Action Item | Description |
63.1 | Decide on whether to pay for marketing for the website |
63.2 | Create NFT for London Upgrade |
63.3 | Further discuss how we can make the ECH scale, including roles and responsibilities of new roles required, as well as adjusting to funding |
- Summary:
- Contents
- 1. ECH updates
- 2. ECH Blogs & survey
- 3. Peep an EIP
- 4. ECH Discord moderating & engagement
- . ECH funding
- 6. Discuss and close the ECH GitHub Issues/PRs
- 7. Review of outstanding action items from previous ECH meetings
- 8. Open discussion
- Annex
Shilpa Karkeraa joined the call. She's the founder and CEO of Myraa Technologies ( Shilpa has experience writing blockchains from scratch.
Update on the website outage. Previously, websites were self hosted. Since have upgraded and built a datacenter. The datacenter was undergoing AC changes. The power was cut during it, without notice. Some data was corrupted, and the server needed rebuilding.
Preventative measures. Confident this should be mitigated going forward.
Outstanding issues for the website have been resolved. The PR was merged, and deployed.
New Cat Herders have joined. Maybe those can be added to the website.
The monthly fees the ECH is paying is only the hosting and maintenance fees. Was wondering if there was capacity to provide a full time or part time role for marketing, the comapaign and graphic assets.
The website's purpose is to give most recent updates on what's Eth1 and Eth2. We provide the links for the resources to what's going on.
EIP Improvement Process meeting 37. No recording.
ECH engineering. Alita gave an update. Work being done on the EIP bot. Supporting multiple files. Adding asset management. The banner for the EIP website. The bot for marking EIPs as stale.
Alita asked for prioritizing.
- Banner PR opened
- The stale bot not a high priority
- Bug fix higher priority
Went through a couple proposals, with the new EIP editor in training. We went through the keypoints of how to do editing.
We'll be having one more meeting, which should be helpful. For anyone interested in EIP editing, please reach out.
Added a new playlist for stateless meetings. All the recordings are available.
It's still in the early stage of research.
The current partnership with Dappfolio is going on. Anyone interested in participating in the hackathon or workshop, please reach out on discord.
Making 4 videos on 1559 and the EIP that exposes the basefee as an opcode. Should be ready tomorrow.
Looking at getting an NFT to reward the people. Possibly looking at the NFT for fundraising, but may not depending on how much work it is.
William has found an artist, and is speaking with them, recruited from his company. There are a couple artists interested, and would get it out in under a week.
We should nail down what we're asking them to make. We will talk offline about it.
This month started slowly. Towards the beginning of the month, Litecoin did an EIP editor walkthrough. This may be recurring.
Spoke with someone from Status to make sessions between wallet providers, middleware, wallets, and dapps, to discover niche errors, and support for creating good issues, and streamlining interfaces.
- 63.1 - Decide on whether to pay for marketing for the website
- 63.2 - Create NFT for London Upgrade
Have publisedh 3 blogs in the past 2 weeks.
Creating a community call on 2nd of October on 14:00 UTC.
The idea is to bring all EIP authors of the EIPs getting in the upgrade, and have them answer questions. There is a reddit post linked in the announcement blog.
Includes progress round.
Working groups, related to protocol: Eth1.0, Eth2.0, stateless meetings, EIPIP meetings.
Started by William, he is leading the task. This is reporting what was achieved in the month of June.
For other people, if they would like to talk about their task, and want to share to the community, we would be happy to add that to the ECH Medium. Reach out to us.
The survey is closed now. We recieved close to 100 responses, which is pretty good.
We are working on a report, and hope to share that soon to the community.
This episode was about Ethereum since the beginning, and how we are seeing Eth2.0 coming along.
These are 2 special episodes for Ethereum anniversary celebration:
- "The Merge" with Mikhail K. on July 27 at 1400 UTC
- "Block Gas Limit" with Vitalik Buterin on July 30 at 1830 UTC
We think it's important for the community to get clarity on these, and see what's going on behind the scenes.
Follow more on PEEPanEIP schedule.
We are looking into moderating with bots. There are new channels - Verification, open task, hackathon, discontinued product help.
People who are verified, will be able to see the rest of the channels.
For open tasks, we are continously opening tasks with a bounty requiring volounteers.
We've also been posting job opportunities in Ethereum ecosystem in off-topic channel.
Funding via Gitcoin, ESP & Moloch.
Recieved the first tranch of ESP. Whatever funding we've recieved, we converted to DAI and USDC. The details are mentioned in the closed issues.
The Moloch grant has been approved. We will be in touch with that group to make the conversions and send to the multisig. Should wrap up by the end of July.
More funding we've sought from It's quadratic funding. Close to 5k ethstars raised from their round 7. We'll figure out how to convert it to DAI/USDC, and send it to the multisig.
To leverage and Gitcoin grants, we should be doing more promotion for them. Moving forward, a lot of it will be around social media.
- ethereum-cat-herders/PM
- ethereum-cat-herders/funding
Most issues have been resolved. Most funding has been paid out. One issue regarding a PR was merged.
- Meeting 62
No major action items from previous meeting.
If there is something new, or improvements done in our process, we'd like to hear about that. Leave a comment on the Agenda item, or reach out on the ECH discord.
Alita had a comment regarding ECH expanding its scope, because of new funding, and intiatives growing.
Was wondering if Pooja would like help. And if there was a plan for scaling the business process, so that it does not require Pooja always be present.
Alita is thinking about hiring more people to increase our scalability.
William doesn't think we have enough funding to hire fulltime members. With regards to internal ops, we should be looking into decentralizing it.
The processes are more decentralized than people realize, even though Pooja is a part of most of them.
This is a conversation we should have at length in the discord or with a dedicated meeting.
The funding is an issue. As we grow in funding, we may see growth in internal and external ops. However, we should take volounteers with internal ops, we would be willing to add them.
We could propose to request more funding, given our desire to scale up.
One idea is a paid or unpaid internship.
The first step may be clearly defining the role and responsibilities. As well as the end to end process of the organization.
Another possiblity is funding a bounty.
We can get in contact with some universities for interns.
We can look into identifying the manual work we have, and look into getting volounteers that automate that manual work.
Another conversation we should start with, is seeing what direction our growth will be in. As well, as then defining what roles we need.
We recieve people from the onboarding form. People are interested in contributing, but don't know where to go. This ad hoc meeting, we can invite those people, wrt to the new direction.
Another idea is to invite our stakeholder, people providing the grants, to the meeting on scaling.
If we come up with something new, it may not be funded day 1, but may be after it gains traction.
- 63.3 - Further discuss how we can make the ECH scale, including roles and responsibilities of new roles required, as well as adjusting to funding
- Alita Moore
- Michael
- Pooja Ranjan
- Shilpa Karkeraa
- William Schwab
- William Xuan
June 08, 2021, 15:00 UTC.