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108 lines (71 loc) · 3.19 KB

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108 lines (71 loc) · 3.19 KB


Table of Contents

How to Contribute

  1. Greate a correctly formatted issue for your proposed change.
  2. Wait for a maintainer to support your proposed change. you may begin development at any satage, though your proposed change will not be accepted until a maintainer is in support of it.
  3. Begin development on a correctly named branch, see 'Change Branches' below.
  4. Commit as frequently as you wish with correctly formatted commit messages, see .gitmessage in the project root directory.
  5. If working in a team, merg all changes to the team leaders branch.
  6. The team leader must create a pull-request to the development branch upon completion of the change.

Project Maintainers

Repository Owner:
    {{gpas}{owner-full-name}} (@{{gpas}{owner-github-username}}).

Development Environment Preparation

Execute configure.


Main Branches


  • Compiles and deploys application using GitHub Actions.
  • The development branch is pushed to this branch at release time.
  • A tag is automatically created for semantic versioning [see] on successful pull-request, and potentially used during deployment.


  • Main development branch that is branched from on a per-change-type basis.
  • Completed changes are submitted to this branch via a pull-request that must be confirmed by a repository maintainer.
  • This branch is pushed to the master branch at release time.

Change Branches

  • The branch name format is {change-type}/{change-name}/{author};
  • where change-type must be one of the types defined below;
  • change-name must describe the change concisely, and should be all lowercase, with spaces represented by a hyphen; and
  • author is the account name of the author creating the branch.
  • Authors working on the same change should have identical change-names, and merge their work before creating a pull request for the development branch.
  • New branches not conforming to this format should be rejected.



  • Non-urgent bug fixes to be included in the next release.


  • Licensing, readme, templates, open-source documentation, source code documentation, project configuration, CI/CD, and other forms of documentation.


  • Changes that enhance an existing feature.


  • Experimental changes that may be scrapped.


  • The addition of a new feature.


  • Urgent bug fixes to be rushed to production.


  • For changes that do not fit into any other category (may not be needed).


  • Changes specifically for the sake of performance.


  • Any changes that do not change the functionality of the code, such as alternative syntaxes, and rewriting in a different format or language.


