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LAB: Convert booklist API project to DRF


In this lab, you will practice creating a project using serializers in Django Rest Framework (DRF).


  • Use serializers in DRF to model data inside web applications.
  • Use the GET and POST methods to update data entries in DRF.


In the previous lab exercise, you used Django to create APIs for a book list project. For this lab exercise, you will use the same model that you created for the BookList project but instead, you will create an API using DRF.


You already created APIs for the book list project, but since then you've learned about the advantages of using DRF over just using Django. You informed the manager and they've asked you to improve the APIs you developed to ensure a better end-user experience.

Your task is to improve the book list project by building it in DRF.

Learner Instructions

This lab will require you to modify the following files:

  • the app level)


Note: In the image above, and (app-level) are not created with the project.

Additionally, you must start the development server on the local host and go to the localhost URL to confirm the desired view on the webpage.

When required, open the Terminal by selecting New Terminal under Terminal in VS Code.

The Django project called BookList and Django app called BookListDRF are already in place.

Note: Before you begin, make sure you understand how to work with the Coursera Code Lab for the APIS course.

Follow the instructions below and ensure you check the output at every step.


Step 1

 Create a '' file at the app level, add the path() function inside the urlpatterns list and pass the following arguments to it:

  • A URL path string beginning with the suffix 'books'
  • The relative path of the view function that will be called BookView .

Step 2

Open the file at the project level and import the include() function from the package django.urls.

Tip: _ Do not add round brackets while importing a function in an import statement.

The final code inside the project-level file will appear as below:


Step 3

Update the urlpatterns list to include the path of the app-level urls by adding a path() function with the following arguments:

  • A path string labeled 'api/'
  • An include function with'BookListDRF.urls'passed as an argument

Note: _ Make sure you add a comma (,) at the end of the path() function.

Screenshot 2023-02-01 at 9.08.40 PM.png

Step 4

Open the file and create a class called Book inside it and pass models.Model to it as a parameter.

Step 5

Create the three attributes that you need in the model (title, author and price) and assign the respective form fields to them.

Additionally, pass the following arguments to those form fields:

Attribute Form field type Arguments
title CharField max_length = 255
author CharField max_length = 255
price DecimalField max_digits= 5, decimal_places= 2

Screenshot 2023-02-01 at 9.08.48 PM.png

Step 6

Now create a file called inside the app level BookListDRF directory.

Step 7

Open the file and import:

  • The Book class from themodelsfile
  • The serializers package from the rest_framework

Step 8

Create a class called BookSerializer and pass the class object serializers.ModelSerializer to it as an argument.

Step 9

Inside the BookSerializer class, create another class called Meta and add the following code inside the class:

  • Assign the Bookmodel to a variable called model

  • Create a list of strings with four items namely:'id' ,'author'and'price'and assign this list to a variable called fields

    Screenshot 2023-02-01 at 9.09.06 PM.png

Step 10

Open the file and import the following inside it:

  • the Book model from the models file
  • BookSerializer from the serializer file
  • generics from the DRF package rest_framework

Step 11

Create a class called BookView and pass generics.ListCreateAPIView to it as an argument.

Step 12

Inside the BookView class:

  • Assign the value of Book.objects.all()to a variable called queryset

  • Assign the value of BookSerializer to a variable called serializer_class

    Screenshot 2023-02-01 at 9.09.30 PM.png

Step 13

Open the Terminal in VS Code and run the two commands to perform the migrations.


cd BookList
python makemigrations
python migrate

Step 14

Once the migrations are performed successfully, run the command to start the server on the localhost and go to the URL:

You should be able to see a page and at the bottom see a form such as this:


Step 15

Now enter the details of the following books in the bottom section, one at a time:

  • Title: The Prophet
  • Author: Kahlil Gibran
  • Price: 4.35
  • Title: Siddhartha
  • Author: Hermann Hesse
  • Price: 8.95
  • Title: The Great Gatsby
  • Author: Francis Scott Fitzgerald
  • Price: 6.90

Press the POST button at the bottom of the screen. You should be able to see the result of the POST request on the screen as follows:


Step 16

Click on the Book button at the top left corner of the screen to see all the entries inside the model you have created.


It will open a page that will display all the results. In this way, DRF provides a consolidated and convenient view of the model entries inside your browser.


Additional Steps

Keep the server running and go to the file and add the following code to create a new view called SingleBookView.

Add the following code inside it:

class SingleBookView(generics.RetrieveUpdateAPIView):
    queryset = Book.objects.all()
    serializer_class = BookSerializer

Update the app-level and update the urlpatterns with the following entry:

path('books/<int:pk>', views.SingleBookView.as_view()),

Save both the files and refresh your webpage in the browser.

You can now access individual books by their 'id'. Suffix the URL path with an id of your choice from the entries inside your model such as:

It should return a view of a single book as below:


Concluding Thoughts

In this lab, you practiced creating a template for a book list using a Serializer in DRF. You also learned how to create and update data entries in a DRF view.