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A micro JavaScript utility for processing text.

UPDATE: Microtext.js is now available as an Angular.js module

NOTE: the purpose of this project is to provide simple and useful text processing functions to the web developer's toolset. Please read the Contributions section for more information about this.

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Microtext object functions:

Microtext.breakSentence("Gaal Dornick"); // ["Gaal", "Dornick"]

Microtext.truncate("Lewis Pirenne", 10) // "Lewis Pire..."

Microtext.abbrevName("Hari Seldon"); // "Hari S."

Microtext.firstName("Lors Avakim"); // "Lors"

Microtext.lastName("Salvor Hardin"); // "Hardin"

Microtext.getInitials("Bor Alurin"); // "B. A"

Microtext.capitalize("foundation"); // "Foundation"

Microtext.simpleFormat("Sef Sermak"); // returns "<p>Sef Sermak</p>"

Microtext.simpleFormat("Sef Sermak", { className: "character" });
// returns "<p class='character'>Sef Sermak</p>"

Microtext.excerpt("Who is John Galt?", "John"); // returns "...John Galt?..."

Microtext.hideEmail(""); // ""

Microtext.parameterize("It was childish to feel disappointed");
// "it-was-childish-to-feel-disappointed"

Microtext.hideBadWord("Bitch!"); // "B!#&&"

Microtext.ordinal(11243); // "11243rd"

Refer to the Wiki for more information.

String instance methods

"Anselm haut Rodric".nameAt(2) // "Rodric"

"Anselm haut Rodric".nameAt(3) // undefined


Microtext.js functions can also be used as plain Handlebars.js helpers:

{{ getInitials "Isaac Newton" }}

{{ abbrevName "Albert Einstein" }}

Checking for code quality

Microtext.js was written to be 100% passed by JSLint with no flags. So you can try:

$ jslint microtext.js

Also, you can run JSHint on the project via Grunt:

$ cd microtext.js

$ grunt


Generate the minified version of Microtext, a.k.a microtext.min.js

$ uglifyjs src/microtext.js --screw-ie8 > dist/microtext.min.js


  • Rodrigo Alves - rodrigovieira1994 [at] gmail [dot] com


You can contribute to Microtext.js by adding new text processing/helper functions or by improving the existing ones as well as fixing eventual bugs. In any case, your contribution is totally welcome.

Refer to this blog post if you don't know how to proceed before sending a Pull Request.


Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for details.

Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Rodrigo Alves