This project uses Web Speech API in which it converts text to speech. There are various things you can control like voice, rate, pitch & text. Then it converts text into speech format.
- Learned about Web Speech API where there are two things
. One recognise the speech of & other read text & tell it to speech. SpeechSynthesisUtterance
Web API. Learned a lot about it. Its various functions that can be used liketext
& various other useful things.window.speechSynthesis
this has many functions likespeak
& this is where we put our speechSynthesisUtterance object into.- Learned more about the input fields & how to access them & modify them in JavaScript.
- About various voices availale in our browser & how to them.
- If anyone want to understand about then I would suggest this article. I read it & got the basic understanding of how to use it.
- Made responsive website & make it look aesthically pleasing.
- In
it has event calledvoicechanged
event that we used to detect that all things loaded.