Releases: ropensci/GSODR
GSODR 1.0.5
Major changes
Add welcome message on startup regarding data use and sharing
Update internal stations list
Minor changes
- Tidy up informative messages that the package returns while running
Bug fixes
Fix bug where "Error in read_connection_(con):" when writing to CSV occurs
Fix typo in line 160 of
where "Rda" should be "rda" to properly
load internal package files
GSODR 1.0.4
Major changes
Data distributed with GSODR are now internal to the package and not externally
exposed to the user -
Vignettes have been updated and improved with an improved order of information
presented and some have been combined for easier use
Minor changes
- Clean code using linting
GSODR 1.0.3
Major changes in 1.0.3
Data for station locations and unique identifiers is now provided with the
package on installation. Previously this was fetched each time from the FTP
server. -
The station metadata can now be updated if necessary by using
, this change overwrites the internal data that were
originally distributed with the package. This operation will fetch the latest
list of stations and corresponding information from the NCEI FTP server. Any
changes will be overwritten when the R package is updated, however, the
package update should have the same or newer data included, so this should not
be an issue. -
Replace plyr functions with purrr; plyr is no longer actively developed
plyr is no longer an import
Move description of functions' output to individual vignettes to shorten help
file documentation
Bug fixes in 1.0.3
Fix bugs in the vignettes related to formatting and spelling
Fix bugs in citation file
Reformat to be more markdown standards compliant
Deprecated and defunct in 1.0.3
is no longer supported. Instead use the new
to update the package's internal station database.
Minor changes
- Correct references to GSODRdata package where incorrectly referred to as GSODdata
GSODR 1.0.2
Minor changes
- Improved documentation (i.e., spelling corrections and more descriptive)
- More descriptive vignette for "GSODR use case: Specified years/stations vignette"
- Round MAX/MIN temp to one decimal place, not two
- Update SRTM elevation data
- Update country list data
- Fix missing images in README.html on CRAN
- Correct references to GSODRdata package where incorrectly referred to as GSODdata
Minor changes
- Update documentation for
when usingstation
parameter - Edit unit tests to enhance coverage
- Edit for submission to JOSS
- Add pdf version of paper
- Remove extra packages listed as dependencies that are no longer necessary
- Correct Working_with_spatial_and_climate_data.Rmd where it was missing the first portion of documentation to download data for Philippines and thus examples did not work
Major changes
- The
function returns adata.frame
object in the current R session with the option to save data to local disk - Multiple stations can be specified for download rather than just downloading a single station or all stations
- A new function,
is now included to find stations within a user specified radius (in kilometres) of a point given as latitude and longitude in decimal degrees - A general use vignette is now included
- New vignette with a detailed use-case
- Output files now include fields for State (US only) and Call (International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Airport Code)
- Use FIPS codes in place of ISO3c for file name and in output files because some stations do not have an ISO country code
- Spatial file output is now in GeoPackage format (GPKG). This results in a single file output unlike shapefile and allows for long field names
- Users can specify file name of output
- R >= 3.2.0 now required
- Field names in output files use "_" in place of "."
- Long field names now used in file outputs
- Country is specified using FIPS codes in file name and output file contents due to stations occurring in some locales that lack ISO 3166 3 letter country codes
- The
function will retrieve the latest station data from NCDC and automatically merge it with the CGIAR-CSI SRTM elevation values provided by this package. Previously, the package provided it's own list of station information, which was difficult to keep up-to-date - A new
function reformats station files in "WMO-WBAN-YYYY.op.gz" format that have been downloaded from the United States
National Climatic Data Center's (NCDC) FTP server. - A new function,
allows for fetching latest station list from the FTP server and querying by the user for a specified station or location. - New data layers are provided through a separate package,
, which provide climate data formatted for use with GSODR.- CHELSA (climatic surfaces at 1 km resolution),,
- MODCF - Remotely sensed high-resolution global cloud dynamics for predicting ecosystem and biodiversity distributions (,
- ESACCI - ESA's CCI-LC snow cover probability ( and
- CRU CL2.0 (climatic surfaces at 10 minute resolution) (
- Improved file handling for individual station downloads
- Missing values are handled as
not -9999 - Change from GPL >= 3 to MIT licence to bring into line with ropensci packages
- Now included in ropensci, ropensci/GSODR
Minor changes
function optimised for speed as best possible after FTPing files from NCDC server- All files are downloaded from server and then locally processed, previously these were sequentially downloaded by year and then processed
- A progress bar is now shown when processing files locally after downloading
- Reduced package dependencies
- The
function now checks stations to see if the years being queried are provided and returns a message alerting user if the station and years requested are not available - When stations are specified for retrieval using the
station = ""
parameter, theget_GSOD()
function now checks to see if the file exists on the server, if it does not, a message is returned and all other stations that have files are processed and returned in output - Documentation has been improved throughout package
- Better testing of internal functions
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Remove redundant code in
function - Fixed: The stations data frame distributed with the package now include stations that are located above 60 latitude and below -60 latitude
Deprecated and defunct
- Missing values are reported as NA for use in R, not -9999 as previously
- The
parameter is now instead calleddsn
to be more inline with other tools likereadOGR()
- Shapefile file out is no longer supported. Use GeoPackage (GPKG) instead
- The option to remove stations with too many missing days is now optional, it now defaults to including all stations, the user must specify how many missing stations to check for an exclude.
- The
parameter is now user set, defaults to no check, return all stations regardless of missing days
So Spicy
- Multiple stations can be specified for download rather than just downloading
a single station or all stations - A new function,
is now included to find stations within
a user specified radius (in kilometres) of a point given as latitude and
longitude in decimal degrees - A vignette is now included
- Output files now include fields for State (US only) and Call (International
Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Airport Code) - Use FIPS codes in place of ISO3c for file name and in output files because
some stations do not have an ISO country code - Spatial file output is now in GeoPackage format (GPKG). This results in a
single file output unlike shapefile and allows for long field names - Users can specify file name of output
- Users can ask for the most recent list of GSOD stations from the NCDC
FTP server to use in place of the list provided with GSODR - All files are written to same output folder, specified by user in the
parameter. For multiple year queries, the year is appended to the file name
that is specified by the user - R >= 3.2.0 now required
- Field names in output files use "_" in place of "."
- Long field names now used in file outputs
- Country is specified using FIPS codes in file name and output file contents
due to stations occurring in some locales that lack ISO 3166 3 letter country
codes - The
function will retrieve the latest station data from NCDC and
automatically merge it with the CGIAR-CSI SRTM elevation values provided by
this package. Previously, the package provided it's own list of station information,
which was difficult to keep up-to-date
function optimised for speed as best possible after FTPing files
from NCDC server- Reduced package dependencies
- The
function now checks stations to see if the years being
queried are provided and returns a message alerting user if the station and
years requested are not available - When stations are specified for retrieval using the
station = ""
parameter, theget_GSOD()
function now checks to see if the file exists on
the server, if it does not, a message is returned and all other stations that
have files are processed and returned in output - Documentation has been improved throughout package
- Fixed: Remove redundant code in
function - Fixed: The stations data frame distributed with the package now includes stations
that are located above 60 latitude and below -60 latitude - Fixed:
function would not operate on computer systems with two cores
- The
parameter is now instead calleddsn
to be more inline with
other tools likereadOGR()
- Shapefile file out is no longer supported. Use GeoPackage (GPKG) instead
Mach V
GSODR v0.1.9
Bug fixes
- Fix bug in precipitation calculation. Documentation states that PRCP is in
mm to hundredths. Issues with conversion and missing values meant that this
was not the case. Thanks to Gwenael Giboire, @GwenGitHub, for reporting and help with fixing
- Users can now select to merge output for station queries across multiple
years. Previously one year = one file per station. Now were set by user,
merge_station_years = TRUE
parameter, only one output file is generated - Country list is now included in the package to reduce run time necessary
when querying for a specific country. However, this means any time that the
country-list.txt file is updated, this package needs to be updated as well - Updated
list with latest version from NCDC published 12-07-2016
- Country level, agroclimatology and global data query conversions and
calculations are processed in parallel now to reduce runtime - Improved documentation with spelling fixes, clarification and updates
- Enable
option upon installation for small increase in speed - Use
to greatly improve runtime by decreasing time used to write CSV files to disk - Use
, in place ofraster's
to improve
runtime by decreasing time used to write shapefiles to disk
Photo Show
GSODR v0.1.8
Bug fixes
- Fix bug with connection timing out for single station queries commit: a126641e00dc7acc21844ff0436e5702f8b6e04a
- Somehow the previously working function that checked country names broke
with the toupper() function. A new function from juba
fixes this issue and users can now select country again
- User entered values for a single station are now checked against actual
station values for validity - stations.rda is compressed
- stations.rda now includes a field for "corrected" elevation using
hole-filled SRTM data from Jarvis et al. 2008, see
for a description - Set NA or missing values in CSV or shapefile to -9999 from -9999.99 to align
with other data sources such as Worldclim
- Documentation is more complete and easier to use
Current Options
GSODR v0.1.7
Bug fixes
- Format documentation for easier reading and fix issues with MIN/MAX where MIN referred to MAX (Issue 5)
- Fix bug where the
item was incorrectly set astf <- "~/tmp/GSOD-2010.tar
, nottf <- tempfile
, inget_GSOD
(Issue 6) - CITATION file is updated and corrected
- User now has the ability to generate a shapefile as well as CSV file output (Issue 3)
- Documentation is more complete and easier to use