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327 lines (248 loc) · 10.4 KB

File metadata and controls

327 lines (248 loc) · 10.4 KB

Morph allows you to emerge Ruby class definitions from data or by calling assignment methods.

Build Status

Installing Morph

    gem install morph

To use Morph:

    require 'morph'

Tested to work with Ruby 2.2 - 2.6.

Morph creating classes from_json

Here's an example showing Morph creating classes and objects from JSON:

    json = '{
      "id": "3599110793",
      "type": "PushEvent",
      "actor": {
        "id": 3447,
        "login": "robmckinnon",
        "url": ""
      "repo": {
        "id": 5092,
        "name": "robmckinnon/morph",
        "url": ""

    module Github; end

    type = :push_event
    namespace = Github

    event = Morph.from_json json, type, namespace

    # => <Github::PushEvent @id="3599110793", @type="PushEvent",
    #   @actor=#<Github::Actor:0x007faa0c86b790 @id=3447, @login="robmckinnon",
    #     @url="">,
    #   @repo=#<Github::Repo:0x007faa0c869198 @id=5092, @name="robmckinnon/morph",
    #     @url="">
    # >

    event.class                   # => Github::PushEvent

    event.class.morph_attributes  # => [:id, :type, :actor, :repo]             # => Github::Actor

    event.repo.class              # => Github::Repo

If namespace module not provided, new classes are created in Morph module.

    event = Morph.from_json json, type, namespace

    event.class  # => Morph::PushEvent

Morph creating classes from_csv

Here's an example showing Morph playing with CSV (comma-separated values):

    csv = %Q[name,party\nTed Roe,red\nAli Davidson,blue\nSue Smith,green]

    people = Morph.from_csv(csv, 'person')

    # => [#<Morph::Person @name="Ted Roe", @party="red">,
       #<Morph::Person @name="Ali Davidson", @party="blue">,
       #<Morph::Person @name="Sue Smith", @party="green">]  # => "green"

Morph creating classes from_tsv

Here's example code showing Morph playing with TSV (tab-separated values):

    tsv = %Q[name\tparty\nTed Roe\tred\nAli Davidson\tblue\nSue Smith\tgreen]

    people = Morph.from_tsv(tsv, 'person')

    # => [#<Morph::Person @name="Ted Roe", @party="red">,
       #<Morph::Person @name="Ali Davidson", @party="blue">,
       #<Morph::Person @name="Sue Smith", @party="green">]  # => "green"

Morph creating classes from_xml

Here's example code showing Morph playing with XML:

    xml = %Q[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <councils type="array">
        <council code='1'>
          <name>Aberdeen City Council</name>
        <council code='2'>
          <name>Allerdale Borough Council</name>

    councils = Morph.from_xml(xml)

    # => [#<Morph::Council @code="1", @name="Aberdeen City Council">,
       #<Morph::Council @code="2", @name="Allerdale Borough Council">]   # => "Aberdeen City Council"

Registering a listener to new class / methods via register_listener

You can use register_listener to get callbacks when new methods on a class are created.

For example given Morph used as a mixin:

    class Project
      include Morph

    project =

Register listener:

    listener = -> (klass, method) do
      puts "class: #{klass.to_s} --- method: #{method}"

    Morph.register_listener listener

Callback prints string as new methods are created via assignment calls:

    project.deadline = "11 11 2075"
    # class: Project --- method: deadline

    project.completed = true
    # class: Project --- method: completed

To unregister a listener use unregister_listener:

    Morph.unregister_listener listener

For an example of Morph's register_listener being used to create a Github API see the Hubbit module.

Morph making sample Active Record line via script_generate

Time to generate an Active Record model? Get a sample script line like this:

    #=> "rails destroy model Project;
    #    rails generate model Project completed:string deadline:string

or specify the generator:

    Morph.script_generate(Project, :generator => 'rspec_model')
    #=> "rails destroy rspec_model Project;
    #    rails generate rspec_model Project completed:string deadline:string

You'll have to edit this as it currently sets all data types to be string, and doesn't understand associations.

Morph setting hash of attributes via morph

    class Order
      include Morph

    order =

How about adding a hash of attribute values?

    order.morph :drink => 'tea', :spoons_of_sugar => 2, :milk => 'prefer soya thanks'

Looks like we got 'em:

    order.drink            # => "tea"
    order.spoons_of_sugar  # => 2
    order.milk             # => "prefer soya thanks"

Morph obtaining hash of attributes via morph_attributes

Create an item:

    class Item
      include Morph

    item =
    item.morph :name => 'spinach', :cost => 0.50

Now an order:

    class Order
      include Morph

    order = = 123
    order.items = [item]

Want to retrieve all that as a nested hash of values? No problem:

    order.morph_attributes  # => {:items=>[{:name=>"spinach", :cost=>0.5}], :no=>123}

Last bits

See LICENSE for the terms of this software.

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