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File metadata and controls

274 lines (181 loc) · 6.64 KB


pynodegl-utils provides various utilities around and its Python binding. Its core tool is the Qt controller with all its peripheral features such as the exporter or the tooling for easing the creation of scene graphs.

Controller scenes

Each scene needs to be decorated with the misc.scene decorator to be recognized by the ngl-control.


from pynodegl_utils.misc import scene

def my_scene(cfg):

The first argument of the scene function is always a cfg argument is of type pynodegl_utils.SceneCfg and can be read and written by the scene function. Extra optional arguments to the scene function are allowed.

Every scene must return a valid pynodegl node object.

Controller widgets

Widgets are specified as named object arguments to the @misc.scene decorator. The @misc.scene() arguments must match the name of the corresponding argument in the scene construction function.

Note: it is not mandatory to create a widget definition for every optional scene function argument.


@scene(foo=scene.Bool(), bar=scene.Color())
def example(cfg, foo=True, bar=(1.0, 0.2, 0.5)):

List of available widget types:


A Range is associated with a slider widget.

Available options:

Option Description
range the range itself, as a list or a tuple of 2 values
unit_base 1/unit_base corresponds to the sliders step

The associated argument value is expected to be a scalar value.


@scene(n=scene.Range(range=[0, 5], unit_base=100))
def range_example(cfg, n=2.5):

range widget


A Vector is associated with a pack of spin boxes.

Available options:

Option Description
n vector len
minv smallest possible vector
maxv largest possible vector

The associated argument is expected to be a tuple of n floats.


@scene(vec=scene.Vector(n=4, minv=(-1, -1, -1, -1), maxv=(1, 1, 1, 1)))
def vector_example(cfg, vec=(0.4, -0.75, -0.2, 1.0))

vector widget


A Color is associated with a color picker widget.

The associated argument value is expected to be a 3-value tuple or list.


def color_example(cfg, bgcolor=(0.3, 0.4, 0.5)):

color widget


A Bool is associated with a check box widget.

The associated argument is expected to be a bool.


def bool_example(cfg, bilinear=True):

bool widget


A File is associated with a file chooser widget.

The associated argument is expected to be a str or None, corresponding to the file path.

Available options:

Option Description
filter a str identifying the type of file supported (refer to the QtWidgets.QFileDialog documentation for more details)


@scene(input=scene.File(filter='Text files (*.txt)'))
def file_example(cfg, input=None):

file widget


A List is associated with a combo box widget.

The associated argument is expected to be a str present in the choices.

Available options:

Option Description
choices a list of str


@scene(easing=scene.List(choices=('linear', 'exp_in', 'sinus_in')))
def anim(cfg, easing='exp_in'):

list widget


A Text is associated with an input text widget.

The associated argument is expected to be a str.


def demo(cfg, intro='Hello World!'):

text widget

Controller hooks

When using the --hooks-script option, ngl-control will execute various hook according to various events. These hooks are typically used for triggering a synchronization with external devices.

The hooks are exposed through a Python script implementing the following function:

  • get_sessions()
  • get_session_info(session_id)
  • sync_file(session_id, ifile, ofile)
  • scene_change(session_id, scenefile, duration, aspect_ratio, framerate, clear_color, samples)

Following are the hook functions that will be executed and their expected behaviour.


get_sessions() does not take any argument. It must return a list of tuple. Each tuple must contain:

  • a session identifier that must be unique
  • a session description


$ python -c 'import pprint, desktop; pprint.pprint(desktop.get_sessions())'
[('localhost-1234', 'local ngl-desktop'),
 ('localhost-2345', 'local ngl-desktop'),


get_session_info(session_id) takes a session ID as argument. It must return a dict containing the following keys:

  • backend, accepted values are opengl, and opengles
  • system, accepted values are Linux, Android, Darwin, iOS and Windows


$ python -c 'import desktop; print(desktop.get_session_info("localhost-1234"))'
{'backend': 'opengl', 'system': 'Linux'}


sync_file(session_id, ifile, ofile) takes the following arguments:

  • session_id: the session identifier
  • ifile: the path to the local file
  • ofile: the output filename (not path)

It is called for every file to sync (typically media files).

The hook must return the output file path.


$ python -c 'import desktop; print(desktop.sync_file("", "/tmp/ngl-media.mp4", "media-001.mp4"))'


scene_change(session_id, scenefile, duration, aspect_ratio, framerate, clear_color, samples) take the following arguments:

  • session_id: the session identifier
  • scenefile: the path to the local serialized scene
  • duration: a float representing the scene duration (in seconds)
  • aspect_ratio: a tuple of int (num, den) representing the aspect ratio
  • framerate: a tuple of int (num, den) representing the framerate
  • clear_color: a unsigned int representing the 4 color components of the clear color
  • samples: a int representing the number of samples used for multisample anti-aliasing


$ python -c 'import desktop; desktop.scene_change("", "/tmp/scene.ngl", 5, (60000,1001), (16,9), 0x4A646BFF, 4)'