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File metadata and controls

101 lines (69 loc) · 4.13 KB

A :

Currently, ogs does not support profile id number authentification, so you have to use bot username only. For example, for this famous bot , you have to use the bot name GnuGo and currently you cannot use profile number 58441 (it will not work)

Therefore, the old id aliases (id , botid , bot), that still required names and not id numbers, contrary to what this line was suggesting Jan 23 17:18:13 # Bot is user id: 58441) that added confusion to how to use gtp2ogs for bot admins have been removed

To sum up, to connect your bot on OGS, you need and you have to simply use bot name, for example --username GnuGo for the bot admin of GnuGo

B :

a list of gtp2ogs arguments is also available here (ctrl+f "describe")

C :

on OGS, black player will always get the handicap stones regardless of rank difference (if "Automatic" komi is selected, the komi will be 0.5)

but you can restrict allowed komi for example to only 7.5 or Automatic with --komi 7.5,Automatic

or only 7.5 komi with --komi 7.5 to play handicap games with 7.5 komi, if your bot does not support 0.5 komi value.

D :

explanation on how to use komi argument:

  • --komi Automatic,0.5,7.5 for example, will allow any of these komi values : Automatic, 0.5, or 7.5, and will reject any other value

  • another example --komi 7.5 will only accept komi value 7.5 and will reject any other value. In that example, note that if Automatic komi happens to have the value 7.5, the Automatic value will be set to 7.5 and will be accepted and game will start (bots will always replace any rules with chinese rules, so a non handicap game 19x19 on ogs against a bot will always have the komi 7.5)

  • the --komi 7.5 can be useful if your bot handles handicap well, but only with the value 7.5 for example (and not 0.5)

E :

example : --boardsize 19 or --boardsize 9,19 (most common sizes : 19x19 and 9x9)

or --boardsize all (if you made some fancy bot)

if you want to use a "custom" board size, you need to specify wanted custom width(s) and height(s) desired

for example : --boardsize custom --boardsizewidth 25 --boardsizeheight 1 will allow only 25x1 board size

or another example --boardsize custom --boardsizewidth 9,10,11 --boardsizeheight 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25 will allow all possible combinations of width and height here (there 3 multiplied by 17 possible combinations here, which is 51 possible board sizes !

finally, it is possible to play "official" boardsizes too with this setting, for example --boardsize custom --boardsizewidth 9 --boardsizeheight 9,19 will allow 9x9 and 9x19 board sizes

F :

when using the "msg" arguments (--greeting , --farewell , --rejectnew --rejectnewmsg , some special characters will make gtp2ogs crash, such as !! (two times !) , so test special characters in your messages with caution

these special characters have been tested to work on messages, among others : ! (one time !) , ? , , , ( , ) , : , ;

G :

the ISSA (intuitive semi-syllabic aliases) have now been removed : will use a config file with all needed options from now on

So no need to input arguments in command line anymore, just modify your config file(s)

H :

For example, if you can either use :

  • --maxmaintimelive 600 , the general argument alone**
  • OR, if you want different settings for live ranked and unranked games, use for example --maxmaintimeliveranked 300 --maxmaintimeliveunranked 1800 but if you do that then don't use --minmaintimelive !

in this example, if --maxmaintimeliveranked 300 --maxmaintimeliveunranked 1800 is set, then the general value --maxmaintimelive 600 is not taken into account, it will be either 300 seconds (5 minutes) for ranked games, or 1800 seconds (30 minutes) for live unranked games

note that some gtp2ogs arguments come with a default general value : for the same reason, in that case, the default general value will not be taken into account if you set a specific value for ranked and unranked games