In this first example we verilate the color processing Verilog module and create a GUI in which two images can be provided. As a result, the color processed image is shown.
The module used is ../../phys_fpga/ulx3s/apio/ov7670_rgb_yuv_320x240_colorfilter/color_proc.v
More info in its tutorial 1 readme
We add and show in the GUI the centroid and proximity of the verilated color processing Verilog module.
More info in its tutorial 2 readme
In this example, instead of processing still images, the frames from the computer camera is processed by the verilated color processing Verilog module.
More info in its tutorial 3 readme
In this example, the video frame size has increased considerably, from 160x120 to 640x480. To test the performance with this size
More info in its tutorial 4 readme
Instead of a color filter, this example includes a more complex filter such as Sobel, to check the performance in simulation.
More info in its tutorial 5 readme
The filter has been take from ../../phys_fpga/alhambra_ii/apio/ov7670_yuv_80x60_sobel/edge_proc.v