Releases: robinovitch61/wander
Releases · robinovitch61/wander
- d2cc262 Ability to wrap any viewport with ctrl+w (#25)
- 7bf1591 Add CurrentRow to viewport
- 16858f9 Add ability to save any viewport content on any page as a local file (#12)
- aac3aa7 Add allocation filtering
- bc98e69 Add, no justfile
- 0dea7ce Add go to bottom, go to top
- 467267f Add goreleaser and homebrew tap (#35)
- 43b82cd Add highlight to viewport for filtered text
- 3b3af93 Add image and gif link to readme (#17)
- 2f31266 Add job and allocation specs (#16)
- 336b792 Add key help
- afec3b2 Add log line viewing, pretty json
- 88eed3f Add logo
- 44b9a94 Add main keymap
- 139f3a1 Add namespace to FetchJobSpec (#21) (#23)
- c1eb957 Add namespace to jobs table
- 52e0e6e Add optional wrap functionality to viewport, and include in specs + logline (#19)
- a13b46b Add shell script to generate named nomad jobs
- 3e200d3 Add simple header
- d886235 Add task group to allocations table
- 05cbfa8 Add task info to logline and reset x offset for log viewing
- 52504ab Add uptime to jobs
- 89fa0b3 Bump deps
- c882ace Change filter to be more like textinput (focus, blur)
- c51f9cc Change module name from wander -> (#26)
- 7aff3e7 Change styling of save dialog placeholder
- 98fc452 Clean up
- 8636b79 Cleanup nomad client
- 5da8d41 Cleanup page change cmds
- f814403 Clear filter on back button
- 32cc8f9 Configure using cobra/viper and add ssh token override (#32)
- 9994bf8 Consolidate and improve styling
- 81dac80 Consolidate formatting functions
- 5fd3e74 Create
- f293d9f Create Toast component (#24)
- 33d26b7 Create page component (#15)
- 755339a Create wander ssh app with wish (#28)
- c3412b6 De-tablefy the logline
- 5ab94b7 Deal with headers that are wider than viewport width
- 4e46594 Do not mirror header filter state
- 3cfc4a0 Do not trim space from log lines
- 155a115 Dont quit when typing q while filter focused
- eb1416f Example bubbletea program
- 8ce5cad Filter logs
- 6a0b8f1 Filtering state machine, no actual filtering yet
- ceb0c52 Fix at what height footer shows
- fec4646 Fix bug in continuation line indicators
- 61919d5 Fix bug in getVisiblePartOfLine
- 7d5fb88 Fix bug with spacing by tabs not spaces
- d02994c Fix bugs with xOffset in viewport
- 16d5d5d Fix crash if height too small
- 8586575 Fix double update viewport
- 62cf362 Fix filtering behavior
- 96d24de Fix off by one error with displaying line continuation
- d54a92b Fix refresh and mock allocation response
- 2cd2ac4 Format submit time on jobs page
- e5ec2e1 Get current page model pointer with main function
- 6b47ba6 Gitignore
- 9fe55c3 Give viewport a cursorEnabled and SetCursorEnabled for cursorless paging
- 8b35985 Header in viewport
- 34824bc Horizontal scroll on long viewport lines
- 4010a46 Implement HalfPageUp/Down, PageUp/Down
- 07f787d Implement check for loading
- 2289985 Important typo (msg -> cmd)
- ccee8a7 Improve comment
- 1c3e466 Improve logic for SetCursorRow
- ceb1c55 Improve logs
- 0916700 Improve scripts (#30)
- d348000 Install @latest in README
- f478714 Jobs filtering working
- 6984f7d Kinda actually select allocation
- 82a9040 List nomad job names
- 12705eb Logging, fix bug
- cbc45d9 Logo spacing
- 1ba2665 Maintain selected row position across reloads and navigation
- 6c6dae7 Make table headers bold
- 480ab61 Make table output for jobs
- ff324a2 Make things private
- ba30cb5 Max line length trimmed
- 40c6adb Missing BlurAndClear on filtering logs
- c5774d6 Move app to subpackage (#27)
- 975775a Move filter Blur/Focus logic into parent pages
- 81cf896 Move toast to viewport
- 4468059 NOMAD_URL -> NOMAD_ADDR, fixState in viewport
- 8bbbac0 No reload on logline page
- 57501fe Order by state when alloc and task name are same
- 7afd534 Parse allocation data
- c777879 Performance improvement when no highlight in viewport
- 37dd6a2 Prevent switching log type during load
- 26ed1ba Protect against negative cursorRow
- 694780b Refactor page components (#11)
- fbbd41f Refactor stuff
- c0e35a1 Reimplement core functionality
- 18d63b2 Reloading
- dd5b4b2 Remove debug statements, move cursor up to visible if oob
- ca5a3b6 Remove high performance rendering from viewport
- 3f5b0c1 Remove reload from log line page
- 689a2a8 Remove sample file
- 6fd0fb3 Rename joblist to jobs
- b6494f5 Reorganize viewport
- e5f9e04 Resize vertical height working
- 1549318 Restructure directory and package organization (#31)
- 054497b Revert "Get current page model pointer with main function"
- e506568 Set cursorRow private
- c581138 Set x offset to 0 on page load
- 36bca23 Show times in local timezone
- 6cd6455 Simplify mocking, nomad http client
- 4d9d810 Simplify page model storage and access
- 22f905d Sort results of job and allocation api before displaying
- 49b08fa Start allocation request, page enum
- 1e23610 Start filtering
- ac81085 Start logs
- 639959c Store job namespace in model and use in FetchAllocations (#21) (#22)
- 49b9600 Strip ANSI escape codes from returned logs
- a98d60d Style Stderr logs differently than Stdout
- 90c37d9 Style header
- 60d53ff Style viewport
- eddd441 Switch between stdout and stderr logs
- 0a0fd0d Turn off debug file creation by default
- f756685 Undo mocks
- db4a4dc Upgrade versions, ssh -> wander-ssh (#29)
- 55cc943 Viewport for job list
- a0f2891 gitignore .iml project file
- d21140c justfile for dev
- eba5192 navigate through pages
- 28b540b setInitialValues on main model