- Excluded *.esp files from the build archive
- Remove git-lfs from repo and re-add all files
- Removed some old template records
- Changed some Pack-Ins and Cell Editor IDs to remove naming collisions
- Fixed two Fuel Tank flips that were using the wrong Pack-Ins
- Fixed all Projected Decals that were using projected decal references
- Added "SBC_NoDecoratives" keyword to No Decoratives patch so the recipe filter keyword would no longer be NULL
- Made ESP files and ran them through the CK for sanity checks
- Added 23 Amun Dunn 330T/340T/350T/360T/370T/380T Stellarator reactor orientations
- Added 23 Amun Dunn Z-Machine 1000/2000/2020/3000/4000 reactor orientations
- Added 23 Amun Dunn Theta Pinch A9/B9/C9/D9 reactor orientations
- Added 23 DeepCore Spheromak DC201/DC202 reactor orientations
- Added 23 DeepCore DC301/DC302/DC303 Fast Ignition reactor orientations
- Added 23 DeepCore Fusor DC401/DC402/DC403 reactor orientations
- Added 23 Dogstar 114MM/124MM/134MM/144MM/154MM/164MM Toroidal reactor orientations
- Added 23 Dogstar 101DS/102DS/103DS/104DS Mag Inertial reactor orientations
- Added 23 Dogstar SF10/SF20/SF30/SF40 Sheared Flow reactor orientations
- Added 23 Xiang Tokamak X-050/X-100/X-120S/X-150/X-200/X-250/X-300 reactor orientations
- Added 23 Xiang Ion Beam H-1010/H-1020/H-1030 reactor orientations
- Added 23 Xiang Pinch 5Z/6Z/7Z/8A/8Z reactor orientations
- Added decorative versions of all reactors
- Reactors have enhanced snap points
- Added common build/packaging script submodule
- Removed localization from all files as it's not supported in the Creation Kit
- Removed BlueprintShips-Starfield.esm as a master file for all plugins
- Converted to a new method of creating flips that includes lights and decals
- Created xEdit script to allow rotating REFR records in plugins (rotate_cell_contents.pas)
- Added 23 DeepCore Helios 100/200/300/400 grav drive orientations
- Added 23 DeepCore Aurora 11G/12G/13G grav drive orientations
- Added 23 DeepCore Apollo GV100/GV200/GV300 grav drive orientations
- Added 23 Nova Galactic NG150/NG160/NG170 grav drive orientations
- Added 23 Nova Galactic NG200/NG210/NG220 grav drive orientations
- Added 23 Nova Galactic NG300/NG320/NG340 grav drive orientations
- Added 23 Reladyne R-1000/R-2000/R-3000/R-4000 Alpha grav drive orientations
- Added 23 Reladyne RD-1000/RD-2000/RD-3000 Beta grav drive orientations
- Added 23 Reladyne J-50/J-51/J-52 Gamma grav drive orientations
- Added 23 Slayton Aerospace SGD 1100/SGD 1200/SGD 1300/SGD 1400 grav drive orientations
- Added 23 Slayton Aerospace SGD 2100/SGD 2200/SGD 2300 grav drive orientations
- Added 23 Slayton Aerospace SGD 3100/SGD 3200/SGD 3300 grav drive orientations
- Added 23 Vanguard Recon grav drive orientations
- Added "Decorative" versions of all grav drives
- "Vertical" orientations of grav drives have enhanced snap points
- Updated NoDecoratives options to include grav drives
- Updated "All ship parts unlevelled at all vendors (ESM)" patch
- Updated "Ship Colorize" patch
- Updated "Ultimate Shipyards Unlocked" patches
- Added supplemental "Ship Colorize" patches to make the patch compatible with the "Better Ship Part Snaps" mod, the Cargo Expander X3 option, and the Cargo Expander X10 option
- Localized plugins that needed it (Ship Colorize compatibility patch did not)
- Fixed logic error in FOMOD installer, installing the "No Decoratives" mod when it shouldn't have been
- Added new optional plugin to hide decoratives from the Ship Builder
- Removed Mod Organizer 2/Vortex choice in FOMOD
- Added compatibility patch between JIYT and Ultimate Shipyards Unlocked [All In One]
- Added compatibility patch between JIYT and Ultimate Shipyards Unlocked [Modular] "No Level Requirements" module
- Updated plugin descriptions
- Added JIYT version to all plugin descriptions
- Added additional snaps for "vertical" type flips on some cargo modules, that allow for putting things side by side:
- Dogstar StorMax 30
- Dogstar StorMax 40
- Dogstar StorMax 50
- Dogstar StorMax 60
- Dogstar StorMax Empty
- Panoptes da Gama 1000
- Protectorate Caravel V101
- Protectorate Caravel V102
- Protectorate Caravel V103
- Protectorate Caravel V104
- Protectorate Galleon S201
- Protectorate Galleon S204
- Sextant Ballast 200CM
- Sextant Ballast 300CM/400CM
- Added a new required mod: Ship Builder Categories
- Changed some internal editor IDs to be closer to vanilla patterns
- Added compatibility patch for All ship parts unlevelled at all vendors (ESM)
- Added compatibility patch for Ship Colorize
- Added compatibility patch for Starfield Extended - Shields Rebalanced
- Changed name of Ultimate Shipyards Unlocked compatibility plugin
- Updated build script with parameter to control whether to package mod into "data" subdirectory inside archive
- Added decorative weapons
- Split "Decorative" Ship Builder category into distinct subcategories for the different module types
- Trimmed the names of decorative modules to remove the "type"
- Fixed name of Nautilus Titan 350/450/550 decorative fuel tank
- Updated EditorIDs of some fuel tanks
- Added compatibility patch for Ultimate Shipyards Unlocked "USU - Quest Rewards.esm" modular plugin
- Fixed Dogstar StorMax 60 Cargo Hold "starboard vertical" flip to actually be the starboard vertical flip
- Fixed Decorative Dogstar StorMax 60 Cargo Hold "starboard vertical" flip to actually be the starboard vertical flip
- Added 10 Ballistic 100G/200G Fuel Tank orientations
- Added 10 Ballistic 300G Fuel Tank orientations
- Added 11 Ballistic 400G Fuel Tank orientations
- Added 2 Ballistic 500T Fuel Tank orientations
- Added 23 Ballistic 600T/700T/900T Fuel Tank orientations
- Split Ballistic 800T Fuel Tank into 800T-A Fuel Tank and 800T-B Fuel Tank
- Added 10 Ballistic 800T-A Fuel Tank orientations
- Added 5 Ballistic 800T-B Fuel Tank orientations
- Added 23 Dogstar Ulysses M10/M20 Fuel Tank orientations
- Added 22 Dogstar Ulysses M30 Fuel Tank orientations
- Added 22 Dogstar Ulysses M40/M50 Fuel Tank orientations
- Added 10 Dogstar Atlas H10 Fuel Tank orientations
- Added 10 Dogstar Atlas H20 Fuel Tank orientations
- Added 10 Dogstar Atlas H30 Fuel Tank orientations
- Added 10 Dogstar Atlas H40 Fuel Tank orientations
- Added 10 Nautilus Titan 350/450/550 Fuel Tank orientations
- Added "Decorative" versions of all Fuel Tanks
- Fixed typo in the names of the Dogstar decorative cargo modules (Dogstart -> Dogstar)
- Added a "Decorative" category to the Ship Builder with decorative versions of all added modules
- Added new decorative cargo hold, Dogstar StorMax Empty, with 12 orientations
- Fixed display name of the Protectorate Caravel V102 Cargo Hold modules
- Changed up description in README a bit
- Added 22 Sextant Deflector SG-10/SG-20/SG-30/SG-35/SG-40/SG-50/SG-60 Shield Generator orientations:
- fore/aft top/bottom/port/starboard
- port/starboard top/bottom/fore/aft
- top fore/aft/port/starboard
- bottom port/starboard
- Added 4 Dogstar Defender 11T/22T/28T/33T/44T Shield Generator orientations:
- fore/aft/top/bottom
- Added 5 Nautilus Tower N400/N410/N420 Shield Generator orientations:
- port/starboard/fore/aft/bottom
- Added 5 Vanguard Bulwark Shield Generator orientations:
- port/starboard/fore/aft/bottom
- Added 5 Protectorate Osiris 2020-B/2030-B/2040-B Shield Generator orientations:
- port/starboard/fore/aft/bottom
- Added 5 Sextant Warden SG-100/SG-200/SG-300/SG-400 Shield Generator orientations:
- port/starboard/fore/aft/bottom
- Added 4 Dogstar Guardian 101D/102D/103D/104D Shield Generator orientations:
- fore/aft/top/bottom
- Added 5 Nautilus Fortress A1/A2/A3 Shield Generator orientations:
- port/starboard/fore/aft/bottom
- Added 5 Sextant Assurance SG-1000/SG-1800/SG-2000/SG-3000 Shield Generator orientations:
- port/starboard/fore/aft/bottom
- Added 5 Protectorate Odin 3030-C/3040-C/3050-C Shield Generator orientations:
- port/starboard/fore/aft/bottom
- Corrected some positioning on the Nautilus "Bastille" shield generators
- Changed some editor IDs to follow a more consistent naming pattern
- Changed some module names from "model_number model_series" to "model_series model_number", e.g. from "100CM Ballast" to "Ballast 100CM" and from "11T Defender" to "Defender 11T"
- Forwarded relevant changes and fixes made in main plugin to Cargo Expander plugins
- Added additional snap points to fore/aft/port/starboard Protectorate Galleon S202 Cargo Hold variants
- Added additional snap points to fore/aft/port/starboard Protectorate Galleon S203 Cargo Hold variants
- Added additional snap points to fore/aft/port/starboard Sextant 10T/10ST Hauler Cargo Hold variants
- Added additional snap points to fore/aft/port/starboard Sextant 20T Hauler Cargo Hold variants
- Added additional snap points to fore/aft/port/starboard Sextant 30T/40T Hauler Cargo Hold variants
- Corrected some EDIDs on records associated with the Sextant 10T/10ST Hauler Cargo Hold
- Added 9 Dogstar Protector 10S/20S/30S/40S/50S/60S Shield Generator orientations:
- fore/aft horizontal/vertical
- port/starboard vertical
- top port-to-starboard
- bottom fore-to-aft/port-to-starboard
- Added 15 Nautilus Bastille S80/S81/S82/S83/S84 Shield Generator orientations:
- fore/aft horizontal/vertical
- fore/aft
- port/starboard
- port/starboard vertical
- bottom
- top/bottom fore-to-aft/port-to-starboard
- Added 5 Protectorate Marduk 1010-A/1020-A/1030-A/1040-A Shield Generator orientations:
- fore/aft/port/starboard/bottom
- Added 11 Panoptes Polo 2000/2010/2020/2030 Cargo Hold orientations:
- bottom port-to-starboard
- top fore-to-aft and port-to-starboard
- fore/aft/port/starboard vertical/horizontal
- Added 10 Dogstar StorMax 30/40/50/60 Cargo Hold orientations:
- fore/aft
- port/starboard/fore/aft vertical
- bottom/top fore-to-aft/port-to-starboard
- Added 10 Protectorate Galleon S201 Cargo Hold orientations:
- fore/aft
- port/starboard/fore/aft vertical
- bottom/top fore-to-aft/port-to-starboard
- Added 20 Protectorate Galleon S202 Cargo Hold orientations:
- bottom/top fore/aft
- fore/aft top/bottom/port/starboard
- port/starboard top/bottom/fore/aft
- Added 20 Protectorate Galleon S203 Cargo Hold orientations:
- bottom/top fore/aft
- fore/aft top/bottom/port/starboard
- port/starboard top/bottom/fore/aft
- Added 2 Protectorate Galleon S204 Cargo Hold orientations:
- vertical fore-to-aft/port-to-starboard
- Added some override records and changed CELL EDIDs to avoid duplicates
- Changed some EDIDs to more closely follow vanilla patterning
- Added 22 Panoptes da Gama 1000/1000 Shielded/1010/1010 Shielded/1020 Cargo Hold orientations:
- port/starboard/fore/aft top
- port/starboard vertical fore/aft
- fore/aft vertical port/starboard
- fore/aft bottom
- bottom/top fore-to-aft (left)/fore-to-aft (right)/port-to-starboard (fore)/port-to-starboard (aft)
- Changed Sextant 30T/40T Hauler Cargo Holds so that an icon is shown in the Ship Builder (initially, anyway)
- Converted all images to JPEG (quality 80) for space savings
- Added 10 Protectorate Caravel V103 Cargo Hold orientations:
- port/starboard vertical
- fore/aft horizontal/vertical
- bottom/top fore-to-aft/port-to-starboard
- Added 10 Protectorate Caravel V104 Cargo Hold orientations:
- port/starboard vertical
- fore/aft horizontal/vertical
- bottom/top fore-to-aft/port-to-starboard
- Condensed ship module listing in the README a bit
- Added 10 Protectorate Caravel V102 Shielded/Unshielded Cargo Hold orientations:
- port/starboard vertical
- fore/aft horizontal/vertical
- bottom/top fore-to-aft/port-to-starboard
- Added 10 Protectorate Caravel V101 Shielded/Unshielded Cargo Hold orientations:
- port/starboard vertical
- fore/aft horizontal/vertical
- bottom/top fore-to-aft/port-to-starboard
- Added 20 Sextant 30T/40T Hauler Cargo Hold orientations:
- bottom/top fore/aft
- fore/aft top/bottom/port/starboard
- port/starboard top/bottom/fore/aft
- Added 11 Sextant 20T Hauler Cargo Hold orientations:
- bottom port-to-starboard
- top fore-to-aft and port-to-starboard
- fore/aft/port/starboard vertical/horizontal
- Added notes in README/mod description about compatibility with a few other similar mods
- Added 22 Sextant 10T/10ST Hauler Cargo Hold (unshielded and shielded, respectively) orientations:
- fore/aft top/bottom/port/starboard orientations
- port/starboard top/bottom/fore/aft orientations
- top fore/aft/port/starboard orientations
- bottom port/starboard orientations
- Added 7 Sextant 100CM Ballast Cargo Hold shielded and unshielded variants:
- fore, port, and starboard
- inverted aft, fore, port, and starboard
- Adjusted method of variant creation, requires clean install if upgrading from previous versions!
- Removed meshes as they are no longer needed
- Added 3x and 10x Cargo Expander optional plugins
- Made FOMOD installer
- Added vertical orientations of fore, aft, port, and starboard shielded and unshielded 200CM Ballast Cargo Holds
- Added 300CM Ballast Cargo Hold variants:
- fore and aft
- vertical fore/aft/port/starboard
- fore-to-aft and port-to-starboard top and bottom
- Added 400CM Ballast Cargo Hold variants:
- fore and aft
- vertical fore/aft/port/starboard
- fore-to-aft and port-to-starboard top and bottom
- Packed all loose files inside a BA2 archive
- Refined README
- Added top (fore-to-aft and port-to-starboard orientation) and bottom (fore-to-aft and port-to-starboard orientation) versions of the shielded and unshielded Sextant 200CM Ballast Cargo Hold
- Initial release
- Added fore and aft versions of the shielded and unshielded Sextant 200CM Ballast Cargo Hold