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File metadata and controls

409 lines (281 loc) · 13.8 KB

below is a list of all possible to use gtp2ogs arguments,

Since they take a lot of place all the list has been moved here

use the ones you want only, no need to use them all !

The options below are clickable links, so that you can share the link to the wanted option :


--host OGS Host to connect to (default


--port OGS Port to connect to (default 443)


--timeout Disconnect from a game after this many seconds (if set) (default 0)


--insecure Don't use ssl to connect to the ggs/rest servers


--beta Connect to the beta server instead of OGS (sets ggs/rest hosts to the beta server)


--debug Output GTP command and responses from your Go engine


--logfile In addition to logging to the console, also log gtp2ogs output to a text file


--json Send and receive GTP commands in a JSON encoded format


--kgstime Set this if bot understands the kgs-time_settings command


--showboard Set this if bot understands the showboard GTP command, and if you want to display the showboard output

  • This breaks some bots which dont support it
  • And this makes the log much bigger, so may not be desired even if supported

So default is disabled


--noclock Do not send any clock/time data to the bot


--persist Bot process remains running between moves


--corrqueue Process correspondence games one at a time


--maxconnectedgames Maximum number of connected games for all users against your bot (correspondence games are currently included in the connected games count, see #59 for details) , which means the maximum number of games your bot can play at the same time (choose a low number to regulate your computer performance and stability) (default 20)


--maxconnectedgamesperuser Maximum number of connected games per user against this bot (default 3)


--startupbuffer Subtract this many seconds from time available on first move (default 5)


--rejectnew Reject all new challenges with the default reject message

--rejectnew --rejectnewmsg "not accepting games because blablablah" if you add the rejectnewmsg argument, Reject all new challenges with a customized message instead of the default message. This message has to be included in "not accepting games because blablablah" (for example to explain why, for how long, if your bot is busy playing a tournament, etc...)


--rejectnewfile ~/rejectnew.status Reject new challenges if file exists (checked each time, can use for load-balancing)


--boardsize Board size(s) to accept

--boardsizeranked Board size(s) to accept for ranked games

--boardsizeunranked Board size(s) to accept for unranked games

Possible boardsize values :

  • all (allows ALL boardsizes, use only if your bot can handle it !),
  • custom (allows specified custom boardsize (for example 25x1, 9x9, 17x2 , 15x15, 3x2, etc..),
  • or square board size written in numbers comma separated (default is 9,13,19 which is 9x9, 13x13, 19x19), see notes E- for details

boardsize custom

if --boardsize custom is chosen, then you need to specify these new options as well :

--boardsizewidth For custom board size(s), specify boardsize width(s) to accept, for example 25

--boardsizewidthranked For custom board size(s), specify boardsize width(s) to accept for ranked games, for example 25

--boardsizewidthunranked For custom board size(s), specify boardsize width(s) to accept for unranked games, for example 25

--boardsizeheight For custom board size(s), specify boardsize height(s) to accept, for example 1,2,3

--boardsizeheightranked For custom board size(s), specify boardsize height(s) to accept for ranked games, for example 1,2,3

--boardsizeheightunranked For custom board size(s), specify boardsize height(s) to accept, for example 1,2,3

for example :

--boardsize custom --boardsizewidth 25 --boardsizeheight 1,2,3 Allows custom board sizes 25x1 25x2 25x3 in that example, see notes E- for details


--komi Allowed komi values (default automatic)

--komiranked Allowed komi values for ranked games

--komiunranked Allowed komi values for unranked games

Possible komi values :

  • automatic (allows automatic komi),
  • all (allows all komi values), When all is used alone, all komi values are allowed.
  • comma separated values, for example 7.5, or 7.5,6.5,0.5,automatic

When an argument other than all is used, only the chosen argument komi values are allowed and all other komi values are rejected see notes C- and notes D- for details


--ban Comma separated list of user names or IDs (e.g. UserA,UserB,UserC do not put spaces in between)

--banranked Comma separated list of user names or IDs who are banned from playing ranked games

--banunranked Comma separated list of user names or IDs who are banned from playing unranked game

The "ban" arguments are an exception to the general rule of using only general argument alone, or specific ranked/unranked instead :

Because, since ban is a string, we allow both general value --ban A,B AND specific values at the same time too --banranked X,Y --banunranked Z, the result will be Players banned :

  • for ranked games : A,B,X,Y
  • for unranked games : A,B,Z


--speed Comma separated list of Game speed(s) to accept (default blitz,live,correspondence)

--speedranked Comma separated list of Game speed(s) to accept for ranked games

--speedunranked Comma separated list of Game speed(s) to accept for unranked games


--timecontrol Time control(s) to accept (default fischer, byoyomi,simple,canadian)

--timecontrolranked Time control(s) to accept for ranked games

--timecontrolunranked Time control(s) to accept for unranked games

note : "absolute" and/or "none" can be manually allowed by bot admin in timecontrol if want, but then :

  • for absolute games : make sure you increase minmaintime a lot higher than default (with current defaults, bot will timeout in just a few moves)
  • for "none" : games would be very very long


--minmaintimeblitz Minimum seconds of main time for blitz games (default 15 , which is 15 seconds)

--minmaintimeblitzranked Minimum seconds of main time for blitz ranked games

--minmaintimeblitzunranked Minimum seconds of main time for blitz unranked games

--minmaintimelive Minimum seconds of main time for live games (default 30 , which is 30 seconds)

--minmaintimeliveranked Minimum seconds of main time for live ranked games

--minmaintimeliveunranked Minimum seconds of main time for live unranked games

--minmaintimecorr Minimum seconds of main time for correspondence games (default 259200 , which is 3 days)

--minmaintimecorrranked Minimum seconds of main time for correspondence ranked games

--minmaintimecorrunranked Minimum seconds of main time for correspondence unranked games


--maxmaintimeblitz Maximum seconds of main time for blitz games (default 300, which is 5 minutes)

--maxmaintimeblitzranked Maximum seconds of main time for blitz ranked games

--maxmaintimeblitzunranked Maximum seconds of main time for blitz unranked games

--maxmaintimelive Maximum seconds of main time for live games (default 7200, which is 2 hours)

--maxmaintimeliveranked Maximum seconds of main time for live ranked games

--maxmaintimeliveunranked Maximum seconds of main time for live unranked games

--maxmaintimecorr Maximum seconds of main time for correspondence games (default 604800, which is 7 days)

--maxmaintimecorrranked Maximum seconds of main time for correspondence ranked games

--maxmaintimecorrunranked Maximum seconds of main time for correspondence unranked games


--minperiods Minimum number of periods (default 3)

--minperiodsranked Minimum number of ranked periods

--minperiodsunranked Minimum number of unranked periods


--maxperiods Maximum number of periods (default 20)

--maxperiodsranked Maximum number of ranked periods

--maxperiodsunranked Maximum number of unranked periods


For period times below, if timecontrol is canadian, divide the period time by the number of stones per period,

for example max periodtime 5 minutes / 25 stones = 5*60 /25 = maxperiodtime = 12

--minperiodtimeblitz Minimum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for blitz games (default 5 , which is 5 seconds)

--minperiodtimeblitzranked Minimum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for blitz ranked games

--minperiodtimeblitzunranked Minimum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for blitz unranked games

--minperiodtimelive Minimum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for live games (default 10 , which is 10 seconds)

--minperiodtimeliveranked Minimum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for live ranked games

--minperiodtimeliveunranked Minimum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for live unranked games

--minperiodtimecorr Minimum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for correspondence games (default 14400 , which is 4 hours)

--minperiodtimecorrranked Minimum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for correspondence ranked games

--minperiodtimecorrunranked Minimum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for correspondence unranked games


For period times below, if timecontrol is canadian, divide the period time by the number of stones per period,

for example max periodtime 5 minutes / 25 stones = 5*60 /25 = maxperiodtime = 12

--maxperiodtimeblitz Maximum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for blitz games (default 10 , which is 10 seconds)

--maxperiodtimeblitzranked Maximum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for blitz ranked games

--maxperiodtimeblitzunranked Maximum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for blitz unranked games

--maxperiodtimelive Maximum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for live games (default 120 , which is 2 minutes)

--maxperiodtimeliveranked Maximum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for live ranked games

--maxperiodtimeliveunranked Maximum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for live unranked games

--maxperiodtimecorr Maximum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for correspondence games (default 259200 , which is 3 days)

--maxperiodtimecorrranked Maximum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for correspondence ranked games

--maxperiodtimecorrunranked Maximum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for correspondence unranked games


--minrank Minimum opponent rank to accept (e.g. 15k)

--minrankranked Minimum opponent rank to accept for ranked games (e.g. 15k)

--minrankunranked Minimum opponent rank to accept for unranked games (e.g. 15k)


--maxrank Maximum opponent rank to accept (e.g. 1d)

--maxrankranked Maximum opponent rank to accept for ranked games (e.g. 1d)

--maxrankunranked Maximum opponent rank to accept for unranked games (e.g. 1d)


--greeting "Hello, have a nice game" Greeting message to appear in chat at first move (ex: "Hello, have a nice game")


--farewell "Thank you for playing" Thank you message to appear in chat at end of game (ex: "Thank you for playing")


--rankedonly Only accept ranked matches

--unrankedonly Only accept unranked matches

--proonly Only accept matches from professionals


--minhandicap Min handicap for all games

--minhandicapranked Min handicap for ranked games

--minhandicapunranked Min handicap for unranked games


--maxhandicap Max handicap for all games

--maxhandicapranked Max handicap for ranked games

--maxhandicapunranked Max handicap for unranked games


--noautohandicap Do not allow handicap to be set to -automatic-

--noautohandicapranked Do not allow handicap to be set to -automatic- for ranked games

--noautohandicapunranked Do not allow handicap to be set to -automatic- for unranked games


--nopause Do not allow games to be paused

--nopauseranked Do not allow ranked games to be paused

--nopauseunranked Do not allow unranked games to be paused


--hidden Hides the botname from the OGS game "Play against computer" bot list (but it can still accept challenges)

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