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Contributing to the Roboflow Inference Server 🛠️

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Roboflow Inference Server!

We welcome any contributions to help us improve the quality of inference-server and expand the range of supported models.

Contribution Guidelines

We welcome contributions to:

  1. Add support for running inference on a new model.
  2. Report bugs and issues in the project.
  3. Submit a request for a new task or feature.
  4. Improve our test coverage.

Contributing Features

The goal of inference is to make it easy to adopt computer vision models. The package provides standardised interface for making prediction, make it possible to expose model through HTTP API and enable making predictions from models on video. Our goal is also to make it seamless to integrate inference components with Roboflow platform.

We welcome contributions that add support for new models to the project. Before you begin, please make sure that another contributor has not already begun work on the model you want to add. You can check the project README for our roadmap on adding more models.

We require documentation and tests for contributions (if applicable).

How to Contribute Changes

First, fork this repository to your own GitHub account. Create a new branch that describes your changes (i.e. line-counter-docs). Push your changes to the branch on your fork and then submit a pull request to this repository.

When creating new functions, please ensure you have the following:

  1. Docstrings for the function and all parameters.
  2. Examples in the documentation for the function.
  3. Created an entry in our docs to autogenerate the documentation for the function.

All pull requests will be reviewed by the maintainers of the project. We will provide feedback and ask for changes if necessary.

PRs must pass all tests and linting requirements before they can be merged.

🔧 Development environment

We recommend creating fresh conda environment:

conda create -n inference-development python=3.10
conda activate inference-development

Then, in repository root:

repo_root$ (inference-development) pip install -e .

That will install all requirements apart from SAM model. To install the latter:

repo_root$ (inference-development) pip install -e ".[sam]"

but in some OS (like MacOS) that would require installing additional libs (this guide should fix the issue for MacOS).

After installation, you should be able to run both tests and the library components without issues.

🐳 Building docker image with inference server

To test the changes related to inference server, you would probably need to build docker image locally. This is to be done with the following command:

# template
repo_root$ docker build -t roboflow/roboflow-inference-server-{version}:dev -f docker/dockerfiles/Dockerfile.onnx.{version} .

# example build for CPU
repo_root$ docker build -t roboflow/roboflow-inference-server-cpu:dev -f docker/dockerfiles/Dockerfile.onnx.cpu .

# example build for GPU
repo_root$ docker build -t roboflow/roboflow-inference-server-gpu:dev -f docker/dockerfiles/Dockerfile.onnx.gpu .

🧹 Code quality

We provide two handy commands inside the Makefile, namely:

  • make style to format the code
  • make check_code_quality to check code quality (PEP8 basically)

🧪 Tests

pytests is used to run our tests. We have specific structure of tests to ensure stability on different platforms that we support (CPU, GPU, Jetson, etc.).

Unit tests

We would like all low-level components to be covered with unit tests. That tests must be:

  • fast (if that's not possible for some reason, please use @pytest.mark.slow)
  • deterministic (not flaky)
  • covering all equivalence classes

Running the unit tests:

repo_root$ (inference-development) pytest tests/inference/unit_tests/ 
repo_root$ (inference-development) pytest tests/inference_cli/unit_tests/ 
repo_root$ (inference-development) pytest tests/inference_sdk/unit_tests/ 

With GH Actions defined in .github directory, the ones related to integration tests at x86 platform will work after you fork repositories. Other actions may not work, as they require access to our internal resources will not work (tests on Jetson devices, Tesla T4, integration tests for inference server). There is nothing wrong with that, we will make required checks as you submit PR to main repository.

Integration tests

We would like to have decent coverage of most important components with integration tests suites. Those should check specific functions e2e, including communication with external services (or their stubs if real service cannot be used for any reasons). Integration tests may be more bulky than unit tests, but we wish them not to require burning a lot of resources, and be completed within max 20-30 minutes.

Running the integration tests locally is possible, but only in some cases. For instance, one may locally run:

repo_root$ (inference-development) pytest tests/inference/models_predictions_tests/ 
repo_root$ (inference-development) pytest tests/inference_cli/integration_tests/ 

But running

repo_root$ (inference-development) pytest tests/inference/integration_tests/ 

will not be fully possible, as part of them require API key for Roboflow API.

💡 Contribution idea

It would be a great contribution to make inference server integration tests running without API keys for Roboflow.

📚 Documentation

Roboflow Inference uses mkdocs and mike to offer versioned documentation. The project documentation is hosted on GitHub Pages.

To build the Inference documentation, first install the project development dependencies:

pip install -r requirements/

To run the latest version of the documentation, run:

mike serve

Before a new release is published, a new version of the documentation should be built. To create a new version, run:

mike deploy <version-number>