Developers tend to provide summaries and descriptions for their API endpoints/operations. Sometimes these descriptor attributes are brief, really tells you nothing about the whole operation, and you have to dig deeper, you may ask your co-worker about it, or if it is a public API you may read more about it somewhere.
These descriptors are not always fun to write, if you are not writing them directly into an OpenAPI YAML or JSON file, you may end up in the production code which on different Java versions can be ugly, just to give you some examples.
interface UserController {
@Operation(summary = "Registers/creates a new user",
description = "This endpoint is going to create a new user in the system, but it has to pass the following validations:\n" +
"- The e-mail must be unique, if not unique the system will reject the request\n" +
"- The username is mandatory and it has to be unique as well\n" +
"If any of the business rules are violated an HTTP 422 will be returned with the list of violations")
@PostMapping(path = "/user", produces = {MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_VALUE})
ResponseEntity postUser(@RequestBody UserRequest userRequest);
interface UserController {
@Operation(summary = "Registers/creates a new user",
description = """
This endpoint is going to create a new user in the system, but it has to pass the following validations:
- The e-mail must be unique, if not unique the system will reject the request
- The username is mandatory and it has to be unique as well
If any of the business rules are violated an HTTP 422 will be returned with the list of violations
@PostMapping(path = "/user", produces = {MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_VALUE})
ResponseEntity postUser(@RequestBody UserRequest userRequest);
postUser.summary=Registers/creates a new user
postUser.description=This endpoint is going to create a new user in the system, but it has to pass the following validations: \n \
- The e-mail must be unique, if not unique the system will reject the request \n \
- The username is mandatory and it has to be unique as well \n \n \
If any of the business rules are violated an HTTP 422 will be returned with the list of violations
interface UserController {
@Operation(summary = "postUser.summary",description = "postUser.description")
@PostMapping(path = "/user", produces = {MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_VALUE})
ResponseEntity postUser(@RequestBody UserRequest userRequest);
summary: Summary from application.yml
description: |
This endpoint is going to create a new user in the system, but it has to pass the following validations:
- The e-mail must be unique, if not unique the system will reject the request
- The username is mandatory and it has to be unique as well
If any of the business rules are violated an HTTP 422 will be returned with the list of violations
interface UserController {
@Operation(summary = "${postUser.summary}",description = "${postUser.description}")
@PostMapping(path = "/user", produces = {MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_VALUE})
ResponseEntity postUser(@RequestBody UserRequest userRequest);
All 4 does the job, but as OpenAPI is supporting CommonMark markdown formatting, we, in the Java source code and in the property/yaml files, lose the ability to properly format and preview our written documentation.
If we keep populating any of the above-mentioned files the production code will become huge and ugly, we would like to change this way and we would like to propose another idea.
As most code editors support Markdown rendering, we offer you the solution to write all the summaries and descriptions in a Markdown file under the src/main/resources
folder, (in a specified subdirectory for example operations
) and our tool will inject those Markdown files, during runtime, to your OpenAPI definition file.
You have many options to have these files injected, here is the list of options how to configure those:
Instantiate the
as a new bean (@Bean
) and set the path where the markdown files can be found, you can override the extesnion as well if it is not
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public OperationDescriptionCustomizer operationDescriptionCustomizer() {
OperationDescriptionConfiguration configuration = OperationDescriptionConfiguration.builder()
.resourcesBasePath("operations") // (1)
.extension(".md") // (2)
OperationDescriptionCustomizer operations = new OperationDescriptionCustomizer(configuration, new OperationDescriptionLoaderService());
operations.setInBackground(true); // (3)
return operations;
If your files reside in the
directory use the following configuration. -
By default, the
is the extension, but it can be overwritten. -
If you have a lot of operations than it would be good to run those in the background and the OpenAPI documentation will have all the necessary summaries and descriptions after the process is done, with that the documentation is not blocked.
The tool has a few resolvers to find the files.
Based on the operation’s identifier (
If it is not specified the operation’s identifier will be the method’s name by default. |
Based on the methods fully qualified name.
Based on a custom OpenAPI Extension key and properties.
This resolver will search resources in the following paths with a ClassLoader.
For example:
This resolver will search resources in the following paths with a ClassLoader.
The different path can be defined within the constructor. For example:
This resolver will search resources in the following paths with a ClassLoader.
The resources must be configured on the method level:
interface UserController {
@Operation(extensions = {
@Extension(name = OpenApiExtenderExtensionConstants.EXTENSION_KEY, // (1)
properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name = OpenApiExtenderExtensionConstants.DESCRIPTION_KEY, value = "operations/"), // (2)
@ExtensionProperty(name = OpenApiExtenderExtensionConstants.SUMMARY_KEY, value = "operations/")} // (3)
@PutMapping(path = "/user/{id}", produces = {MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE})
ResponseEntity putUser(@RequestParam(name = "id", required = false) String id);
Custom extension key (
EXTENSION_KEY = "x-extender";
) -
Description resource path.
Summary resource path.
I18N is not yet supported, only one locale can be used. |