A social media android app dedicated for Students. This app provides a platform to students to engage with other students and help each other academically. It functions just like
any other social media app.
The app uses Firebase realtime database, storage and authentication to support its features and is developed by me (Saifullah) and my friend Abdul Hafeez Sajid
- Login/Sigup with Firebase authentication
- News Feed
- Search and Filter news feeds
- Join an academic community/group (Chemistry/ Biology etc)
- Edit your posts
- Submit Proposals on other users posts.
- Read/Accept/Delete Incoming Proposals on your posts.
- Notifications
- Manage/Edit your profile page.
- Follow other users/view your followers
- Chat with anyone
- Delete/Disable Account
- Download uploaded images from the app
- A Books marketplace (no payment interface integrated)
Drawer |
Profile |
Update Profile |