Production mode:
$ pm2 start production.json
$ pm2 stop production.json
$ pm2 delete production.json
$ pm2 restart production.json
Development mode
$ pm2 start development.json
$ pm2 stop development.json
$ pm2 delete development.json
$ pm2 restart development.json
set NODE_ENV=production && node app.js
NODE_ENV=production node app.js
#Before You Deploy
Before you launch any web application, you should ask yourself a few questions:
- What is your expected traffic?
- Are you contractually required to meet any uptime guarantees, e.g. a Service Level Agreement (SLA)?
- What sorts of front-end apps will be "hitting" your infrastructure?
- Android apps
- iOS apps
- desktop web browsers
- mobile web browsers (tablets, phones, iPad minis?)
- tvs, watches, toasters..?
- And what kinds of things will they be requesting?
- XML?
- Will you be taking advantage of realtime pubsub features with
- e.g. chat, realtime analytics, in-app notifications/messages
- How are you tracking crashes and errors?
- Take a look at Sails' log config
Node.js is pretty darn fast. For many apps, one server is enough to handle the expected traffic-- at least at first.
- All your production environment settings are stored in config/env/production.js
- Configure your app to run on port 80 (if not behind a proxy like nginx). If you're using nginx, be sure to configure it to relay websockets to your app. You can find guidance here in nginx docs WebSocket proxying.
- Configure the 'production' environment so that all of your css/js gets bundled up, and the internal servers are switched into the appropriate environment (requires linker)
- Make sure your database is set-up on the production server. This is especially important if you are using a relational database such as MySQL, because sails sets all your models to migrate:safe when run in production, which means no auto-migrations are run on starting up the app. You can set your database up the following way:
- Create the database on the server and then run your sails app with migrate:alter locally, but configured to use the production server as your db. This will automatically set things up.
- In case you can't connect to the server remotely, you'll simply dump your local schema and import it into the database server.
- Enable CSRF protection for your POST, PUT, and DELETE requests
- Enable SSL
- Configure config/sockets.js to use's recommended production settings here
- e.g. enable the flashsocket transport
- Configure config/sockets.js to use's recommended production settings here
In production, instead of sails lift, you'll want to use forever or PM2 to make sure your app will keep running, even if it crashes.
- Install forever: sudo npm install -g forever
- More about forever:
- Or install PM2: sudo npm install pm2 -g --unsafe-perm
- More information about that:
- From your app directory, start the server either with forever start app.js --prod or pm2 start app.js -x -- --prod
- This is the same thing as using sails lift --prod, but if the server crashes, it will be automatically restarted.