Scrapes the linkedin job posts on a country level.
Linkedin job search
has been written with Scrapy
. It can be customized with different criteria, as one can choose the country and the period of scraping, e.g. Finland.
The retrieved information is:
- date_posted
- title
- company
- location
- city
- region
- country
- seniority_level
- employment_type
- job_function
- job_fields
- industries
- description
- job_url
The job information will be stored in a Postgresql
The process can be done by calling the scraper to crawl the data with the following command. Two arguments should be given to the scraper:
- country: the name of the country. If it has more than one word, just replace the
. e.g.New_Zealand
. - period: the basis for the scraper to look for. options are:
cd src/linkedin_job_search
scrapy crawl job_scraper -a country=finland -a period=daily
Running the scraper periodically can be done with crontab
job with the
helper script.
Open and edit the cron table with the following command:
crontab -e
Then, add the job and modify the command:
00 24 * * * /bin/bash /path/to/ >> /path/to/logs.log 2>&1