- Fixed linting.
- Updated CI for Humble and Jazzy.
- Add the use_stamped_msgs param to allow support for publishing TwistStamped messages instead of Twist
- Contributors: Chris Iverach-Brereton, Tony Baltovski
- Updated CI for Humble.
- fix error for tf2_geometry_msgs
- Add CI workflow
- Reorder imports to pass flake8 linter checks
- Contributors: Byeong-Kyu Ahn, Joey Yang, Tony Baltovski
- Add license, contributing, and copyright headers for linter
- Style changes for linter
- List dependencies in alphabetical order
- add missing tick
- add basic usage instructions
- create ROS2 XML launch file
- add config argument
- initial README
- Re-include standard library headers
- Cleanup
- Use SingleThreadedExecutor; change topic name from global to relative; remove logging
- Remove duplicate imports
- Change default config file to linear
- Cleanup CMakeLists.txt and package.xml
- Rename launch file to follow ROS2 naming convention
- Disable requirement for declared parameters via node options; uncomment lines to make node work
- Change values from int to double
- Launch file
- Initial launch file
- Recover descriptions
- Initialize server in constructor initialization list, readd marker_size_scale, fix getParameters()
- Make processFeedback() publicly accessible
- Init createInteractiveMarkers() and processFeedback() methods
- Initial getParameters() method
- Port methods
- Initial functional skeleton ros2 node
- Remove unused cmd_vel_topic variable (#18)
- Initial migration CMakeLists.txt and package.xml
- Contributors: Joey Yang, jyang, jyang-cpr
- Remove the leading '/' from the default link; this causes errors in Noetic
- Bump CMake version to avoid CMP0048 warning.
- Contributors: Chris Iverach-Brereton, Tony Baltovski
- Added tf as a dep.
- Contributors: Tony Baltovski
- Fixed CMake warning and updated to package format 2. (#11)
- Install the default config files. (#10)
- Contributors: Tony Baltovski
- Added additional degrees of freedom (YZ) to linear interactive markers. (#7)
- Fix YZ rotation. (#6)
- Contributors: Mike Purvis, Paul Bovbel, Tony Baltovski
- Add roslaunch file check, roslint
- Make cmd_vel topic relative; fixes #3.
- Max speed control, fixes #1
- Update copyright.
- Contributors: Mike Purvis
- Parameterize robot's name and the size of the resulting markers.
- Remove non-markers files from turtlebot_viz, Turtlebot-specific references.
- Starting point is https://github.com/turtlebot/turtlebot_viz