A t3.2xlarge CPU instance was used to train the models.b The code in this folder is placed on the previously mentioned CPU instance.
To run:
Connect to EC2 instance:
ssh -i .ssh/<pem_file> ubuntu@<public_dns>
Copy sever_training folder from your local machine to EC2 instance:
scp -i .ssh/<pem_file> -r <path_of_the_folder> ubuntu@<public_dns>:/home/ubuntu/
To run the training directly on the EC2 machine through terminal, but for this training data should be available in s3 bucket:
cd server_training
python main.py
- tensornet: A pytorch library for computer vision applications
- image.py: Provides functionality to train image classification model using custom hyperparameters, provided by the user. Save model checkpoints and training results in data/ folder.
- text.py: Provides functionality to train sentiment analysis model using custom hyperparameters, provided by the user. Save model checkpoints and training results in data/ folder.
- util.py:
- Defines RNN class for sentiment analysis
- A helper file for text.py.
- It also contains pretrained word vector glove.6B.100d.txt file for word embeddings (not uploaded on github, added in .gitignore). This file can be dowloaded from here.
- Create data/ and data/checkpoints folder
- Fetch training parameters from json file present in s3 bucket
- Download dataset from s3 bucket and place in 'data' folder
- Start training
- Upload checkpoints,training results and inference.json file on s3 bucket
- Delete data/ folder
- Update a json and place in a s3 bucket,
- Download and upload a file to s3 bucket.
- Delete a file from s3 bucket
credentials-sample.py: Rename this file to credentials and provide your aws details for the bucket name.
Go here to know about json files.