- Consider forcing each element to be a unique instance:
html = unit -> node
. - Rename Html.fragment to list or inline. Fragments are not real document fragments.
- Signal.not.
- Test toggle + conditional attr.
- Add Js.String module.
- Repeated attribute.
- View.toggle : on:('a signal -> bool) -> 'a signal -> attr -> attr
- Html.Attr.join
- Html: append/insert have different insertion orders...
- Signal.pair sync/transaction - prevent updates when both are firing sequentially. In the router this currently triggers a double work if both wars are needed as in /a/:int/:string for fetching. We need to sync/step emitting to the route var/args signals and emits should trigger only one pub to subs.
- Add ?equal to Helix.show.
- Rationale for using ppx: value restriction for route/path combinators.
- When rendering links, should each link have vars as signals or is better to render N links at once from a single show?
- Consider representing the path vars with Hmap to allow any view to obtain a typed signal var.
- Do signals need to be resource aware and clean up subs on exn?
Signal.sync s1 s2
to fully sync two signals? - When emitting to a routing var signal should we navigate?
- Is it worth adding
?let ( let$ ) s f = Helix.show (fun x -> f x) s
. - Should there be a way to create lazy signals? E.g. Mouse.position should only bind mouse events when someone is subbed.
- Add prevent default handling to Html.on.
- Check if Router.link ~absolute:true sets the active attr with a relative router.
- Var from routes with spaces are not %-decoded when emited to signals.
- Consider passing
instead ofrotuer
. This makes it easier to manage relative links.- Define base path ops for router paths (with prefix/rest).
- Consider making Router.link relative by default to avoid having to pass router for absolute routes. Instead expose ~relative:router.
- Repurpose Jx to a JS FFI module.
- Http.get ~url
- BUG? Sharing html references leads to problems (See shared_ref)
- Consider structuring each router segment as "path?opts" to allow passing extra params to intermediate views.
- Unmounting should NOT free. Because remounting is acceptable. Test for this.
- Signals should have cleanup: for example, Time.timer should cleanup interval.
- Fix rendering/remounting order. See uplot example.
- Cache class_list update when the class set is the same.
let format_options_scalar_html =
(fun v -> Html.option [ Html.value v ] [ Html.text v ])
[ "Int"; "Float"; "String"; "Binary"; "Enum" ]
let render_format (format : Api_types.Format.t) =
let open Html in
let selected_sig = Signal.make format in
Ui.column ~gap:`sm div []
Ui.row ~gap:`sm div []
Ui.flex (Ui.label "Type") []
[ (*value (Dev_attr_fmt.name format);
on Event.change (fun ev ->
let value = Node.get_value (Event.target ev) in
let new_format = default_format_of_string value |> or_invalid_arg value in
Signal.emit new_format selected_sig
);*) ]
This leads to:
Fatal error: exception Failure("bug: attempting to remove a text node without a parent: Int")
Node mounting order is extremely important for the correct rendering of the UIs. Certain libraries, such as uplot, require a reference to a node to be rendered. If this node is not mounted or if the sibling nodes are not fully mounted, this can lead to issues.
For example, with uplot, not having all the siblings mounted, results in incorrect width assignment. When all the child nodes are set to auto layout with flex, uplot should get access to the node reference only after all nodes have been mounted. That is, when the parent is mounted itself, for example.
can be currently used to run callbacks once the html component is fully mounted. Where "mounted" means: elem initialized, inserted into parent, attributes are set, children are mounted.- An alternative approach is to differentiate Html.attr values between: early and late. Late attributes must be called at the same moment as described in the previous point.
- The node MUST be mounted when the attributes are set.