Please do not use this as a script, but just as hints for the major steps required! These steps will modify significantly your system. I can and will not guarantee that everything is correct and works as expected (see also LICENSE)! Also some links may need to be updated according to your OS version. These steps worked for my Rocky Linux 8.5 system
enable the realtime repository:
- dnf config-manager --set-enabled rt
the most significant step:
- dnf groupinstall RT
check for the default kernel:
- grubby --default-kernel
here we define the cores which should get isolated (numbering starts with 0):
- echo "isolated_cores=1-5" >> /etc/tuned/realtime-variables.conf
we save our current cmdline, before we call the tuning script
- cat /proc/cmdline > cmdline_before_tuning.txt
- tuned-adm profile realtime
now we restart, and hope everything went well
- shutdown -r now
after restarting we check for the running kernel:
- uname -a
and for the kernel cmdline:
- cat /proc/cmdline