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Conjunto de funções utilizadas no curso IA898 - Processamento Digital de Imagens

Criado primeira vez no curso do 1º semestre 2017


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- numpy
- matplotlib
- jupyter and jupyter extentions


  • chess - Illustrate the many ways to create an image of a chess like template
  • iauint8pitfalls- Common errors processing uint8 data
  • iagenimages - Illustrate the generation of different images
  • iaprofiledemo - Illustrate the extraction and plotting of a profile
  • gengaussian - Illustrate the generation of d-dimensional Gaussian image
  • iait - Illustrate the contrast transform function
  • iahisteq - Illustrate how to make a histogram equalization
  • corrdemo - Illustrate the Template Matching technique
  • iaphasecorrdemo - Illustrate the phase correlation technique
  • iadftdecompose - Illustrate the decomposition of the image in primitive 2-D waves.
  • iacosdemo - Illustrate discrete cosine wave and its DFT showing its periodic nature.
  • iadftexamples - Demonstrate the DFT spectrum of simple synthetic images.
  • iadftmatrixexamples - Demonstrate the kernel matrix for the DFT Transform.
  • dftscaleproperty - Illustrate the scale property of the Discrete Fourier Transform.
  • iaconvteo - Illustrate the convolution theorem
  • iahotelling - Illustrate the Hotelling Transform
  • iainversefiltering - Illustrate the inverse filtering for restoration.
  • magnify - Illustrate the interpolation of magnified images
  • iamosaicdemo - Illustrate the use of mosaic to show 3D images
  • iaotsudemo - Illustrate the Otsu Thresholding Selection Method


  • iaimages - Images available to use in examples.
  • iareadurl - Read image from URL path.

Halftoning Approximation

  • iadither - Ordered Dither.
  • iafloyd - Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion.

Color Processing

  • iaapplylut - Intensity image transform.
  • iacolormap - Create a colormap table.
  • iatcrgb2ind - True color RGB to index image and colormap.
  • iargb2gray - Convert True color RGB to gray image (luminance).

Geometric Manipulations

  • affine - Affine transform. Supports 3D but no interpolation.
  • iaffine3 - Enhanced Affine transform. Supports 3D transforms, color images and linear interpolation.
  • iageorigid - 2D Rigid body geometric transformation and scaling.
  • polar - Cartesian to polar coordinate transformation.
  • ptrans - Periodic translation.
  • iarot90 - 3D 90-degree rotation

Image Filtering

  • iabwlp - Low-Pass Butterworth frequency filter.
  • ialogfilter - Laplacian of Gaussian filter.
  • iacontour - Contours of binary images.
  • conv - 2D or 3D convolution.
  • pconv - 2D or 3D periodic convolution (kernel origin at center of kernel).
  • iapconv2 - 1D, 2D or 3D periodic convolution (kernel origin at array origin).
  • iasobel - Sobel edge detection.
  • iavarfilter - Variance filter.

Automatic Thresholding Techniques

  • iaotsu - Thresholding by Otsu.


  • adshow - Basic display image in Adessowiki.
  • iamosaic - Creates a mosaic of images from the input volume (3D).
  • iagshow - Overlay color planes on a gray scale image ready for display.
  • ialblshow - Display a labeled image assigning a random color for each label.
  • ianshow - Image graphic representation useful for illustration, accepts overlay color planes.
  • iaisolines - Isolines of a grayscale image.
  • iadftview - Generate optical Fourier Spectrum for display from DFT data.
  • iatiling - Create a large 2D image from a list of smaller images.
  • iafig2img - Convert a matplotlib figure to an image ready to be displayed by adshow.
  • iaplot - Simple plotting ready to be displayed adshow.
  • iashow - Image display. DO NOT USE. Use adshow instead.

Image Information and Manipulation

  • iaroi - Cut a rectangle out of an image.
  • iacrop - Crop an image to find the minimum rectangle.
  • iapad - Extend the image inserting a frame around it.
  • iaimginfo - Print image size and pixel data type information
  • iaind2sub - Convert linear index to double subscripts.
  • meshgrid - Create two 2-D matrices of indexes.
  • ianeg - Negate an image.
  • normalize - Normalize the pixels values between the specified range.
  • iasub2ind - Convert linear double subscripts to linear index.

Image Transformation

  • iadct - Discrete Cossine Transform.
  • iadctmatrix - Kernel matrix for the DCT Transform.
  • iadft - Discrete Fourier Transform.
  • iadftmatrix - Kernel matrix for the DFT Transform.
  • iafftshift - Shifts zero-frequency component to center of spectrum.
  • iaifftshift - Undoes the effects of iafftshift.
  • haarmatrix - Kernel matrix for the Haar Transform.
  • hadamard - Hadamard Transform.
  • hadamardmatrix - Kernel matrix for the Hadamard Transform.
  • iahwt - Haar Wavelet Transform.
  • iaidct - Inverse Discrete Cossine Transform.
  • iaidft - Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform.
  • ihadamard - Inverse Hadamard Transform.
  • iaihwt - Inverse Haar Wavelet Transform.
  • iaisdftsym - Check for conjugate symmetry
  • pca - Principal Component Analysis


  • histogram - Image histogram.
  • iah2stats - Image statistics from its histogram.
  • iastat - Calculates MSE, PSNR and Pearson correlation between two images.
  • iacolorhist - Color-image histogram.
  • iapercentile - Computes the percentile from the image.
  • iah2percentile - Computes the percentile from the histogram.

Image Creation

  • iacircle - Create a binary circle image.
  • iaramp - Create an image with vertical bands of increasing gray values.
  • iacos - Create a cosine wave image.
  • iagaussian - Generate a n-dimensional Gaussian image.
  • ellipse - Generate a 2D ellipse, rectangle or diamond image.
  • log - Laplacian of Gaussian image.
  • comb - Create a grid of impulses image.
  • iarectangle - Create a binary rectangle image.
  • iatext - Create a binary image of a text.


  • iainterpolclosest - Closest pixel interpolation
  • iainterpollin - Linear, bi-linear or tri-linear interpolation

Image Matching

  • iacorr - Simple correlation between two images of the same size
  • phaseorr - Phase correlation
  • iawcorr - Weighted correlation between two images of the same size