Releases: rumboalla/apkupdater
Releases · rumboalla/apkupdater
3.0.0-beta-05 (48)
- GitHub Source: Added support for libretorrent, FairEmail, k-9, tutanota, SpotiFlyer, koreader
- GitHub Source: Filter releases without APKs
- GitHub Source: Clean tag name before comparison
- GitHub Source: Try to select apk with correct arch
- Fix PNG icons
- Fix TV Banner
- Portuguese Translation
- #409
- Only show notification when there are updates
3.0.0-beta-04 (47)
- Updates display current version and current versionCode (TV UI).
- Updates display What's New when available (TV UI).
- Search displays app info if available (TV UI).
- New Source: Izzy F-Droid.
- New translations: Simplified Chinese, Italian.
- F-Droid source will check signature when available.
- Added Snackbar messages for installation result.
- Added setting to ignore pre-releases.
- Added setting to only use safe stores in Aptoide source.
- Improved About Screen.
- Added donation links to several worthwhile NGOs on the About Screen.
- Removed unneeded Boot receiver and its permission.
- GitHub source supports search.
- GitHub source: Added support for NetGuard, AdAway, DuckDuckGo, LibreraReader, KeePassDx, Obtainium.
- Tweaked the app icon. Still ugly, but a little bit better 😅
3.0.0-beta-03 (46)
- Romanian translation.
- New setting to select theme.
- App remembers last used tab and restores it on startup.
- Using SegmentedButtons instead of Dropdowns.
- Shimmering effect for loading instead of circular bar.
- Move search field to app bar.
- First 3.x non pre-release 🎉
3.0.0-beta-02 (45)
- Aptoide Source will only use apps and appstv "safe" stores
- Traditional Chinese translation.
- Fix text issue with unignore button on TV UI.
3.0.0-beta-01 (44)
- Release signed version that can install over old 2.x
- About screen
- German translation
- Dutch translation
3.0.0-alpha-13 (30000013)
- Aptoide Search
- Aptoide Updates
- Improved Settings Screen
- Spanish translation
- Github source has support for updates from other apps. Newpipe is now supported. If you want more apps supported check #292
3.0.0-alpha-12 (30000012)
- Added additional Android TV UI similar to 2.x UI
- Apks are streamed directly to SessionInstaller instead of being saved to disk first.
- Added a setting for Alarm Frequency.
3.0.0-alpha-11 (30000011)
- Direct download and install for sources that support it (Github and F-Droid).
- Toggle for apps installed by an App Store.
- Toggle for disabled apps.
3.0.0-alpha-10 (30000010)
- F-Droid Search
- Theming improvements
3.0.0-alpha-09 (30000009)
Added F-Droid updates.
ApkMirror: Filter out Wear OS apps
ApkMirror: Filter out Android TV apps if not an Android TV
Basic support for Android TV (not yet usable)