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Pablo Cantero edited this page Jun 30, 2017 · 44 revisions

Note: shoryuken_options is only available in Shoryuken workers. It isn't supported in Active Job jobs.


The queue option associates a queue with a worker.

class HelloWorker
  include Shoryuken::Worker
  shoryuken_options queue: 'hello'

You can also pass a block to define the queue:

shoryuken_options queue: ->{ "#{ENV['RAILS_ENV']}-hello" }
shoryuken_options queue: ->{ "#{Socket.gethostname}-hello" }

Or an array to associate multiple queues to a single worker:

shoryuken_options queue: %w[queue1 queue2 queue3]


Default: false

When it's enabled, Shoryuken auto deletes messages after their consumption, but only in case, the worker doesn't raise any exception during the consumption.

As auto_delete is false by default, remember to set it to true or call sqs_msg.delete before ending the perform method, otherwise, the messages will get back to the queue, becoming available to be consumed again.

Note: auto_delete is true by default when using Active Job.


Default: false

When batch is true, Shoryuken sends the messages in batches instead of individually.

One of the advantages of batch is when you use APIs that accept batch, for example Keen IO.

class KeenIOWorker
  include Shoryuken::Worker

  shoryuken_options queue: 'keen-io', auto_delete: true, batch: true, body_parser: :json

  def perform(sqs_msgs, events)
    Keen.publish_batch('stats' => events)

If you are using a custom middleware, check this article, the sqs_msg and body are arrays when batch=true.

Another important observation regarding batchable workers is if one of your messages causes an exception, consequently auto_delete won't be executed for any message.


Default: :text

The body_parser allows you to parse the body before calling the perform method. It accepts: :json, :text, a block or a class that responds to .parse.

shoryuken_options body_parser: :json

shoryuken_options body_parser: ->(sqs_msg){ }

shoryuken_options body_parser: JSON


Default: false

Although I strongly recommend setting the visibility timeout to a super pessimistic value, sometimes we can't control it. So, for these cases, you can enable the auto_visibility_timeout by setting its value to true.

When it's enabled, 5 seconds before the default visibility timeout expires, Shoryuken will reset it to its original value again.

Be generous while configuring the default visibility_timeout for a queue. If your worker in the worst case takes 2 minutes to consume a message, set the visibility_timeout to at least 4 minutes. It doesn't hurt and it will be better than having the same message being consumed more than the expected.

Note: This feature isn't supported when using batch=true.


If a worker raises an exception while consuming a message, and does not delete the message, this message will be available to be consumed again after its visibility timeout expiration.

But if you want to increase or decrease the next time a failing message will be available to be consumed again, you can use retry_intervals to implement an exponential backoff.

Note: This feature isn't supported when using batch=true.

shoryuken_options retry_intervals: [300, 1200, 3600] # 5.minutes, 20.minutes and 1.hour
shoryuken_options retry_intervals: ->(attempts) { calculate_next_attempt_interval(attempts) }

Keep in mind that Amazon SQS does not officially support exponential backoff, it's something implemented in Shoryuken using the visibility Timeout, which can be extended to up to 12 hours. If your interval exceeds the 12 hour maximum, Shoryuken will automatically cap it to the maximum allowed.

You can continue to call ChangeMessageVisibility to extend the visibility timeout to a maximum of 12 hours. If you try to extend beyond 12 hours, the request will be rejected.