diff --git a/_bibliography/papers.bib b/_bibliography/papers.bib index 2c9839b5..ce201ffa 100644 --- a/_bibliography/papers.bib +++ b/_bibliography/papers.bib @@ -3,538 +3,82 @@ @string{aps = {American Physical Society,}} -@article{schilder2006metabolic, - title={Metabolic syndrome and obesity in an insect}, - author={Schilder, Rudolf J and Marden, James H}, - journal={Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences}, - volume={103}, - number={49}, - pages={18805--18809}, - year={2006}, - publisher={National Academy of Sciences} -} - -@article{schilder2004hierarchical, - title={A hierarchical analysis of the scaling of force and power production by dragonfly flight motors}, - author={Schilder, Rudolf J and Marden, James H}, - journal={Journal of Experimental Biology}, - volume={207}, - number={5}, - pages={767--776}, - year={2004}, - publisher={Company of Biologists} -} - -@article{schilder2011biochemical, - title={The Biochemical basis of life history adaptation: Molecular and enzymological causes of NADP+-isocitrate dehydrogenase activity differences between morphs of Gryllus firmus that differ in lipid biosynthesis and life history}, - author={Schilder, Rudolf J and Zera, Anthony J and Black, Christine and Hoidal, Mallary and Wehrkamp, Cody}, - journal={Molecular biology and evolution}, - volume={28}, - number={12}, - pages={3381--3393}, - year={2011}, - publisher={Oxford University Press} -} - -@article{schilder2007metabolic, - title={Metabolic syndrome in insects triggered by gut microbes}, - author={Schilder, Rudolf J and Marden, James H}, - journal={Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology}, - volume={1}, - number={5}, - pages={794--796}, - year={2007}, - publisher={SAGE Publications} -} - -@article{schilder2007parasites, - title={Parasites, proteomics and performance: effects of gregarine gut parasites on dragonfly flight muscle composition and function}, - author={Schilder, Rudolf J and Marden, James H}, - journal={Journal of Experimental Biology}, - volume={210}, - number={24}, - pages={4298--4306}, - year={2007}, - publisher={Company of Biologists} -} - -@article{schilder2011body, - title={Body weight-dependent troponin T alternative splicing is evolutionarily conserved from insects to mammals and is partially impaired in skeletal muscle of obese rats}, - author={Schilder, Rudolf J and Kimball, Scot R and Marden, James H and Jefferson, Leonard S}, - journal={Journal of Experimental Biology}, - volume={214}, - number={9}, - pages={1523--1532}, - year={2011}, - publisher={Company of Biologists} -} - -@article{schilder2012cell, - title={Cell-autonomous regulation of fast troponin T pre-mRNA alternative splicing in response to mechanical stretch}, - author={Schilder, Rudolf J and Kimball, Scot R and Jefferson, Leonard S}, - journal={American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology}, - volume={303}, - number={3}, - pages={C298--C307}, - year={2012}, - publisher={American Physiological Society Bethesda, MD} -} - -@article{kelleher2013mtorc1, - title={The mTORC1 signaling repressors REDD1/2 are rapidly induced and activation of p70S6K1 by leucine is defective in skeletal muscle of an immobilized rat hindlimb}, - author={Kelleher, Andrew R and Kimball, Scot R and Dennis, Michael D and Schilder, Rudolf J and Jefferson, Leonard S}, - journal={American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology And Metabolism}, - volume={304}, - number={2}, - pages={E229--E236}, - year={2013}, - publisher={American Physiological Society Bethesda, MD} -} - -@article{schilder2006mechanics, - title={Mechanics, Metabolism \& Menosporinae: An integrative analysis of dragonfly flight performance}, - author={Schilder, Rudolf}, - year={2006} -} - -@article{marden2013genetic, - title={Genetic variation in HIF signaling underlies quantitative variation in physiological and life-history traits within lowland butterfly populations}, - author={Marden, James H and Fescemyer, Howard W and Schilder, Rudolf J and Doerfler, William R and Vera, Juan C and Wheat, Christopher W}, - journal={Evolution}, - volume={67}, - number={4}, - pages={1105--1115}, - year={2013}, - publisher={Blackwell Publishing Inc Malden, USA} -} - -@inproceedings{schilder2005intraspecific, - title={Intraspecific variation in dragonfly flight behavior: effects of a parasitic infection on flight muscle performance, metabolism and myofibrillar protein content}, - author={Schilder, Rudolf J}, - booktitle={The 2005 ESA Annual Meeting and Exhibition}, - year={2005} -} - -@inproceedings{kelleher2013repressors, - title={The repressors of mTORC1 signaling, REDD1 and REDD2, are induced in immobilized rat skeletal muscle}, - author={Kelleher, A and Kimball, S and Dennis, M and Schilder, R and Jefferson, L}, - booktitle={International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Proceedings}, - volume={9}, - number={1}, - pages={36}, - year={2013} -} - -@misc{kimball2012high, - title={A high-fat diet impairs alternative splicing of the troponin T pre-mRNA in skeletal muscle}, - author={Kimball, Scot R and Schilder, Rudolf J and Charleston, Elisabeth A and Jefferson, Leonard S}, - year={2012}, - publisher={Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology} -} - -@inproceedings{schilder2004diabetic, - title={Diabetic dragonflies: Hyperglycaemia and insulin response differences in L-pulchella dragonflies suffering from a protozoan gut parasite}, - author={Schilder, R and Marden, J}, - booktitle={FASEB JOURNAL}, +@book{einstein1956investigations, + bibtex_show={true}, + title={Investigations on the Theory of the Brownian Movement}, + author={Einstein, Albert}, + year={1956}, + publisher={Courier Corporation}, + preview={brownian-motion.gif} +} + +@article{einstein1950meaning, + abbr={AJP}, + bibtex_show={true}, + title={The meaning of relativity}, + author={Einstein, Albert and Taub, AH}, + journal={American Journal of Physics}, volume={18}, - number={4}, - pages={A686--A686}, - year={2004}, - organization={FEDERATION AMER SOC EXP BIOL 9650 ROCKVILLE PIKE, BETHESDA, MD 20814-3998 USA} -} - -@inproceedings{schilder2001workloop, - title={Workloop force and lever arm length allometry in dragonfly flight motors.}, - author={Schilder, RJ and Marden, JH}, - booktitle={AMERICAN ZOOLOGIST}, - volume={41}, number={6}, - pages={1651--1651}, - year={2001}, - organization={SOC INTEGRATIVE COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY 1313 DOLLEY MADISON BLVD, NO 402, MCLEAN~…} -} - -@misc{kelleher2011disuse, - title={Disuse atrophy induced by rat hindlimb immobilization leads to resistance of skeletal muscle protein synthesis to a meal-feeding stimulus}, - author={Kelleher, Andrew Ryan and Tuckow, Alexander P and Schilder, Rudolf J and Kimball, Scot R and Jefferson, Leonard S}, - year={2011}, - publisher={Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology} -} - -@article{schilder2010regulation, - title={Regulation of skeletal muscle Troponin T alternative splicing in response to changes in body weight is impaired in obese rodents}, - author={Schilder, Rudolf and Kimball, Scot and Marden, James and Jefferson, Leonard}, - journal={The FASEB Journal}, - volume={24}, - pages={341--2}, - year={2010}, - publisher={Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology} -} - -@article{nanoth2014novo, - title={De novo transcriptome assembly from fat body and flight muscles transcripts to identify morph-specific gene expression profiles in Gryllus firmus}, - author={Nanoth Vellichirammal, Neetha and Zera, Anthony J and Schilder, Rudolf J and Wehrkamp, Cody and Riethoven, Jean-Jack M and Brisson, Jennifer A}, - journal={PloS one}, - volume={9}, - number={1}, - pages={e82129}, - year={2014}, - publisher={Public Library of Science San Francisco, USA} -} - -@misc{kelleher2013molecular, - title={Molecular Basis for Anabolic Resistance in Disuse Atrophy of Skeletal Muscle}, - author={Kelleher, Andrew Ryan and Kimball, Scot R and Dennis, Michael D and Schilder, Rudolf J and Jefferson, Leonard S}, - year={2013}, - publisher={The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology} -} - -@article{zera2014purification, - title={Purification and characterization of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase from the wing-polymorphic cricket, Gryllus firmus, and assessment of causes of morph-differences in enzyme activity}, - author={Zera, Anthony J and Wehrkamp, Cody and Schilder, Rudolf and Black, Christine and Gribben, Paul}, - journal={Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology}, - volume={172}, - pages={29--38}, - year={2014}, - publisher={Pergamon} -} - -@article{ravi2015role, - title={Role of precursor mRNA splicing in nutrient-induced alterations in gene expression and metabolism}, - author={Ravi, Suhana and Schilder, Rudolf J and Kimball, Scot R}, - journal={The Journal of nutrition}, - volume={145}, - number={5}, - pages={841--846}, - year={2015}, - publisher={Oxford University Press} -} - -@article{coble2015influence, - title={Influence of ageing and essential amino acids on quantitative patterns of troponin T alternative splicing in human skeletal muscle}, - author={Coble, Joel and Schilder, Rudolf J and Berg, Arthur and Drummond, Micah J and Rasmussen, Blake B and Kimball, Scot R}, - journal={Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism}, - volume={40}, + pages={403--404}, + year={1950}, + publisher={American Association of Physics Teachers} +} + +@article{PhysRev.47.777, + abbr={PhysRev}, + title={Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete?}, + author={Einstein, A. and Podolsky, B. and Rosen, N.}, + abstract={In a complete theory there is an element corresponding to each element of reality. A sufficient condition for the reality of a physical quantity is the possibility of predicting it with certainty, without disturbing the system. In quantum mechanics in the case of two physical quantities described by non-commuting operators, the knowledge of one precludes the knowledge of the other. Then either (1) the description of reality given by the wave function in quantum mechanics is not complete or (2) these two quantities cannot have simultaneous reality. Consideration of the problem of making predictions concerning a system on the basis of measurements made on another system that had previously interacted with it leads to the result that if (1) is false then (2) is also false. One is thus led to conclude that the description of reality as given by a wave function is not complete.}, + journal={Phys. Rev.}, + volume={47}, + issue={10}, + pages={777--780}, + numpages={0}, + year={1935}, + month={May}, + publisher=aps, + doi={10.1103/PhysRev.47.777}, + url={http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRev.47.777}, + html={https://journals.aps.org/pr/abstract/10.1103/PhysRev.47.777}, + pdf={example_pdf.pdf}, + altmetric={248277}, + dimensions={true}, + selected={true} +} + +@article{einstein1905molekularkinetischen, + title={{\"U}ber die von der molekularkinetischen Theorie der W{\"a}rme geforderte Bewegung von in ruhenden Fl{\"u}ssigkeiten suspendierten Teilchen}, + author={Einstein, A.}, + journal={Annalen der physik}, + volume={322}, number={8}, - pages={788--796}, - year={2015}, - publisher={NRC Research Press} -} - -@article{ravi2015high, - title={High Fat Diet-Induced Alterations in Alternative Splicing of Pre-mRNA}, - author={Ravi, Suhana and Schilder, Rudolf and Jefferson, Leonard and Kimball, Scot}, - journal={The FASEB Journal}, - volume={29}, - pages={562--10}, - year={2015}, - publisher={The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology} -} - -@article{ravi2016effects, - title={Effects of age and hindlimb immobilization and remobilization on fast troponin T precursor mRNA alternative splicing in rat gastrocnemius muscle}, - author={Ravi, Suhana and Schilder, Rudolf J and Berg, Arthur S and Kimball, Scot R}, - journal={Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism}, - volume={41}, - number={2}, - pages={142--149}, - year={2016}, - publisher={NRC Research Press} -} - -@article{schilder2016animals, - title={(How) do animals know how much they weigh?}, - author={Schilder, Rudolf J}, - journal={Journal of Experimental Biology}, - volume={219}, - number={9}, - pages={1275--1282}, - year={2016}, - publisher={The Company of Biologists Ltd} -} - -@article{cooper2016ontogenetic, - title={The Ontogenetic Scaling of Metabolic Rate in Wing-Polymorphic Gryllus firmus}, - author={Cooper, Avril Danielle Juah and Schilder, Rudolf J}, - journal={The FASEB Journal}, - volume={30}, - pages={760--11}, - year={2016}, - publisher={The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology} -} - -@inproceedings{schilder2017ecophysiology, - title={Ecophysiology of infection-associated metabolic disease in a dragonfly}, - author={Schilder, RJ and Hornett, EA and Marden, JH}, - booktitle={INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY}, - volume={57}, - pages={E398--E398}, - year={2017}, - organization={OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC JOURNALS DEPT, 2001 EVANS RD, CARY, NC 27513 USA} -} - -@article{black2017dietary, - title={Dietary fat quantity and type induce transcriptome-wide effects on alternative splicing of pre-mRNA in rat skeletal muscle}, - author={Black, Adam J and Ravi, Suhana and Jefferson, Leonard S and Kimball, Scot R and Schilder, Rudolf J}, - journal={The Journal of Nutrition}, - volume={147}, - number={9}, - pages={1648--1657}, - year={2017}, - publisher={Oxford University Press} -} - -@article{schilder2017molecular, - title={Molecular plasticity and functional enhancements of leg muscles in response to hypergravity in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster}, - author={Schilder, Rudolf J and Raynor, Megan}, - journal={Journal of Experimental Biology}, - volume={220}, - number={19}, - pages={3508--3518}, - year={2017}, - publisher={The Company of Biologists Ltd} -} - -@article{black2017high, - title={High-Fat Diets Enriched with Varying Fatty Acid Compositions Have Differential Effects on Skeletal Muscle Troponin T pre-mRNA Alternative Splicing}, - author={Black, Adam and Schilder, Ruud and Kimball, Scot}, - journal={The FASEB Journal}, - volume={31}, - pages={794--18}, - year={2017}, - publisher={The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology} -} - -@article{bybee2016odonata, - title={Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) as a bridge between ecology and evolutionary genomics}, - author={Bybee, Seth and C{\'o}rdoba-Aguilar, Alex and Duryea, M Catherine and Futahashi, Ryo and Hansson, Bengt and Lorenzo-Carballa, M Olalla and Schilder, Ruud and Stoks, Robby and Suvorov, Anton and Svensson, Erik I and others}, - journal={Frontiers in zoology}, - volume={13}, - number={1}, - pages={1--20}, - year={2016}, - publisher={BioMed Central} -} - -@inproceedings{stupski2018developing, - title={Developing Biophysical Heat Budget Models in Three Hymenopteran Species}, - author={Stupski, SD and Schilder, RJ}, - booktitle={INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY}, - volume={58}, - pages={E225--E225}, - year={2018}, - organization={OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC JOURNALS DEPT, 2001 EVANS RD, CARY, NC 27513 USA} -} - -@article{schilder2007erratum, - title={Erratum: Metabolic syndrome and obesity in an insect (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2006) 103,(18805-18809}, - author={Schilder, Rudolf J and Marden, James H}, - journal={Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America}, - volume={104}, - number={21}, - pages={9099}, - year={2007}, - publisher={National Academy of Sciences} -} - -@article{black2018palmitate, - title={Palmitate-and C6 ceramide-induced Tnnt3 pre-mRNA alternative splicing occurs in a PP2A dependent manner}, - author={Black, Adam J and Schilder, Rudolf J and Kimball, Scot R}, - journal={Nutrition \& metabolism}, - volume={15}, - pages={1--9}, - year={2018}, - publisher={BioMed Central} -} - -@article{miko2019fat, - title={Fat in the leg: function of the expanded hind leg in gasteruptiid wasps (Hymenoptera: Gasteruptiidae)}, - author={Mik{\'o}, Istv{\'a}n and Rahman, Sarthok Rasique and Anzaldo, Salvatore S and Van De Kamp, Thomas and Parslow, Ben A and Tatarnic, Nikolai J and Wetherington, Maxwell T and Anderson, Julie and Schilder, Rudolf J and Ulmer, Jonah M and others}, - journal={Insect Systematics and Diversity}, - volume={3}, - number={1}, - pages={2}, - year={2019}, - publisher={Oxford University Press US} -} - -@article{schilder2019parasitic, - title={Parasitic gut infection in Libellula pulchella causes functional and molecular resemblance of dragonfly flight muscle to skeletal muscle of obese vertebrates}, - author={Schilder, Rudolf J and Stewart, Hannah}, - journal={Journal of Experimental Biology}, - volume={222}, - number={5}, - pages={jeb188508}, - year={2019}, - publisher={The Company of Biologists Ltd} -} - -@inproceedings{gominho2018heat, - title={Heat Shock Response in the Flight Muscles of the Endothermic Hawkmoth, Manduca sexta}, - author={Gominho, B and Schilder, R}, - booktitle={INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY}, - volume={58}, - pages={E326--E326}, - year={2018}, - organization={OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC JOURNALS DEPT, 2001 EVANS RD, CARY, NC 27513 USA} -} - -@article{miko2019spinning, - title={From spinning silk to spreading saliva: mouthpart remodeling in Manduca sexta (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)}, - author={Mik{\'o}, Istv{\'a}n and Rahman, Sarthok Rasique and Jones, Anne C and Townley, Mark A and Gominho, Brandon and Paudel, Sulav and Stupski, S David and Hines, Heather M and Schilder, Rudolf J}, - journal={Insect Systematics and Diversity}, - volume={3}, - number={6}, - pages={2}, - year={2019}, - publisher={Oxford University Press US} -} - -@inproceedings{munoz2018intraspecific, - title={Intraspecific variability in metabolic plasticity to warmer temperatures in the red-backed salamander, Plethodon cinereus}, - author={Munoz, David J and Miller, David AW and Schilder, Rudolf and Grant, Evan H Campbell}, - booktitle={2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5--10)}, - year={2018}, - organization={ESA} + pages={549--560}, + year={1905}, + publisher={Wiley Online Library} } -@inproceedings{stewart2018infection, - title={Infection effects on bee thermoregulatory strategies}, - author={Stewart, Hannah L and Schilder, Ruud}, - booktitle={Entomology 2018}, - year={2018}, - organization={ESA} +@article{einstein1905movement, + abbr={Ann. Phys.}, + title={Un the movement of small particles suspended in statiunary liquids required by the molecular-kinetic theory 0f heat}, + author={Einstein, A.}, + journal={Ann. Phys.}, + volume={17}, + pages={549--560}, + year={1905} } -@inproceedings{pocius2019you, - title={You are what you eat: Survival, size and flight energetics of monarch butterflies reared on different milkweed species}, - author={Pocius, Victoria and Schilder, Ruud and Ali, Jared G}, - booktitle={Entomology 2019}, - year={2019}, - organization={ESA} +@article{einstein1905electrodynamics, + title={On the electrodynamics of moving bodies}, + author={Einstein, A.}, + year={1905} } -@article{schilder2007bee, - title={Bee plump}, - author={Schilder, Ruud}, - journal={NEW SCIENTIST}, - volume={194}, - number={2608}, - pages={73--73}, - year={2007}, - publisher={REED BUSINESS INFORMATION LTD QUADRANT HOUSE THE QUADRANT, SUTTON SM2 5AS~…} +@book{przibram1967letters, + bibtex_show={true}, + title={Letters on wave mechanics}, + author={Einstein, Albert and Schrödinger, Erwin and Planck, Max and Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon and Przibram, Karl}, + year={1967}, + publisher={Vision}, + preview={wave-mechanics.gif} } - -@inproceedings{schilder2018p, - title={P-IE Section Symposium: Stressors Across Space and Time: Energy Sources, Enemies, and Environmental Influences}, - author={Schilder, Ruud and Hermann, Sara L and Ali, Jared G}, - booktitle={Entomology 2018}, - year={2018}, - organization={ESA} -} - -@inproceedings{stewart2019cost, - title={The cost of immune responses to thermoregulatory capacity in Bombus impatiens}, - author={Stewart, Hannah L and Schilder, Ruud}, - booktitle={Entomology 2019}, - year={2019}, - organization={ESA} -} - -@inproceedings{stupski2021thermal, - title={Thermal plasticity in a combustion impaired dragonfly phenotype}, - author={Stupski, SD and Schilder, RJ}, - booktitle={INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY}, - volume={61}, - pages={E870--E870}, - year={2021}, - organization={OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC JOURNALS DEPT, 2001 EVANS RD, CARY, NC 27513 USA} -} - -@article{stupski2021operative, - title={Operative temperature analysis of the honey bee Apis mellifera}, - author={Stupski, Stanley D and Schilder, Rudolf J}, - journal={Journal of Experimental Biology}, - volume={224}, - number={14}, - pages={jeb231134}, - year={2021}, - publisher={The Company of Biologists Ltd} -} - -@article{jones2021honey, - title={Honey bee viruses are highly prevalent but at low intensities in wild pollinators of cucurbit agroecosystems}, - author={Jones, Laura J and Ford, Ryan P and Schilder, Rudolf J and L{\'o}pez-Uribe, Margarita M}, - journal={Journal of invertebrate pathology}, - volume={185}, - pages={107667}, - year={2021}, - publisher={Academic Press} -} - -@article{munoz2022geographic, - title={Geographic variation and thermal plasticity shape salamander metabolic rates under current and future climates}, - author={Mu{\~n}oz, David and Miller, David and Schilder, Rudolf and Campbell Grant, Evan H}, - journal={Ecology and Evolution}, - volume={12}, - number={1}, - pages={e8433}, - year={2022} -} - -@article{baker2022reviewers, - title={Reviewers for Insect Systematics and Diversity}, - author={Baker, Austin and Bond, Jason and Borowiec, Marek and Bossert, Silas and Bouchard, Patrice and Branstetter, Michael and Brown, Richard and Camacho, Gabriela and Campbell, Erin and Caterino, Michael and others}, - year={2022} -} - -@article{cibotti2022differential, - title={Differential effects of clothianidin exposure on metabolic rates across life stages in the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus)}, - author={Cibotti, Staci and Ali, Jared and Schilder, Rudolf Johannes}, - year={2022} -} - -@article{pocius2022impacts, - title={Impacts of larval host plant species on dispersal traits and free-flight energetics of adult butterflies}, - author={Pocius, Victoria M and Cibotti, Staci and Ray, Swayamjit and Ankoma-Darko, Obenewa and McCartney, Nathaniel B and Schilder, Rudolf J and Ali, Jared G}, - journal={Communications Biology}, - volume={5}, - number={1}, - pages={469}, - year={2022}, - publisher={Nature Publishing Group UK London} -} - -@article{jones2022high, - title={High parasite prevalence in the squash bees Eucera (Peponapis) pruinosa from the northeastern United States.}, - author={Jones, LJ and Singh, A and Schilder, RJ and L{\'o}pez-Uribe, MM}, - journal={Journal of Invertebrate Pathology}, - pages={107848--107848}, - year={2022} -} - -@article{jones2022squash, - title={Squash bees host high diversity and prevalence of parasites in the northeastern United States}, - author={Jones, Laura J and Singh, Avehi and Schilder, Rudolf J and L{\'o}pez-Uribe, Margarita M}, - journal={Journal of invertebrate pathology}, - volume={195}, - pages={107848}, - year={2022}, - publisher={Academic Press} -} - -@article{le2023hawkmoths, - title={Hawkmoths regulate flight torques with their abdomen for yaw control}, - author={Le, Viet and Cellini, Benjamin and Schilder, Rudolf and Mongeau, Jean-Michel}, - journal={Journal of Experimental Biology}, - volume={226}, - number={9}, - pages={jeb245063}, - year={2023}, - publisher={The Company of Biologists Ltd} -} - -@article{zeraautophagy, - title={Autophagy inhibitor}, - author={Zera, Anthony J and Wehrkamp, Cody and Schilder, Rudolf and Black, Christine and Gribben, Paul} -} \ No newline at end of file