Release: 1.0.7
Makes an easy and intuitive area to upload files through drag and drop or select methods.
This plugin is inspired on the solution given by Ravishanker Kusuma ( at where he describes how to create an easy way to drag and drop files and upload it to server. Many other enhancements were made.
Import required libraries and stylesheets.
DropArea requires jQuery.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../src/droparea.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../src/droparea.js"></script>
Create the area where files would be dropped and the input file to a fallback.
<div class="droparea" >
<img src="" id="file_preview" >
<span >Drag and drop files here!</span>
<input type="file" name="file" id="file" accept="image/*" style="display: none;" >
Then, just initialize it.
<script type="text/javascript" >
That's all. :) Cool, don't you?
You also can pass some options when initializing it.
These options are:
Option | Type | Default | Definition |
url | String | N/A | It's the path to the server side script which will upload your file. |
upload | Boolean | true | Whenever set to false, droparea won't upload the file to server, but set it into a local 'file' field instead. If false, a 'file_holder' is required |
file_holder | String | #file | It's the file holder to place files when 'upload' is set to false, and ignored when 'upload' is set to true. |
file_preview | String | #file_preview | Whenever uploading an image file, and file_preview is given, droparea tries to intercept the manual selection of files on 'file_holder' and display the selected image on 'file_preview' as soon as it is selected. |
notification_delay | Integer | 5000 | Delay to remove the 'complete' notification (milisenconds) |
accepted | String | .jpg|.png|.gif | The accepted extensions for upload set null or false for all files |
file_max_size | Integer | 2048 | The file max size allowed for upload |
extra_data | Array | [] | The extra data that would be necessary to submit with file it's supposed to be only html form elements, such as: input, select, etc. Must be an array with the id of elements (# is not required) |
i18n | Object | * See below | The internationalization object containing all used strings. |
i18n.unable_to_upload | String | Unable to upload at this time.<br>Select a file. | |
i18n.wrong_file_type | String | Unacceptable file type!<br>Try: %s | %s will be replaced by option 'accepted' value |
i18n.wrong_file_size | String | Dropped file is too big! Max file size allowed: %s |
%s will be replaced by option 'file_max_size' value |
i18n.abort | String | Abort | |
i18n.mb | String | MB | |
i18n.kb | String | KB | |
i18n.percent | String | % | |
i18n.dismiss | String | Dismiss | |
i18n.error | String | Err | |
success | Function | null | A success callback, called after upload is complete there are three arguments passed: server_response_obj, file_name whenever the server returns a field "file_name" and the local uploaded file reference. |
Fork it on github, or fell free to suggest enhancements or bug fixes.
Happy coding! :)