The Map object holds key-value pairs and remembers the original insertion order of the keys. Any value (both objects and primitive values) may be used as either a key or a value.
Map() constructor
Creates a new Map object.
// array
$myMap = new Map(['foo', 'bar']);
// null
$myMap = new Map(null);
// object
$myMap = new Map(new \stdClass());
// string
$myMap = new Map('one');
The clear()
method removes all elements from map.
$myMap = new Map(['foo' => 'bar']);
// 1
// 0
The delete()
method removes a specified element from map.
$myMap = new Map(['foo' => 'bar']);
// true
// false
The entries()
method returns a new MapIterator
instance that contain pair [key => value]
of each element of the Map.
$myMap = new Map(['foo' => 'bar']);
$iterator = $myMap->entries();
// [object MapIterator]
// ['foo' => 'bar']
The forEach()
method executes a provided function once per each element of the Map.
$myMap = new Map(['foo' => 3, 'bar' => 0]);
$myMap->forEach(function (int $value, string $key, Map $map) {
// ...
The get()
method returns a specified element from map.
$myMap = new Map([1, 'foo' => 'bar', 3]);
// 'bar'
// 3
// null
The has()
method returns TRUE
when element with the specified key exists in the Map or FALSE
if it does not exist.
$myMap = new Map(['foo' => 'bar']);
// true
// false
The keys()
method returns a new MapIterator
instance that contain the keys of each element of the Map.
$myMap = new Map(['foo' => 'bar']);
$iterator = $myMap->keys();
// [object MapIterator]
// 'foo'
The set()
method adds or updates an element in map with a specified key and a value.
$myMap = new Map();
$myMap->set('foo', 'bar');
// ['foo' => 'bar']
$myMap->set(1, 'baz');
// ['foo' => 'bar', 1 => 'baz']
$myMap->set(null, 'foobar');
// ['foo' => 'bar', 1 => 'baz', 2 => 'foobar']
$myMap->set('foo', 'baz');
// ['foo' => 'baz', 1 => 'baz', 2 => 'foobar']
$myMap->set(null, 'first')->set(null, 'second');
// ['foo' => 'baz', 1 => 'baz', 2 => 'foobar', 3 => 'first', 4 => 'second']
The values()
method returns a new MapIterator
instance that contain the values of each element of the Map.
$myMap = new Map(['foo' => 'bar']);
$iterator = $myMap->values();
// [object MapIterator]
// 'bar'
The size
property returns number of elements from the Map.
$myMap = new Map(['foo' => 'bar']);
// 1
// 0