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saildot4k edited this page Jul 28, 2019 · 19 revisions

Welcome to the MSS54-XDFs wiki! Here we hope to compile a list of most common items to adjust.

Idle Speed Adjustment

Aux Fan Speeds

Idle Speed Adjustment

  1. NSOLL_AC (RPM) (Target Warm Idle)
  2. NSOLL_START (degC, RPM) (Start Idle Map)
  3. NSOLL_GRUND (degC, RPM) (Warm Idle Map)

Aux Fan Speeds:

  1. K_ELU_TKA (degC, Fan Speed)
  2. K_ELU_V (Vehicle Speed, Fan Speed Ratio * K_ELU_TKA)
  3. K_ELU_KKOS_ERSATZ (Fan speed when there is no IHKA communication)
  4. K_ELU_KKOS_Xof16 (Fan Speed based on AC Load)

When removing AC, zero the values in K_ELU_KKOS_ERSATZ and E_ELU_KKOS_Xof16), so that fan does not run at the 60% default.