title | description | created | updated |
Ada |
Ada Programming language cheatsheet contains useful code syntax with examples which is handy while coding. |
2020-06-24 |
2020-06-24 |
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Hello is
Put_Line ("Hello, World!");
end Hello;
- ada.text_io : package that contains routines for i/o of text
- with - tells compiler that the package will be used
- use : tells compiler that the package should be automatically searched and allows access to routines without using the fully qualified name
- procedure : used to declare a procedure named Hello here.
- Put_line : is a procedure for string output.
- -- : comment
varName : DataType := value
varName : Constant DataType := value
if conditional-expr then
--code if above statement is true
elseif conditional-expr then
--code if above statement is true
end if;
case expr is
when expr => --code
when expr => --code
when others => --code;
end case;
This is the simplest loop
Index := 1; --initialization
exit when Index = n;
end loop;
Count := 1; --initialization
while Count < n loop
end loop;
for Index in 1..n loop
end loop;
Functions and procedures are collectively called as sub-programs.
procedure proc-name
(X : in Integer ; Y : out Integer ; Z : in out Integer ) is
X := 10; −− it's an Error as you can’t modify an in parameter.
Y := X; −− can modify Y as it's an out parameter.
Z := Z + 1; −− can read and write as it's an in out parameter.
end proc-name;
function function_name(declaration) return value is
end function-name;