- BETA version 0.6.0 with minor breaking changes
- Lint rules and analysis options updated
- Also
to false requiring code changes - many other smaller changes and optimizations partially due issues #8
- BETA version 0.5.0 with stable null-safety requiring the stable Dart 2.12
- BETA version 0.5.0 with breaking changes compared to 0.4.1
- Quite extensive refactoring and partially fully rewritten
- Resource metadata domain model in "geodata" package #18
- Client-side support for calling reading GeoJSON web or file resource #10
- Mini-libraries provided by the package refactored:
- api_common
- Data source abstraction for client access of common geospatial Web APIs.
- api_features
- Data source abstraction for client access of geospatial features Web APIs.
- geojson_features
- A client-side data source to read GeoJSON features from a Web API or files.
- oapi_common
- Data source abstraction for client access of OGC API Common based services.
- oapi_features
- A client-side data source to read features from OGC API Features services.
- api_common
- Code also restructured under lib/src
- api
- base
- common
- features
- geojson
- features
- oapi
- common
- features
- api
- Alpha version 0.4.1 with minor feature/private code changes compared to 0.4.0
- Updated dependency:
(^0.4.1-nullsafety.0) for geo data structures - Small changes to adapt with changes by
- Alpha version 0.4.0 with breaking changes compared to 0.3.0
- Updated dependency:
(^0.4.0-nullsafety.0) for geo data structures - New dependency:
(^0.4.0-nullsafety.0) for common data structures - New dependency:
(^0.4.0-nullsafety.0) for generic data clients - Non-geospatial "client", "client_http" and "utils" libs moved to
- Removed dependency: http (^0.12.2) as was needed by "client_http"
- Removed dependency: http_parser (^3.1.4) as was needed by "client_http"
- Restructured lib/src folder fully:
- model
- base
- common
- features
- provider
- common
- features
- source
- oapi
- common
- features
- oapi
- model
- Restructured mini-libraries provided by the package:
- 'package:geodata/model_base.dart'
- 'package:geodata/model_common.dart'
- 'package:geodata/model_features.dart'
- 'package:geodata/provider_common.dart'
- 'package:geodata/provider_features.dart'
- 'package:geodata/source_oapi_common.dart'
- 'package:geodata/source_oapi_features.dart'
- Still the whole library is available by:
- 'package:geodata/geodata.dart'
- Refactoring code in many places too
- Alpha version 0.3.0 with breaking changes compared to 0.2.0.
- Updated dependency: geocore (^0.3.0-nullsafety.0) for geo data structures
- Adaptation to the geocore changes: feature, collection and geometry classes
- Now uses GeoJSON parser from the geocore package
- Updated example code
- Alpha version 0.2.0 with breaking changes compared to 0.1.0.
- Now initial version to read items resource (features) from OGC API Features
- Provider abstraction refactored
- FeatureProvider has features() and featuresPaged() methdos (both async)
- Mechanism to handle paged responses from OGC API features items responses
- New code example: read_features.dart
- Updated dependency: geocore (^0.2.0-nullsafety.0) for geo data structures
- New dependency: synchronized (^3.0.0-nullsafety.1) for concurrency
- Initial pre-release version, the API of the library is not stable
- Designed for null-safety (requires sdk: '>=2.12.0-0 <3.0.0')
- Uses as dependency: equatable (^2.0.0-nullsafety.0)
- Uses as dependency: geocore (^0.1.0-nullsafety.0)
- Uses as dependency: http (^0.12.2)
- Uses as dependency: http_parser (^3.1.4)
- Web API client abstraction
- Web API client binding to HTTP using "http" package
- Initial parser and provider to read data from a OGC API Features service
- Supported only reading "landing page", "conformance" and "collections"
- Other functions to consume OGC API Features are NOT supported (yet)