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Workshop: Assembly polishing and variant calling



Polish the E. coli assembly you produced yesterday with flye. Use the filtered long-read data. Do this in two steps: using racon followed by medaka. This will also involve mapping again the long reads to your calculated assemblies!

Mapping (minimap2)

You already did this mapping yesterday to look at the SAM/BAM file in IGV and/or tablet! If you still have the files, you dont need to redo the following steps!

# map
minimap2 -ax map-ont flye_output/assembly.fasta eco-filtered.fastq > eco-mapping.sam
# first, we need to convert the SAM file into a sorted BAM file to load it subsequently in IGV
samtools view -bS eco-mapping.sam | samtools sort -@ 4 > eco-mapping.sorted.bam  
samtools index eco-mapping.sorted.bam

Assembly polishing (Racon)

# run racon, as input you need the reads, the mapping file, and the assembly you want to polish
racon -t 4 eco-filtered.fastq eco-mapping.sam flye_output/assembly.fasta > eco-consensus-racon.fasta

# map to new consensus
minimap2 -ax map-ont eco-consensus-racon.fasta eco-filtered.fastq > eco-consensus-mapping.sam

# now look at it in tablet or IGV again

Publication | Code

  • a common practice is 2x racon polishing followed by 1x Medaka (see below)
  • for practice, 1x racon is fine
  • with the newest R10 chemistry and recent basecalling models, it seems that racon is also not necessary anymore and people switch to only polish via Medaka

Assembly polishing and final consensus (Medaka)

Medaka is not in your current workshop environment because it was conflicting with the other tools. That's why we need a separate Conda environment for Medaka:

  • Make a new environment for medaka
    • medaka might have many dependencies that conflict
  • an alternative to conda is mamba
    • mamba can be much faster in solving your environment, e.g. here for the tool medaka
    • thus, let us install mamba via conda and then install medaka
mamba create -y -p envs/medaka "medaka>=1.8.0"
conda activate envs/medaka
# Run Medaka
# ATTENTION: it is always good to assign an appropriate Medaka model -m based on 
# the performed basecalling! Here, we use some example model for the E. coli 
# data. Adjust that in the following Exercise! 
# If you are on the RKI HPC: due to restrictions it might be even difficult to run other Medaka models because 
# they need to be downloaded first. 
medaka_consensus -i eco-filtered.fastq -d eco-consensus-racon.fasta -o eco-medaka -m r941_min_sup_g507 -t 4

# Exercise: look at it in tablet or IGV
# Hint: first need a mapping to the new consensus again to generate the SAM/BAM file!


Note that you should usually change the model parameter (-m) to whatever is most appropriate for your basecalling. Also, note that medaka_consensus is not the same thing as medaka consensus (underscore vs space) - the former is a convenience script that does the entire process (including read mapping). At the same time, the latter is a subcommand of Medaka, which only does the polishing step. (thx to Ryan Wick for this explanation).


Now, use again the Salmonella data. You already calculated the assembly with flye. Remember, basecalling was done with the FAST basecalling model and with Guppy in 2019.

Now polish the genome using racon and medaka. Try to chose an appropriate medaka model. You can use the following command to list medaka models:

medaka tools list_models | grep -v Default

Did the per-base quality improve? Annotate genes again (e.g. using Bakta)! How many genes (CDS) do you find now in comparison to the de novo assembly without any polishing?

Now, we want to call variants for your Nanopore sample in comparison to a reference sequence (not using the de novo assembly you calculated!).

  • To do so, download a reference genome for Salmonella from NCBI
  • Map the Nanopore reads of your Salmonella sample against the reference genome
  • use Medaka now for variant calling and not directly for consensus calculation, here are some hints (that you can/must adjust! Check also
# Call variants with Medaka
#__Important__: Always use the matching `medaka` model based on how the `guppy` basecalling was done! You can check which `medaka` models are available via:
medaka tools list_models | grep -v Default

# first, use the `medaka consensus` command similar to before
# for the Salmonelle ONT data from 2019 MinION device was used and the FAST model!
medaka consensus <SORTED-BAM-FILE> --model <MODEL> --threads 4 output.consensus.hdf

# actually call the variants
medaka snp <REFERENCE-GENOME> output.consensus.hdf medaka.snp.vcf --verbose
  • inspect the resulting VCF file, read about the format and its structure
  • how many variants do you find?
  • can you find the called variants that you see in the VCF file also in a genome browser, when you load the mapping file? Do you see any differences/problems?

Bonus 1

Try different allele frequency cutoffs with Medaka for the variant calling: --threshold 0.1 How do the results change?

Bonus 2

You also have short-read Illumina data corresponding to your Salmonella Nanopore data. Use the high-accuracy short-read data to polish your best long-read assembly again. Use Polypolish for that. Install Polypolish and familiarize yourself with the tool. For the necessary mapping of the short reads to the assembly you should use bwa. Check the Polypolish manual!

Quick start

(see for more details!)

bwa index draft.fasta
bwa mem -t 16 -a draft.fasta reads_1.fastq.gz > alignments_1.sam
bwa mem -t 16 -a draft.fasta reads_2.fastq.gz > alignments_2.sam --in1 alignments_1.sam --in2 alignments_2.sam --out1 filtered_1.sam --out2 filtered_2.sam
polypolish draft.fasta filtered_1.sam filtered_2.sam > polished.fasta