remove pytest options which are not needed
remove pytest options which are not needed
release from branches instead of tags
release from branches instead of tags
release from branches instead of tags
release from branches instead of tags
see if remove ${{}} helps to publish
see if remove ${{}} helps to publish
Update readme with getting started for the library
Update readme with getting started for the library
run publish workflow only on tags
run publish workflow only on tags
update to publish to instead of test
update to publish to instead of test
add a publish github workflow
add a publish github workflow
move pytest to dev group
move pytest to dev group
remove poetry.lock and fix python versions
remove poetry.lock and fix python versions
update github workflow to work with new flake
update github workflow to work with new flake
attempt to use nix to run tests in github workflows
attempt to use nix to run tests in github workflows
use the shell for poetry so the github workflow runs
use the shell for poetry so the github workflow runs
run tests in github build workflow
run tests in github build workflow
add a github workflow for building the package
add a github workflow for building the package
pin nixpkgs to 24.05 stable and update lock
pin nixpkgs to 24.05 stable and update lock