Note: Linux only, Windows is currently not supported.
First, clone via SSH using
git clone /local/path/to/apipe/
Enter repo folder. Set up a conda environment and activate it with:
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate apipe
Install poetry (python dependency manager used in this project) and dependencies for the project (Note: Installing poetry via pip into same environment is not recommended and can cause trouble! Instead, it should be installed system-wide via command below or pipx):
curl -sSL | python3 -
poetry install
Some additional system packages are required, install them by
sudo apt install gdal-bin python3-gdal libspatialindex-dev imagemagick osmium-tool graphviz graphviz-dev
- Make sure you have GDAL>=3.0 as older versions will not work.
is optional and only required for report creation
You can write issues to announce bugs or to propose enhancements.
If you want to participate in the development of apipe, please make sure you use pre-commit.
You activate it with:
pre-commit install
To trigger a check manually, execute:
pre-commit run -a
Warning: Conversion and extraction process needs ~50 GB disk space and may take a couple of hours to finish!