- Hard Fork Coordination Update
- Updates on the action items from Constantinople post-mortem
- Funding/accounting/multisig
- Update on account of ECH funding
- Any Other Business
- Review of outstanding action items
- ACTION 16.1: Lane and Brent to investigate the ProgPow Funding / ECH Gitcoin Discrepancy
Moderator: Brett Robertson
- ACTION 17.1: William to look into Brent's findings around the funding and see if there is any more that can be done to resolve the issue.
Pooja: EIP 663 , EIP 1380, EIP 1985, EIP 2045 and EIP 2046 are tentatively accepted and will require benchmarks. Istanbul has been split into two forks. Accepted in fork 1 and fork 2 will have tentatively accepted EIP.
Brett: Timeframes for forks?
Pooja: Istanbul 1 post Devcon5 and Istanbul 2 in Q1 2020.
Charles: None
Brent: From Issue 4362 there appears to be a discrepancy between what was donated and the final number.
Brett: A calculation error perhaps?
William: This does not appear to a be a calculation issue. It is very odd.
Brent: I worked with Kevin Owoki through the spreadsheet the numbers add up. But from what was donated and what was received there appears to be about $1000 off. Kevin is looking into it.
William: Is it appears a bug with uniswap?
Brent: Disagree. Uniswap was correct. It is the Gitcoin donations that do not add up.
William: Will work with Brent after the call to get up speed.
ACTION 17.1: William to look into Brent's findings around the funding and see if there is any more that can be done to resolve the issue.
Pooja: Just want to raise awareness that the following notes have not yet been funded see link
Brett: I will do a quick review.
Charles: Will arrange for payment once reviewed.
- ACTION 9.4: Multisig keyolders to work on seperating the funds.
- ACTION 16.1: Lane and Brent to investigate the ProgPow Funding / ECH Gitcoin Discrepancy
- Brett Robertson
- Charles St Louis
- Pooja Ranjan
- William Schwab
- Brent Allsop