All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Support for log messages of any length
- Fix compilation with FFmpeg 5.1
- Bumped meson requirement to 0.57.0
- Honor video color range in VideoToolbox
- Support for 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 pixel formats (8 and 10 bits) in VideoToolbox decoder
are deprecated overstart_time
- Fix build with FFmpeg >= 5.0
- Add ProRes support in VideoToolbox decoder
- Player has been ported from GLEW/GLFW3 to SDL2
- Fix VideoToolbox automatic 8-bit pixel format selection
- Add VideoToolbox automatic pixel format selection and P010 support
- Fix Windows static builds
- Various fixes in the audio texture FFT
- Fix missing VideoToolbox frames colorspace information
- Automatic software pixel format selection
- New datap and linesizep fields to sxplayer frame
- NV12, YUV420P, YUV422P, YUV444P support
- P010LE, YUV420PLE, YUV422P10LE, YUV444P10LE support
- Multiple audio frames without PTS
- Removed inoffensive seek error logging on images (regression)
- Fixed compiler warnings on Windows
- Remove pthread dependency on Windows
- Official MSVC support
- This Changelog
- Switch build system from GNU/Make to Meson
- Fixed assert on image seeking