit Harvester's Scythe Green Healing No DLC
79 HealWhileSafe Cautious Slug White Healing No DLC
80 HealingPotion Power Elixir White Healing, LowHealth, AIBlacklist Survivors of the Void
81 HealingPotionConsumed Empty Bottle No Tier Healing Survivors of the Void
82 HealthDecay ITEM_HEALTHDECAY_NAME No Tier No Tag No DLC
83 Hoof Paul's Goat Hoof White Utility No DLC
84 IceRing Runald's Band Green Damage No DLC
85 Icicle Frost Relic Red Damage, OnKillEffect No DLC
86 IgniteOnKill Gasoline White Damage, OnKillEffect No DLC
87 ImmuneToDebuff Ben's Raincoat Red Utility Survivors of the Void
88 IncreaseHealing Rejuvenation Rack Red Healing No DLC
89 Incubator Ancestral Incubator No Tier Utility, OnKillEffect No DLC
90 Infusion Infusion Green Utility, Healing, OnKillEffect No DLC
91 InvadingDoppelganger ITEM_INVADINGDOPPELGANGER_NAME No Tier No Tag No DLC
92 JumpBoost Wax Quail Green Utility, SprintRelated No DLC
93 KillEliteFrenzy Brainstalks Red Utility, AIBlacklist, OnKillEffect No DLC
94 Knurl Titanic Knurl Boss Utility, Healing No DLC
95 LaserTurbine Resonance Disc Red Damage, OnKillEffect No DLC
96 LevelBonus ITEM_LEVELBONUS_NAME No Tier Utility No DLC
97 LightningStrikeOnHit Charged Perforator Boss Damage No DLC
98 LunarBadLuck Purity Lunar Utility No DLC
99 LunarDagger Shaped Glass Lunar Damage No DLC
100 LunarPrimaryReplacement Visions of Heresy Lunar Damage, AIBlacklist, CannotSteal No DLC
101 LunarSecondaryReplacement Hooks of Heresy Lunar Damage, AIBlacklist, CannotSteal No DLC
102 LunarSpecialReplacement Essence of Heresy Lunar Damage, AIBlacklist, CannotSteal No DLC
103 LunarSun Egocentrism Lunar Utility Survivors of the Void
104 LunarTrinket Beads of Fealty Lunar ObliterationRelated No DLC
105 LunarUtilityReplacement Strides of Heresy Lunar Utility, AIBlacklist, CannotSteal No DLC
106 LunarWings Blessings of Terafirmae No Tier Utility Survivors of the Void
107 MageAttunement ITEM_MAGEATTUNEMENT_NAME No Tier No Tag No DLC
108 Medkit Medkit White Healing No DLC
109 MinHealthPercentage No Tier No Tag No DLC
110 MinionLeash ITEM_MINIONLEASH_NAME No Tier No Tag No DLC
111 MinorConstructOnKill Defense Nucleus Boss OnKillEffect Survivors of the Void
112 Missile AtG Missile Mk. 1 Green Damage No DLC
113 MissileVoid Plasma Shrimp Void Green Damage Survivors of the Void
115 MonstersOnShrineUse Defiant Gouge Lunar Utility, AIBlacklist No DLC
116 MoreMissile Pocket I.C.B.M. Red Damage Survivors of the Void
117 MoveSpeedOnKill Hunter's Harpoon Green Utility Survivors of the Void
118 Mushroom Bustling Fungus White Healing, AIBlacklist No DLC
119 MushroomVoid Weeping Fungus Void White Healing Survivors of the Void
120 NearbyDamageBonus Focus Crystal White Damage No DLC
121 NovaOnHeal N'kuhana's Opinion Red Damage No DLC
122 NovaOnLowHealth Genesis Loop Boss Damage, LowHealth No DLC
123 OutOfCombatArmor Oddly-shaped Opal White Utility Survivors of the Void
124 ParentEgg Planula Boss Damage No DLC
125 Pearl Pearl Boss Utility, WorldUnique No DLC
126 PermanentDebuffOnHit Symbiotic Scorpion Red Damage Survivors of the Void
127 PersonalShield Personal Shield Generator White Utility No DLC
128 Phasing Old War Stealthkit Green Utility, LowHealth No DLC
129 Plant Interstellar Desk Plant Red Healing, OnKillEffect No DLC
130 PlantOnHit ITEM_PLANTONHIT_NAME No Tier Damage No DLC
131 PlasmaCore ITEM_PLASMACORE_NAME No Tier Damage No DLC
132 PrimarySkillShuriken Shuriken Green Damage Survivors of the Void
133 RandomDamageZone Mercurial Rachis Lunar Utility No DLC
134 RandomEquipmentTrigger Bottled Chaos Red Utility, EquipmentRelated Survivors of the Void
135 RandomlyLunar Eulogy Zero Lunar Utility, BrotherBlacklist Survivors of the Void
136 RegeneratingScrap Regenerating Scrap Green Utility, PriorityScrap, CannotDuplicate, OnStageBeginEffect Survivors of the Void
137 RegeneratingScrapConsumed Regenerating Scrap (Consumed) No Tier Utility, OnStageBeginEffect Survivors of the Void
138 RepeatHeal Corpsebloom Lunar Healing No DLC
139 RoboBallBuddy Empathy Cores Boss Utility, CannotCopy No DLC
140 ScrapGreen Item Scrap, Green Green WorldUnique, Scrap No DLC
141 ScrapGreenSuppressed Strange Scrap, Green No Tier WorldUnique, Scrap Survivors of the Void
142 ScrapRed Item Scrap, Red Red WorldUnique, Scrap No DLC
143 ScrapRedSuppressed Strange Scrap, Red No Tier WorldUnique, Scrap Survivors of the Void
144 ScrapWhite Item Scrap, White White WorldUnique, Scrap No DLC
145 ScrapWhiteSuppressed Strange Scrap, White No Tier WorldUnique, Scrap Survivors of the Void
146 ScrapYellow Item Scrap, Yellow Boss WorldUnique, Scrap No DLC
147 SecondarySkillMagazine Backup Magazine White Utility No DLC
148 Seed Leeching Seed Green Healing No DLC
149 ShieldOnly Transcendence Lunar Utility No DLC
150 ShinyPearl Irradiant Pearl Boss Damage, Healing, Utility, WorldUnique No DLC
151 ShockNearby Unstable Tesla Coil Red Damage No DLC
152 SiphonOnLowHealth Mired Urn Boss Healing, BrotherBlacklist No DLC
153 SkullCounter Skull Token No Tier No Tag No DLC
154 SlowOnHit Chronobauble Green Utility No DLC
155 SlowOnHitVoid Tentabauble Void Green Utility Survivors of the Void
156 SprintArmor Rose Buckler Green Utility, SprintRelated No DLC
157 SprintBonus Energy Drink White Utility, SprintRelated No DLC
158 SprintOutOfCombat Red Whip Green Utility No DLC
159 SprintWisp Little Disciple Boss Damage, SprintRelated No DLC
160 Squid Squid Polyp Green Damage, AIBlacklist, InteractableRelated No DLC
161 StickyBomb Sticky Bomb White Damage No DLC
162 StrengthenBurn Ignition Tank Green Damage Survivors of the Void
163 StunChanceOnHit Stun Grenade White Utility, AIBlacklist No DLC
164 Syringe Soldier's Syringe White Damage No DLC
165 TPHealingNova Lepton Daisy Green Healing, AIBlacklist, CannotCopy, HoldoutZoneRelated No DLC
166 Talisman Soulbound Catalyst Red Utility, OnKillEffect, EquipmentRelated No DLC
167 TeamSizeDamageBonus No Tier Damage No DLC
168 TeleportWhenOob No Tier No Tag No DLC
169 TempestOnKill ITEM_TEMPESTONKILL_NAME No Tier Utility, OnKillEffect No DLC
170 Thorns Razorwire Green Damage, AIBlacklist No DLC
171 TitanGoldDuringTP Halcyon Seed Boss Utility, WorldUnique, CannotSteal, CannotCopy, HoldoutZoneRelated No DLC
172 TonicAffliction Tonic Affliction No Tier Cleansable No DLC
173 Tooth Monster Tooth White Healing, OnKillEffect No DLC
174 TreasureCache Rusted Key White Utility, AIBlacklist, OnStageBeginEffect No DLC
175 TreasureCacheVoid Encrusted Key Void White Utility, AIBlacklist, OnStageBeginEffect Survivors of the Void
176 UseAmbientLevel No Tier CannotSteal, CannotCopy No DLC
177 UtilitySkillMagazine Hardlight Afterburner Red Utility No DLC
178 VoidMegaCrabItem Newly Hatched Zoea Void Boss Utility Survivors of the Void
179 VoidmanPassiveItem No Tier No Tag Survivors of the Void
181 WarCryOnMultiKill Berzerker's Pauldron Green Damage, OnKillEffect No DLC
182 WardOnLevel Warbanner White Utility, AIBlacklist, CannotCopy No DLC


Index Code Name Real Name Tier DLC
0 BFG Preon Accumulator Normal No DLC
1 Blackhole Primordial Cube Normal No DLC
2 BossHunter Trophy Hunter's Tricorn Normal Survivors of the Void
3 BossHunterConsumed Trophy Hunter's Tricorn (Consumed) Normal Survivors of the Void
4 BurnNearby Helfire Tincture Lunar No DLC
5 Cleanse Blast Shower Normal No DLC
6 CommandMissile Disposable Missile Launcher Normal No DLC
7 CrippleWard Effigy of Grief Lunar No DLC
8 CritOnUse Ocular HUD Normal No DLC
9 DeathProjectile Forgive Me Please Normal No DLC
10 DroneBackup The Back-up Normal No DLC
11 EliteEarthEquipment His Reassurance Normal Survivors of the Void
12 EliteFireEquipment Ifrit's Distinction Normal No DLC
13 EliteGoldEquipment Coven of Gold Normal No DLC
14 EliteHauntedEquipment Spectral Circlet Normal No DLC
15 EliteIceEquipment Her Biting Embrace Normal No DLC
16 EliteLightningEquipment Silence Between Two Strikes Normal No DLC
17 EliteLunarEquipment Shared Design Lunar No DLC
18 ElitePoisonEquipment N'kuhana's Retort Normal No DLC
19 EliteSecretSpeedEquipment Beyond the Limits Normal Survivors of the Void
20 EliteVoidEquipment EQUIPMENT_AFFIXVOID_NAME Normal Survivors of the Void
21 EliteYellowEquipment Normal No DLC
23 FireBallDash Volcanic Egg Normal No DLC
24 Fruit Foreign Fruit Normal No DLC
25 GainArmor Jade Elephant Normal No DLC
26 Gateway Eccentric Vase Normal No DLC
27 GhostGun Reaper's Remorse Normal No DLC
28 GoldGat The Crowdfunder Normal No DLC
29 GummyClone Goobo Jr. Normal Survivors of the Void
30 IrradiatingLaser Overloading Excavator Normal Survivors of the Void
31 Jetpack Milky Chrysalis Normal No DLC
32 LifestealOnHit Super Massive Leech Normal No DLC
33 Lightning Royal Capacitor Normal No DLC
34 LunarPortalOnUse Elegy of Extinction Lunar Survivors of the Void
36 Meteor Glowing Meteorite Lunar No DLC
37 Molotov Molotov (6-Pack) Normal Survivors of the Void
38 MultiShopCard Executive Card Normal Survivors of the Void
39 OrbOnUse EQUIPMENT_ORBONUSE_NAME Normal Survivors of the Void
41 PassiveHealing Gnarled Woodsprite Normal No DLC
42 QuestVolatileBattery Fuel Array Normal No DLC
43 Recycle Recycler Normal No DLC
44 Saw Sawmerang Normal No DLC
45 Scanner Radar Scanner Normal No DLC
47 SoulJar Jar of Souls Normal No DLC
48 TeamWarCry Gorag's Opus Normal No DLC
49 Tonic Spinel Tonic Lunar No DLC
50 VendingMachine Remote Caffeinator Normal Survivors of the Void
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