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This started out as an attempt to tell people how to build their own literature bots in microsoft flow. But to be honest the process is so complex and so prone to errors that I think it's crazy to even try and start from scratch. Thus, the notes are incomplete, but I'll leave them here anyway just in case they're useful one day.

Microsoft Power Automate instructions

So, has massively constrained the free option. In a hunt for another free option, I thought that Microsoft Power Automate may suffice. Many academics will have access to Microsoft Power Automate through an institutional subscription to Office365, so here's a set of instructions for getting going.

They're a little complicated, but the principle is simple.

First, we use PowerAutomate to check each RSS feed periodically.

Then, we filter out just the new papers from each feed.

Finally, we post the new papers over the next time period, evenly spaced.

Set up your Power Automate Flow

NB I hate power automate, and you may come to hate it too. It's like programming without access to anything useful. It's worse than the lego drag and drop programming thing that my kids and I use on the iPad.

NEVERHTELESS Here we're going to make a 'Flow'. Take a deep breath...

1. Create a Scheduled Flow

  1. Go to Power Automate.
  2. Click on "Create" > "Scheduled cloud flow."
  3. Name your flow "literature_bot_phypapers" or whatever the hell you like
  4. Set it to run every Day and click "Create."

NB: Pubmed gets updated once every 24 hours, and the rest of this flow assumes you only check it once every 24 hours. If you check it more often you'll get a lot of duplicate posts.

2. Initialise your variables

We'll set the variables that different people will want to change right at the top. This will make it easier to adapt this to different RSS feeds and/or people.

  1. Click on "+" and "Add an Action", then search for the "Initialize variable" action and select it. Set it up as follows:

    • Name: BlueskyUsername (e.g.
    • Type: String
    • Value: Enter your Bluesky username.
  2. Add another "Initialize variable" action and set it up as follows:

    • Name: BlueskyAPIPassword (should be something with alphanumeric characters in the form xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx)
    • Type: String
    • Value: Enter your Bluesky API password.
  3. Add another "Initialize variable" action and set it up as follows:

    • Name: RssURL
    • Type: String
    • Value: Enter the URL for your RSS feed (e.g. mine is

3. Add RSS Action to Fetch RSS Feed

  1. Click on "+" and "Add an Action"
  2. Search for "RSS" and select "List all feed items."
  3. Configure the action:
    • Feed URL: click the lightning bolt and select the variable RssUrl which you set earlier

4. Only keep papers added to the feed in the last 24 hours

  1. Click on "+" and "Add an Action"
  2. Search for "Filter array" and select it.
  3. Configure the action:
    • Name: Call it FilterArray
    • From: Select body from the "List all feed items" action.
    • Condition:
      • In the left box, click the fx and paste this into the text box: formatDateTime(item()?['publishDate'], 'yyyy-MM-dd')
      • Choose is greater or equal to for the operator.
      • In the right box, click the fx and paste this into the text box: formatDateTime(addDays(utcNow(), -1), 'yyyy-MM-dd')

This keeps only the papers in the RSS feed that have been added to it in the last 24 hours, which stops us double posting (the feed will always have 100 items, but not all of them will necessarily be new each day).

5. Figure out how frequently we should post

Let's aim to post everything we've got within 23 hours.

  1. Add a "Compose" action after filtering the RSS feed.
    • Name: PostCount
    • Inputs: click the blue fx and enter this in the text box: length(body('FilterArray'))
  2. Add a "Compose" action after getting the post count.
    • Name: MinutesBetweenPosts
    • Inputs: click the blue fx and enter this in the text box: div(1380, outputs('PostCount'))

This will allow us to trickle out our posts over a ~23 hour period.

6. Authenticate with Bluesky API

  1. Add an "HTTP" action and call it GetAccessToken

    • Method: POST
    • URI:
    • Headers:
      • Content-Type: application/json
    • Body:
        "identifier": "@{variables('BlueskyUsername')}",
        "password": "@{variables('BlueskyAPIPassword')}"
  2. Add a "Parse JSON" action.

    • Content: click the lightning bolt and choose body of GetAccessToken
    • Schema:
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
          "accessJwt": { "type": "string" },
          "refreshJwt": { "type": "string" }
  3. Add an "Initialize variable" action and call it AccessToken

    • Type: String
    • Value: use the lightning bolt and select Body acessJWT from Parse JSON
  4. Add an "Initialize variable" action and call it RefreshToken

    • Type: String
    • Value: use the lightning bolt and select Body refreshJWT from Parse JSON

We need these tokens later to post to Bluesky

7. Loop Through All Papers, extract the basics of each paper

  1. Add an "Apply to each" action.

    • Value: use the lightning bolt to select the FilterArray body
    • Name: PostToBluesky
  2. Inside the "Apply to each" action, add a "Compose" action.

    • Name: CurrentPaper
    • Inputs: use the lightning bolt to select the PostToBluesky Current Item
  3. Next, add a "Compose" action to get the title.

    • Name: Title
    • Inputs: select the blue fx and in the code box put item()?['title']
  4. Next, add a "Compose" action to strip HTML tags from the title

    • Name: Title
    • Inputs: select the blue fx and in the code box put join(xpath(xml(concat('<root>', outputs('Title'), '</root>')), '//text()'), '')
  5. Next, add a "Compose" action to truncate the title if it's longer than 260 characters

    • Name: Title
    • Inputs: select the blue fx and in the code box put if(greater(length(outputs('CleanTitle')), 260), substring(outputs('CleanTitle'), 0, 260), outputs('CleanTitle'))
  6. Next, add a "Compose" action to get the link.

    • Name: Link
    • Inputs: select the blue fx and in the code box put item()?['primaryLink']
  7. Next, add a "Compose" action to take the crud off the link.

    • Name: CleanLink
    • Inputs: select the blue fx and in the code box put split(outputs('Link'), '?')[0]

8. Make the text for the post

  1. Inside the "PostToBluesky" loop, add a "Compose" action after the ShortTitle and CleanLink actions.
    • Name: PostContent
    • Inputs:
      "@{concat(outputs('ShortTitle'),' ',outputs('CleanLink'))}"

9. Refresh Access Token in Each Loop Iteration

Access tokens don't last for long, so we need to refresh it each time we post

  1. Inside the "PostToBluesky" loop, add an "HTTP" action.

    • Name: RefreshAccessToken
    • Method: POST
    • URI:
    • Headers:
      • Accept: application/json
      • Authorization: Bearer @{variables('RefreshToken')}
  2. Add a "Parse JSON" action.

    • Name: ParseRefreshResponse
    • Content: click the lightning bolt and choose body of RefreshAccessToken
    • Schema:
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
          "accessJwt": { "type": "string" }

10. Post to Bluesky

  1. Inside the "PostToBluesky" loop, add an "HTTP" action after the PostContent action.
    • Name: PostToBlueskyAPI
    • Method: POST
    • URI:
    • Headers:
      • Content-Type: application/json
      • Authorization: Bearer @{variables('AccessToken')}
    • Body:
        "collection": "",
        "repo": "@{variables('BlueskyUsername')}",
        "record": {
          "$type": "",
          "text": "@{outputs('PostContent')}",
          "facets": [
              "index": {
                "byteStart": @{add(length(outputs('ShortTitle')), 1)},
                "byteEnd": @{length(outputs('PostContent'))}
              "uri": "@{outputs('CleanLink')}"
          "createdAt": "@{utcNow()}"
  2. Add a "Set variable" action to update the access token.
    • Name: AccessToken
    • Value: click the lightning bolt and choose body accessJWT of ParseRefreshResponse

11. Wait a bit until you post again

  1. Add a 'Delay` action
  2. Select the blue lightning bolt and choose the Outputs of the MinutesBetweenPosts variable

This will make the bot wait, so the papers trickle out over ~23 hours.