- A new reserved keyword provided by ES2015
- The class keyword creates a constant - can not be redeclared
- The
keyword is an abstraction of constructor functions and prototypes because Javascript does not have OOP class
does not hoist - declare classes at the top of the file- Still use the
keyword to create objects
- 1st create a constructor function
- use
to create new objects
- use the class keyword instead of creating a function
- inside, use a special method constructor which is run when new is used
- use the new keyword to create objects
Passing along methods and properties from one class to another
- Set the prototype property of a constructor to be an object created from another prototype property
- Reset the constructor property on a constructor function
use the
keyword -
- Notice the duplication in the Student constructor function!
- Use
in a constructor function -apply
is handy when there are many arguments
- Super can only be used if a method by the same name is implemented in the parent class
What you should know about ES6 Maps - Hackernoon
- Also called "hash maps" in other languages
- Until ES2015 - objects were replacements for maps
- Similar to objects, except the keys can be ANY data type!
- Created using the
we can access everything with
and destructuring!- Finding the size is easy - no more loops or
- The keys can be any data type!
- You can accidentally overwrite keys on the Object.prototype in an object you make - maps do not have that issue
- Iterating over keys and values in a map is quite easy as well
- If you need to look up keys dynamically (they are not hard coded strings)
- If you need keys that are not strings!
- If you are frequently adding and removing key/value pairs
- Are key-value pairs frequently added or removed?
- If you are operating on multiple keys at a time
- Similar to a map, but all keys MUST be objects
- Values in a WeakMap can be cleared from memory if there is no reference to them
- More performant than maps, but can not be iterated over
- All values in a set are unique
- Any type of value can exist in a set
- Created using the
keyword - Exist in quite a few other languages, ES2015 finally brings them to JavaScript
- Similar to a set, but all values MUST be objects
- Values in a WeakSet can be cleared from memory if there is no reference to them
- More performant than sets, but can not be iterated over
- A one time guaranteed return of some future value
- When that value is figured out - the promise is resolved/fulfilled or rejected
- Friendly way to refactor callback code
- Libraries have implemented Promises for a while, ES2015 is a little late to the game
- Accepts an array of promises and resolves all of them or rejects once a single one of the promises has been first rejected (fail fast).
- If all of the passed-in promises fulfill, Promise.all is fulfilled with an array of the values from the passed-in promises, in the same order as the promises passed in.
- You may have seen something like this when $.when in jQuery or Q
- The promises don't resolve sequentially, but Promise.all waits for them
Iterators and Generators MDN doc
- A special kind of function which can pause execution and resume at any time
- Created using a
- When invoked, a generator object is returned to us with the keys of
. - Value is what is returned from the paused function using the
keyword - Done is a boolean which returns true when the function has completed
We can place multiple yield keywords inside of a generator function to pause multiple times!
We can use generators to pause asynchronous code!
Create copies of objects without the same reference!
If we have objects inside of the object we are copying - those still have a reference!
Convert other data types into arrays
- Invoked on arrays
- Accepts a callback with value, index and array (just like forEach, map, filter, etc.)
- Returns the value found or undefined if not found
Similar to find, but returns an index or -1 if the value is not found
returns a boolean if a value is in a string - easier than using indexOf
A handy way for handling NaN being a typeof number