Terraform module for creating private subnets in multiple availability zones
if gw is set to "egw" a egw_id
must be given and a routing for the egw IPv6 is set up
if gw is set to "ngw" a ngw_id
must be given and a routing for the egw IPv4 is set up
This project is internal open source and currently maintained by the INF.
The following requirements are needed by this module:
- terraform (>= 0.12)
The following providers are used by this module:
- aws
The following input variables are required:
Description: the environment this vpc is created in (e.g. 'testing')
Type: string
Description: VPC id the subnets will be defined in.
Type: string
The following input variables are optional (have default values):
Description: Region AZs this VPC should cover. Currently this would be a list of two (a, b) or three (a, b, c) AZs.
Type: list(string)
Description: Reference to an Egress only gateway for outgoing IPV6 traffic. If defined appropriate routing will be defined in the subnet routing table. depends on variable gw
Type: string
Default: ""
Description: set the gateway, 'ngw', 'egw', false allowed
Type: bool
Default: false
Description: Reference to an NAT gateway for outgoing IPV4 traffic. If defined appropriate routing will be defined in the subnet routing table. depends on variable gw
Type: string
Default: ""
Description: common tags to add to the ressources
Type: map(string)
Default: {}
Description: subnet count offset
Type: any
Default: null
Description: bits for the new subnets 8 creates a /24 from a /16 VPC
Type: number
Default: 8
Description: subnet count offset
Type: any
Default: null
Description: bits for the new subnets 8 creates a /24 from a /16 VPC
Type: number
Default: 8
The following outputs are exported:
Description: List of subnet ids
module "subnet_private" {
tags = local.common_tags
environment = var.environment
// disable egw (IPv6) gateway for IPv4 whitelisting
// egw_id = module.vpc.egw_id
gw = "ngw"
ngw_id = module.subnet_public.nat_gateway_id
v4_newbits = 3
v4_netnum_summand = 3
v6_netnum_summand = 3
// availability_zones = ["a", "b", "c"]
vpc_id = module.vpc.id
source = "github.com/ryte/INF-tf-vpc//subnet/private?ref=v0.3.1"